Aus/Pol/. Citrus glauca Edition
Only Cobbers.

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Wrong flag faggot

>The Prime Minister has revealed his "preference" is to give mobile phone users a choice on whether to sign up but he has not ruled out a "Plan B" of making it mandatory.

tfw receding hairline at age 26, at least I can grow beards

anyone else feel like they're gonna be bankrupt + have every footstep, cough, sneeze and toilet breaks tracked by scomo in the next month?

No such thing ASIO. One Dominion, One Oath.

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nah because my parents both still have an income, and me and my brother are getting double neetbux, imagine not living at home

i'd have to cross the border to move home which sucks

Just a question, do you consume your basedbean based products raw?

Might have to cross some sea as well.

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trees are for fags you twat

Mayonnaise him

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>he has not ruled out a "Plan B" of making it mandatory.
basically, he needs to find out if the high court will allow it. They already have the hysteria of the people, giving them essentially carte blanche on where they can restrict freedoms and increase powers. can't let a good crisis go to waste

So I finally convinced my wife to do the MBTI test.
>be me
>autistic INTP
>be married to sane, sensible woman
>she's ISFJ
>absolute 100% normie of normies
Is this the secret to a solid family life for us anons?
Marry a normie wife and lead her to put her normie hopes and desires into a strong, healthy family?
No word of a lie, an intelligent and clever woman who I can sit late into the night discussing philosophy with excites me - but had I married a woman like that we would have driven each other mad by now.

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Someone get me scomo on the phone and tell him he owes me seven hundred and fifty dollars.

>mandatory coronachan app
>don't have smartphone
Oh no, how will they track me now?

Scumo can fuck right off.

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would rather go to leaf land then set foot in England again. That whole island has an aoe demoralisation debuff

yea make it mandatory and after coronavirus is finished he will "turn it off"

>government mandated phone
>microchipping like a dog
if they push the fear enough, the statists in the population would become unpaid commissars themselves, basically the jannies of irl.

Will save up to move to Australia once I quit smoking.

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You've got the right idea lad.

Careful there ASIO.

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Yeah I'm not too worried. I grow my own food, have two trades and teach mathematics.
Also have a large network of white, evangelical Christians who would rather die than get microchipped (genuinely believe that's the mark of the beast, as though anywhere outside of the Middle East matters for Middle-East focused biblical prophecies).

don't know how you will do that when the country is already full

The state of the Antipodes.

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>rather die than get microchipped
I could see the benefits of having people microchipped, but there is not a society, government or organisation that I trust enough to be in charge of it.

>I could see the benefits of having people microchipped
people that are just released from jail should be micro chipped

Sudos will be dropping as soon as Covid-19 hits their communities so that's more space for me.

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Holly fuck, ScoMo has normalised a kind of Inquisitor.

> not tell the truth to the contact tracers
Are these Contact Tracers, ScoMos religious fanatic truthsayer Witcher Hunters?

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Bad year 2015. People stopped listening to think-tanks in 2019. Glad to know Labour here is unelectable. We can both we thankful we aren't in NZ though.

>So I finally convinced my wife to do her horoscope

How does it feel to be stupid, user?

Disgraceful for Anglo-Celtic culture to have any form of inquisitor. Would've told Scumo to go fuck himself.

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