What's that feeling

when you realize that you're actually dumb? There was definitely a moment in my life where I suddenly became aware that I'm actually not smart at all. After that there's been in tint in how I see stuff. Whats that feeling called? Disappointment?

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If u realized this then u are not so dumb.

How do you know there is not a tint that makes you see yourself as dumber than before because of low-self esteem issues?

How can you trust your intuition at all?!?

What do you mean you are dumb? In what way?

Socrates called it wisdom

I actually never thought, i was smarter than everyone more or less i thought i had average intelligence, sometimes a bit below everyone because i saw different things that nobody could see despite it being obvious but apparently everyone believed in it, i don't know honestly most of the times i do feel like i'm in wrong because of it not being popular opinion or common knowledge, i feel like i'm actually missing something.

When I had my IQ tested and it was 74. Which is not far from being mentally retarded. I was actually examined in grade school and they were considering putting me in special education with the other retarded kids. So, I was put in classes with the stupid, although, not retarded kids. Most of my classmates were black.

Something different happened in 5th grade. I won the spelling bee for my school and went to the state tournament and ultimately lost to 8th graders. When I got back, my teacher told me that I shouldn't be in his class then I was transferred to a class with normal kids in the middle of the school year. I struggled in that class because the assignments we were given were all unfamiliar to me. So, I was sent back to the class with the black kids again.

Dumb people are actually the master race. Because we understand what we're capable of and not. It's the midwits that think they're intelligent but actually aren't and greatly overestimate themselves. Most smart people are midwits as well. Genius is a rarity.

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is it you again, froglegs?

>when you realize that you're actually dumb?

It means that you're getting smarter.

You're definitely not retarded user, with an iq that low there's no way you could operate a computer let alone type as well as you do. Your IQ test was wrong.

Different types of intelligence are a real thing, if you are not academically smart you must be smart in some other aspect, don’t worry too much user you just have to find your thing

get re-tested

It's called getting old, user. Have fun.

When i was in middle school they made me take an iq test because they thought i was stupid because i never spoke, i never did homework or payed attention in class, it turned i had above average intelligence (nothing high enough to brag about) but i had high functioning autism

I'm not stupid, I have ok IQ but I wish to be a genius big brain iq 140 but i have only iq 109

you're not dumb op, you just think too much.

I scored 137 on my childhood IQ test. My brother scored 145. My parents made sure to always remind me that I was inferior to my brother, giving him opportunities to go to magnet schools, space camp, etc. while telling me to just 'do the best I'm capable of.' The inferiority complex doesn't go away.

I was tested at 139 and I'm a total loser, cronic bad decision maker.

Enlightenment... dumbass

How can a literal nigger retard write this out but I a 180 IQ übermensch get bored after a few paragraphs


it's called self awareness. Congratulations, because it actually makes you smarter than 90 percent of the population who completely lacks the ability for self reflection.

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Dude it sucks. I just finished law school and have to work at my dads office because I couldn't get an articling job on my own. Worst part is I had brain surgery 5 years ago and I actually can feel the lack of brain capacity or whatever it takes to complete overtly complicated tasks. It's a hard thing to come to terms with that you're less capable than the next person. It still hurts, but I feel my unique experiences will set me apart.

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if you realize you're dumb, chances are high that you are not really dumb. you're just not as smart as geniuses.
prolly just average. It's better realizing that there are some thing you simply can't understand and admit that, instead of being a pretentious prick that has to show how smart he is (eg. "i fucking looooove science" n stuff) while he shows that he lacks the ability to understand.
try to do your best to improve you in the Matters and Terms you are able to, and you'll be fine bro.
you don't need to understand everything.

Ennui? Just use whatever word you like but say it with confidence.

The more we learn, the more we learn that we do not know much at all.

A 74 IQ isn't mental retardation. I'm aware that I'm not retarded, just stupid.

gold words my friend.....

Now that you've come to consciousness; whenever you read something or somebody says something, and in your head you say "fuck i have no idea what that is or don't know anything about that"- take some time and read/learn about that thing. Even if its just a big word that you hear; look up its definition, and try using it yourself.

The advantage you now have is that you are aware of your deficits (whereas most people just shrug off the glaring gaps in their knowledge) - now you just fill the gaps, one day at a time

like this

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Null is an autist.

I am atleast obviously dumb when it comes to school and math. I failed algebra 2 last year (junior) and will probably fail statistics this year. A huge part is motivation but when everyone else in the class is passing it hints that I'm probably overall pretty dumb in that sense. My GPA is like a 1.5

drug abuse in my late teens dumbed me down a lot, now ppl are smarter than me and i dont mind. I remember everyone used to seem very slow to me and caused me a lot of anguish, now im average and its kinda chill i guess.

Dude, it hit me like a ton of bricks at around 25 or 26. Not that I'm dumb, but that I'm just... normal intelligence. I get bored with long winded philosophical descents into the is, was, being, meaning, purpose, blah. And math just bores me to tears. I can do it, but I feel like I'm solving a dumb puzzle with no reward.
I played guitar for 10 years and never learned the name of a single chord. Not one. Not a single one. I only know the pentatonic scale because it's do re mi.
I'm a software engineer for 15 years. I hate doing new shit. I don't want to learn new frameworks or languages, and the only way I will is if it's absolutely necessary to get shit done. I'm not enthusiastic about knowledge.
I'm happy with surface level pop sci discussion of the universe and science. I don't care about how it really works.
I just want to be numb most of the time and enjoy a calm, quiet time by myself.
Stumulating discussion bores me. I'm just fucking normal, and that's all I'll ever be.
I read 300 books or so. Then just stopped reading. I don't care.

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74 IQ is fucking sub-saharan nigger tier, if your IQ was really that low we'd be able to tell just by what you post. Hell at 74 you probably couldn't even solve these fucking captchas to post here. You might not be smart, but your IQ definitely isn't 74. They fucked you over, I would definitely get re-tested.

Oh yea same here tons of weed and acid and adderal.

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intelligence is like car's speed
you can be a super car with +250 mph or you can be a just average car with average speed

Nearly everyone in a functioning society is a midwit. Actual geniuses get crushed out. Genius might actually be rare because they're incomprehensible to women.

My mother was a genius woman, but she used her talent for crime. -_-


Yeah well he's dead and I'm getting a Ph.D so who's the dumb one now, Mom

I came across that moment very early in my life, probably around 14 or 15, when I was failing pretty much all my classes. I don't understand a lot of obvious things everyone else does, I can't see the bigger picture, and my knowledge retention feels like it's in the negatives. It sucks OP, but at least you weren't born in Africa.

its called humility
being wise means you must first understand that you know nothing.

Sorry about your brother user.

Thats pretty much my case also dude. Fucking he'll

I'm not even smart enough to piece all those sentences together in writing like you just did

Dumb people deserve love too ya know!