A Timeline of Trump & Covid-19

Jan 3: The threat posed by the Wuhan epidemic is first mentioned in the daily briefing to the White House by U.S. intelligence
Jan 8: The World Health Organization warns that the 50 pneumonia cases in Wuhan may be caused by a new deadly virus related to SARS and MERS
Jan 13: Christian Drosten, who co-discovered the original SARS virus in 2003, now director of an Institute of Virology in Berlin, publishes the first paper on how to test for covid-19 ( "Diagnostic detection of Wuhan coronavirus 2019 by real-time RTPCR"). The test is adopted by the World Health Organization, that begins to circulate it. The USA istead decides to develop its own test.
Jan 18: Alex Azar II, Trump's health and human services secretary, calls Trump to warn him of the likelihood of a pandemic
Jan 19: Trump's adviser Peter Navarro, an expert on China, warns the US government of the possibility of a devastating epidemic that will cost $3.8 trillion to the US economy
Jan 20: Chinese scientist Zhong Nanshan confirms human-to-human transmission of the virus and the news is broadcast on national television CCTV
Jan 22: Tedros Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, begins daily news briefings to warn the world that the virus is spreading and "we have a window of opportunity to stop this virus, but that window is rapidly closing"
Jan 22: Trump is interviewed from Davos on CNBC. Q: "Are there worries about a pandemic at this point?" A: "No. Not at all. And we have it totally under control."
Jan 23: China locks down the metropolis of Wuhan, an epochal event reported all over the world, that clearly shows the gravity of the epidemic
Jan 24: Trump thanks China in a tweet: "China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency"
Jan 30: The World Health Organization declares a global public health emergency

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Jan 31: Trump bars most foreigners who recently visited China from entering the USA, but no returning US citizen is screened
Feb 2: Trump is interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News. Q: "How concerned are you?". A: "Well, we pretty much shut it down."
Feb 5: The CDC sends faulty test kits to about 100 labs and prohibits the use of any other test kit (for example, New York is forbidden to use its own working test kit)
Feb 5: After senators meet with Trump administration officials about the threat of the epidemic, one of the senators, Christopher Murphy, tweets "Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough."
Feb 10: Trump at a rally tells thousands of people that: "when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away"
Feb 14: A memo by the National Security Council titled "U.S. Government Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus" advises "significantly limiting public gatherings and cancellation of almost all sporting events, performances, and public and private meetings
Feb 19: Trump speaks on a Phoenix television station: "I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along"
Feb 23: Trump declares that the virus is "very much under control. We had 12, at one point. And now they've gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered."
Feb 23: Trump's adviser Peter Navarro again warns the US government of a "covid-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1.2 million souls" and "could inflict trillions of dollars in economic damage" (read excerpts here)
Feb 24: Robert Kadlec of the Health and Human Services Department present Trump with a plan titled "Four Steps to Mitigation," advising quarantine and lockdowns
Feb 25: Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warns on television about the danger of the epidemic

Feb 26: Trump says at a coronavirus briefing that "When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
Feb 27: Trump at a White House press conference predicts that "It's going to disappear. One day - it's like a miracle - it will disappear"
Feb 28: The World Health Organization has shipped covid tests to more than 50 countries that requested it while the USA still doesn't have a working test
Feb 28: Trump at a South Carolina rally blames CNN and MSNBC for creating unnecessary panic and later writes a tweet mocking "Cryin' Chuck Schumer" who argued that the USA should be more aggressive in fighting the virus.
Feb 29: Trump praises his actions as "the most aggressive taken by any country" when in fact the USA is one of the few Western countries that is not taking any action.
Feb 29: The F.D.A. finally approves New York's test kit and New York can start testing
Feb 29: Trump's surgeon general Jerome Adams tweets "Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!"
Mar 2: Trump interviewed by Hannity on Fox News: "It's very mild"
Mar 3: Stephen Hahn, the F.D.A.'s commissioner, promises one million tests by March 10 ("By the end of this week, close to a million tests will be able to be performed.")
Mar 4: Italy has 3,089 cases and all schools and universities are ordered to close but visitors from Europe are still allowed to enter the USA
Mar 5: Trump, interviewed by phone on Sean Hannity's show, minimizes covid-19's threat to the USA, accuses the World Health Organization of disinformation, and suggests that infected people are safe to go to work: "I think the 3.4% is really a false number... a lot of people will have this, and it's very mild - they'll get better very rapidly, they don't even see a doctor, they don't even call a doctor... I would say the number is way under one percent." (Note: he calls it "corona flu")

