Why aren't you voting for Biden?
>$15/hour federal minimum wage
>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
>public option for health insurance
Why aren't you voting for Biden?
>$15/hour federal minimum wage
>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
>public option for health insurance
Other urls found in this thread:
Hair sniffer.
lol stfu faggot
>>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
Shit, looks like I'm RWB.
To see the DNC Crash and Burn for being evil sacks of shit
Only way I'd vote for this fag is if I got ubi
>DNC promises
>coming true
$15 minimum wage will kill more small businesses than coronachan has
UBI is the answer
Trump is never gonna give you UBI lmao. At least with Biden, he will forgive your student debt and offer you health care
>believing this bullshit when he is the one that wrote the bill to federalize student loans and therefore unable to declare bankruptcy on them
Fucking morans. Rope when? Leave the room.
Go to sleep, Joe.
8 years with Obama in the White House and none of this got done even with Democrats controlling both houses of Congress.
>implying Biden will ever do any of that
If trump does trumpbuks for 2000 a month forever, he wins and we enter the American Imperium.
shill fkn better, probably cost more but aye yall sux at this anyway rofl
>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
What percentage of Americans make more than 125k? I thought that was a good salary
Because he's a fucking pedo and sold our country out to china.
I keep forgetting who he is. Where's Cornpop?
>forgive your student debt and offer you health care
Dont have any student debt and have healthcare. And I dont want to pay for either of yours. So, fuck off.
>free public college
>more retards indoctrinated
Hard pass.
trump literally giving me ubi right now nigga where u at
Why on earth would I vote for a guy with literal dementia to be in charge of the largest most powerful military force to have ever existed on earth?
That sounds like a terrible idea.
>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
That's like 95% of the US
why dont you go vote for Vermin Supreme. Real candidate too btw. Fuck almost forgot too, FREE PONIES
how mentally deranged do you have to be to
a) actually shill for this pedo nigger
b) actually thin he has a chance
c) not kill yourself
Because I wouldn’t benefit from any of that bullshit
I’d be the one taxed for it
>>$15/hour federal minimum wage
>>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
>>public option for health insurance
I don’t need any of this shit because I’m not a loser faggot like OP
I dont wanna work for dat money dawg, trump just be sending me checks for 1200. Trump my nigga now. I got outa bidens ride last week. I hopped on the trump train nigga. CHOO CHOOO NIGGA
>dissolving the United States of America's national sovereignty.
>policy stuffed with gibs, special interest favors, removal of rights, and anti-business talk. Oh, it will all pass. No congressperson wants to go on record voting against the National Defense Authorization Act.
>business as usual, but since it's blue team that makes it more most gooder
>national polling of a presidential election
They never learn.
>>$15/hour federal minimum wage
>free public college if your family earns less than $125,000
>student loan forgiveness if you earn less than $125,000
>public option for health insurance
Biden can't do any of that shit, even if he wanted to. All of that requires Congress.
I would never vote for a Democrat presidential candidate because the most important thing a president does is nominate lifetime appointed federal and Scotus judges.
hasn't he effectively reversed that bill?
It is, not many people make that much - in Civil engineering, 125-200k is usually the role of principle / discipline leader
>federal minimum wage
Central govt using the "regulate interstate commerce" clause. Because of this I have to meet a quota of useless niggers and females on my payroll that are not even worth minimum wage
He'll forget about all of that. He's senile. But he won't forget to grab all of the guns. So he can suck on it while he loses the rest of his mind.
Free college = The colleges are 60% Chinese citizens and 35% illegals. Enjoying waiting inline for that 5% while the cost of living doubles and you need 6 roommates.
kek the former bernie shills are shilling for biden now, as foreseen by everyone
must feel that bern on the butthole though, DNC being BIDEN'D