Rooms of Yas Forums

Rooms of Yas Forums

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Thats not ur room until timestamp

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Timestamp not valid unless written on dick


Thank god

Can someone explain to me how you nasty fuckers, who brag about all the free time you have, never find the time to clean your fucking apartments?

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Beaner blanket as wall decor


very based
sound quality is as important as visual, maybe more

The wife wanted the pink lights. But to be fair they are good reading lights

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plz no flam, i crai

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There is so much cringe wrapped into this post.

how is it cringe?

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would saying ;"it looks like a crime scene photo." be flam?

What because it's not cluttered? That room is for sleeping only we like it very spartan.

because it isnt your room fuckface

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nice feet

Turn on a light and don’t use flash

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the only light I have in my room is those christmas lights

I don't believe that's your bedroom.

Goddamn newfags don’t know how to reverse image search.

You nerds made this into a cringe thread.

I'm literally laying on the floor right now but I'm indoors. So that's good

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>the grease spot on the wall

My bed used to look like that. Now I just sleep on the floor


The floor is good for straightening out your spine, sometimes.

its a hole covered with white duct tape, unless you are referring to the patch where the drywall paper got tore off


you should replace them or alternate some safe far UV lights to disinfect and hopefully kill your sperm before it impregos her

This guy fucks.

No. It's your dirt and dead skin and everything else you have rubbed on the wall next to your mattress.

I thought my room was bad. I ain't posting a pic on this epic data mining thread tho.
Bro wash your sheets. You sleep on that. That's nasty.

Dick not valid unless cooming up your own nose

oh, that

Why do you have strombolis on your desk

How long have you been hooked on smack?

Room threads are my favorite. Mods better not fuck this up like they do every other good thread.

Fucking hideous, neck youself fagootoot

people dont really live like this do they? This is al larping right?

I wagekuk 6 days a week and. well fuck man you know

It feels really good on my back right now


It would take 30 minutes to clean this shot hole. Do it

This. If glowniggers want to see my room they have to turn my camera on

Fucking hell do you just shit on your bed? You fucking pig.

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Fuck this data mining and dox attempt...

Sigh. I'm so depressed.

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I take back what I said on an earlier post about that dude needing to neck himself... i hope he lives a long life after beating you death... also, neck yourself

I don't see what the problem is, this is hundreds of times cleaner then how I live

Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider,
Who sat down beside her,
And said, "Hey! What's in the bowl, bitch!"

>Just because it appears on the internet doesn't mean it's your room
Who the fuck do you think took the first picture, fuckface?

currently in a rental house. The bedroom has really big windows it's not safe. So our bed is in the living room where for some strange reason has a tiny window much safer.

>this guy wears pants at home

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Tell me about the vice, what is it for?

For the love of christ op, if you're gunna be poor at least be clean for chrissake

Would you rather spend a day cleaning or being comfy? Now just repeat that scenario everyday and you see how there is no time left for cleaning.

Room kraut not desk

they watch me wank.

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you know they can already map your house in live time through your wifi router right? not to mention your phones and watches and every other piece of tech you own

delete yourselves, in minecraft

Green light is better. Better for your eyes and studies have show it helps with headaches and healing. I prefer blue but blue is not good for vision.

the virgin bedroom
the chad living room

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Trigger jobs and such. I found it at a flee market for 5 dollars. I haggled the Mexican down to 3. One of the best purchases I ever made.

Prison? Looks comfy.

Dildo with honey mustard, noice

very good fren, did you buy that st system for that room originally?

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Good thing i dont buy tech and live in a box. Ho.

Because it's a stock photo


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