>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
>where we go one we go all
trust the plan
patriots in control
Hopium Crisis
>JFK still sealed
>Most immigration ever
>Guns first due process second
>Epstein committed suicide
>Imran Awan
>Assange in jail
>50 miles of fence
>King of Israel
inb4 discord tranny
inb4 kike shill
"Hopium" is such a bullshit kike term. Like "transphobic". A thing is either true or false you stupid nigger. Your perception of what emotions it might inspire in people doesn't change whether it's true or false. That can only be determined by arguments and evidence. The fact that you eschew arguments and evidence in favor of neurolinguistic programming is indicative that you probably can't argue against the "hopium". Possibly because of your debilitating melanin disorder which adversely affects your IQ
See >The fact that you eschew arguments and evidence in favor of neurolinguistic programming...
Your entire post is ad hominem you collosal douche
>The fact that you eschew arguments
Yes, qoomers are retarded, but take my advice: don't acknowledge them.
They will swarm your thread and then Q threads will pop up in the catalog for the rest of the day. It's extremely annoying. It's like when you were a kid and tell him that Digimon is better than pokemon, then for the rest of the school year he's constantly nagging you about how cool pokemon are.
Just ignore them.
Thanks for sharing the video though I'm going to watch it now.
I made this thread to challenge them and bring truth to lurkers.
^searchable qpost archive. decide for yourselves, user
>2018 will be glorious
Anti-Q people constantly say Q tells people to "do nothing". This makes no sense. What is it that Q is preventing people from doing?
>hurr durr boomers would be marching on the capitol and stringing up traitors from lampposts if not for Q
This is stupid on its face, and funny every time.
>Q is keeping people from going full terrorist
This seems to be the pure glownigger position, encouraging people to engage in criminal activity.
>Q is keeping people from being activists or organizing or researching
Q followers spend all their time doing this, though. Through social media they spread awareness of things like Epstein and Pizzagate like never before. On the Qresearch board they dig like few on Yas Forums ever do anymore. The spread of the movement worldwide demonstrates the extent of the organization of people attempting to wake up more people.
So what is it that Q is preventing people from doing? The irony is that the same people who whine and bitch that Q is too cryptic or vague, subsequently are cryptic or vague about what they think Q is preventing people from doing. Anyone want to offer an actual answer?
>protip: nobody will
>Adam Green Promoted crew
NO thanks, go back to lidddit you kike scum
he even larps as a viking, fucking Poser , typical jew
Wait, I thought indictments were coming in 2019?
American revolution part 2: The Kosher Bonfire.
Sadly that will never happen, thanks Q
Or are indictments coming in 2020?
So hard to keep track
>no answer
As I said.
No it's not Paco. There are ad hominems for sure, but only as an addition to the overall argument that saying "hopium" isn't an argument but is suggestive of a conscious inability to argue. The insults were because he deserved it. Not because they are sufficient arguments unto themselves.
Oh, okay you got a list of items. In that case, your initial non argument is now an argument. And here I was expecting a fully articulated argument of any kind in support of something clear, but shit dude, you got the only thing more incontrovertible, a list of random items, connected by nothing and communicating nothing in particular! Damn, qoomers BTFO by le based redditors again
If these people had evidence, why DID THEY NOT go after them when we were in lockdown?
Nothing happened faggots.
>sadly millions of people won't die in a bloody uprising
>because of Q
I can't imagine how stupid one has to be to think a LARP would hold back genuine revolutionary sentiment.
Why do so many onntbis board have such a hard on to hate Q followers? You're becoming more annoying than the "Qtards" themselves. Amazing time we live in, "you believe in something I don't so I must spend day and night harassing your ideas and opinions".
I gave you the answer
Q is stopping US nationalists from becoming too aware of the Jewish grip on the US and roasting them alive.
>They think they belong here
Go back Nigger, go promote kike green elsewhere, What is next That faggot Mersh is gonna tap dance in the thread to a line of coke.. begone kikes
Q has more than enough proofs to be a possibility. What else do we have? TDoTR isn’t coming anytime soon.
Why would I address your post directly when you refuse to address my multiple posts directly?
>List of items
an itemized list of failure and betrayal, more accurately.
The only Q tards left on Yas Forums are Qushner shillbots. Twitter retards try to desperately keep it alive but it's dead. Normies holding Q shit at events are paid to do it. It's all fake, everything's bullshit, and we're in the nightmare technological dystopia now.
This. No larp could ever pacify people. The idea Q is holding people back from taking action is the most retarded, glowing statement I've seen on the phenomenon.
Q niggers are some of the most deluded fucks on Yas Forums. The motherfucker has been DEAD WRONG more than once, but the act like Q is the messiah. Where's those indictments, queers?
Nobody said it's a larp. The main criticism of Q is that he's a Jewish shill larping as a US nationalist, when in reality it's probably a kike manipulating people into a docile goyim state.
>in a Second American Revolution only kikes would die
Holy shit. I mean, thinking that a LARP would be enough to make the genuine thirst for revolution dissipate is one level of stupid, but thinking that patriots wouldn't also be slaughtered in the process of destroying the kike matrix is a whole other level of abject foolishness. Holy shit.
If anything Q has made normies question more. My mom just asked me about Bill Gates Microchips and shit.
Patriots died in the American Revolution. It was worth it.
I think American revolution 2.0 will be glorious, I would put down my life if God called me to wage war on the ZOG.
>You have to address everything I've already said before I will deign to respond properly to you
>thinking anyone would care about your opinion this much
Still not even attempting to make any arguments? Okay then. Here's an itemized list of everything you've put in your mouth in the last hour