Post your Trump v Biden predictions
Post your Trump v Biden predictions
Landslide 2020 faggot. Buckle up.
It doesn't really matter he ain't doing shit
Checked newfag, also. Who's not doing shit? Elaborate.
First for red Oregon in 2020
>Winning North Carolina
The man's down 8 points there.
Michigan and Arizona are not going blue.
Michigan might go blue, Biden won it in a landslide against Bernie. Arizona though is probably staying red.
>Biden won it in a landslide against Bernie
I want you to think about what that statement means. It means that on average, even the Democrats in Michigan are more conservative than Bernie. They voted for Biden because they would rather have him than Bernie. Michigan as a whole is still going to vote for Trump.
Arizona has reached terminal spic. Once they're more than 50% of the pop it's over. Michigan went red by a hairs breath against the Wicked Witch of the West. Biden's got it in the bag.
>Michigan went red by a hairs breath against the Wicked Witch of the West. Biden's got it in the bag.
People do not have the same motivation for Biden as they did for HRC. If HRC couldn't beat Trump, Biden can't either. Face facts user, it's going to be Trump 2020.
>Face facts user, it's going to be Trump 2020.
Those digits are strangely encouraging
That's a funny fucking map.
Trump in a landslide over that child molesting faggot
Is it that year where arizona becomes permanently blue or is it 2024?
NC, Navada, Az, MA will not go blue. NC is literally one of the reddest states. you are a fag.
MI* not MA
It's probably this year, 2024 Florida perma blue, and 2028 Texas perma blue. All terminally browned.
>Nevada is a California Colony
>Arizona has been terminally beaned
>North Carolina is FILLED with Niggers
>Michigan went to Trump BARELY
I like how you are either a stupid duck or a disingenuous fucks ignore that the rust belt is trending red
You ducking defeatists fags have been saying this shit forever literally
2008 is the last year Texas goes red
2012 is the last year Texas goes red
2016 is the last year Texas goes red
2020 is the last year Texas goes red
Just fucking off yourself already
i dont think trump will win this year because he barely won in 2016 against a super hated candidate, had a massive hype wave he doesn't have anymore and the country is even browner now
biden is shit tier too so maybe he'll barely win again but i doubt it.
>against a super hated candidate
She was hated by conservatives, not liberals. Even liberals don't like Biden. He's a creepy rapist that sniffs people's daughters on TV.
Dude have you seen Biden give a speech? He can barely form a coherent sentence. Trump is going to rickroll Biden at the debates and easily win. Maybe not by as high of a margin. It depends on how chink flu plays out and Biden's VP pick.
its democrat memes. the non-shill date is and was always 2028
I love how some of you are like ''demographic is destiny ann coulter is right!'' but then you deny it happens when election time comes because you want your guy to win so badly you cant think straight
Texas has literally been getting bluer every year you fucking moron.
we're going FULL neolib boyos
This is exactly my thinking. Trump loses to Biden
Will PA stay red?
Trump landslide victory
>people do not have the same motivation for Biden as they did for Hillary
LOL what? Literally no one had motivation for Hillary, not even Hilldawgs.
This time, after four years of President shithead, we dems are more than motivated to vote thatvfucker out. I don’t care if Biden is senile. I’d sooner vote for an actual Orange than president “I take no responsibility, but I have total power”
No way Red PA was a fluke.
He almost fought some guy in Michigan because the guy was reminding him about how he said he was going to take our guns away. The debates are going to be hilarious.
>Trump is going to rickroll Biden at the debates and easily win.
thats the only chance. if he's just slightly bad in debates, he's gonna win
>Literally no one had motivation for Hillary
Yeah I'm sure all those people that were actually crying after she lost, posting on twitter about how they're "literally shaking" didn't have any motivation. Can't whitewash history faggot.
More people have left your party than are, "remotivated," or whatever that's supposed to mean. You and I both know you faggots were out in full force for Shitlary and lost your ass. Buckle up to cry again at the Jacob Javits center with the rest of your soiboys.
> Biden
> Nominee