He just won

He just won.

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mark my words, 2020 will be the year when degeneracy ,SJW , Pedo and Feminist cringe will start to END for good, ending probably in 2025.


Based taco

One can only hope Jose.

That video cracks me up. But imagine what it does to Democrats. Their slaves are being stolen from under their noses.

>he actually thinks trump is on his side

Attached: ABSOLUTE UNIT.jpg (480x360, 8.7K)

I pray to God you’re right.

fucking hate everything about twitter but those tweets are pretty funny, especially "If trump thinks 1200 dollars gonna earn me his vote then he rite, where i go to vote?"

it matters little to me if he is on our side or not, we are not weak like commies, we can trough capitalism work our way trough and if Mexico ever starts to die, the best of us will migrate to other countries that accept us and give the best quality of work and persona to them.
>also that memeflag
hello chink how is your day so far

I'm going to be real fucking depressed if life goes back to being as boring as it was like 5 years ago.

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2020 will be the year whitoids get btfo indefinitely
2020 is the year of the dragon
china will rise the West will fall
the calendar needs to be restart and be year one of the year one of the Chinese age

Go back to bed Chink

It's a one time thing, so by the time the election comes they will have already forgotten about it. Trump should announce that he will test the universal income thing, try it for some months and then see what happens

>be you
>be chink in america
>live in own flesh the goods of capitalism
>stills likes more comunism dictatorship
can a person be more retarded?

I'm also seeing light at the end of the tunnel

It will only end when right wingers get off their high horses and start treating leftists like the enemy of humanity they are. Enough with this "hur dur they are pansies and snowflakes we go guns so we will win"

If not, then no, it'll continue.

Go eat a bat, chang.

Based Catalan.
But weren’t you guys the Rojos during your Civil War?

OK Chang

Not him, but the franquistas wanted to kill every regional language and to destroy every autonomy, so of course catalonia was more pro republic. And not all the people who fought for the republic were commies or anarchists

Fuck. You can't even grammar well enough to hide your ching chong origins.

Got ya.

I am doubting that he wins again. Americans only think about the now.

Nigger you really think he won't line up a 1500 payment end of October? You really are a low iq nigger.


by any objective measure, Trump has been much better to nigger than Obama was.

But how will I read children's books to the childrens...think of the childrens you monster. How dare you!

Attached: DragItOut.png (1920x1080, 1.02M)

Donald just have to keep giving away Trumpbux until November and for sure he will win.

Nigger^2 that's what I've essentially said, did you even read my post?

>year of the dragon
It’s the year of the rat you literal retard.

I can actually see that, most of shilling media sites are fucking done, PC culture is getting more and more ridiculized by the normies as time goes on, libtards are eating each others, this is it folks, we are winning

he was never in jeopardy of losing retard

blacks fucking hate that shit too
maybe if we can encourage their fathers to actually be fathers then there could be a solution

Gave me a smile on this shitty CCP-ruined morning. Vibes.

Doesn't load for me, what am I missing out?

SJW is already dying, THANK GOD. Those insufferable faggots are hated by all.