Mar 6: Trump while touring the C.D.C. says that "Anybody that wants a test can get a test" but is contradicted by the CDC itself (the only available test kits are defective)
Mar 6: Trump while touring the C.D.C. tells a reporter: "I like this stuff. I really get it. People are surprised that I understand it. Every one of these doctors said, 'How do you know so much about this? ' Maybe I have a natural ability. Maybe I should have done that instead of running for president."
Mar 6: Trump discusses keeping sick US citizens on a cruise ship off the coast of California because he doesn't want them counted in the US total (quote: "I would rather because I like the numbers being where they are. I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault. And it wasn't the fault of the people on the ship either, OK? It wasn't their fault either, and they're mostly Americans. So, I can live either way with it.")
Mar 6: The Atlantic calculates that only 2,000 tests have been performed in the USA (article). By comparison, tiny South Korea is testing some 10,000 people a day.
Mar 6: Patty Murray, a member of the Senate's health committee, sends a letter to vicepresident Mike Pence, to health secretary Alex Azar, to CDC director Robert Redfield, and to FDA commissioner Stephen Hahn asking: "Please provide an explanation for why the Covid-19 diagnostic test approved by the World Health Organization was not used". She receives no answer.
Mar 7: Trump declares from his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida: "I'm not concerned at all. We've done a fantastic job" while no (working) test kits are available anywhere in the USA
Mar 8: Ben Carson, Trump's secretary of Housing and Urban Development and a member of the White House's coronavirus task force, encourages "healthy individual" to attend a large-scale Trump campaign rally (quote: "there's no reason that you shouldn't go").

Mar 9, 7:47am: Trump tweets that "last year 37,000 Americans died from the common Flu. It averages between 27,000 and 70,000 per year. Nothing is shut down, life & the economy go on. At this moment there are 546 confirmed cases of CoronaVirus, with 22 deaths. Think about that!"
Mar 9: The situation is so serious in Italy that Italy enacts a nation-wide lockdown, the first time in history, but visitors from Europe are still allowed to enter the USA
Mar 10: Trump at a Washington press conference declares that "It will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away."
Mar 10: The CDC announces that 78 state and local health labs in the United States have the capacity to test people for covid-19, which means that about 75,000 people can get tested, obviously a number far lower than the one million promised on March 3.
Mar 11: Trump finally admits a crisis with an Oval Office address and bans most Europeans from entering the USA, but tens of thousands of returning US residents are exempted and not tested (despite the fact that all the clusters in the USA started with returning US residents)
Mar 12: Trump says that "frankly, the testing has been going very smooth"
Mar 12: Ashish Jha, head of the Harvard Global Health Institute states that "Our response is much, much worse than almost any other country that's been affected" and uses the words "stunning," "fiasco" and "mind-blowing" to describe how bad the US has acted so far.
Mar 12: Pandemic expert James Lawler writes in an email "We are making every misstep leaders initially made in table-tops at the outset of pandemic planning in 2006... We have thrown 15 years of institutional learning out the window and are making decisions based on intuition."
Mar 13: Trump declares a national emergency in the USA, and commercial firms are finally able to start testing for covid-19, almost two months after the first case was detected in the USA

>Feb 2: Trump is interviewed by Sean Hannity on Fox News. Q: "How concerned are you?". A: "Well, we pretty much shut it down."
>Feb 5: The CDC sends faulty test kits to about 100 labs and prohibits the use of any other test kit (for example, New York is forbidden to use its own working test kit)
>Feb 5: After senators meet with Trump administration officials about the threat of the epidemic, one of the senators, Christopher Murphy, tweets "Bottom line: they aren't taking this seriously enough."
>Feb 10: Trump at a rally tells thousands of people that: "when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away"
>Feb 14: A memo by the National Security Council titled "U.S. Government Response to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus" advises "significantly limiting public gatherings and cancellation of almost all sporting events, performances, and public and private meetings
>Feb 19: Trump speaks on a Phoenix television station: "I think the numbers are going to get progressively better as we go along"
>Feb 23: Trump declares that the virus is "very much under control. We had 12, at one point. And now they've gotten very much better. Many of them are fully recovered."
>Feb 23: Trump's adviser Peter Navarro again warns the US government of a "covid-19 pandemic that could infect as many as 100 million Americans, with a loss of life of as many as 1.2 million souls" and "could inflict trillions of dollars in economic damage" (read excerpts here)
>Feb 24: Robert Kadlec of the Health and Human Services Department present Trump with a plan titled "Four Steps to Mitigation," advising quarantine and lockdowns
>Feb 25: Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, warns on television about the danger of the epidemic

>Feb 26: Trump says at a coronavirus briefing that "When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero, that's a pretty good job we've done."
>Feb 27: Trump at a White House press conference predicts that "It's going to disappear. One day - it's like a miracle - it will disappear"
>Feb 28: The World Health Organization has shipped covid tests to more than 50 countries that requested it while the USA still doesn't have a working test
>Feb 28: Trump at a South Carolina rally blames CNN and MSNBC for creating unnecessary panic and later writes a tweet mocking "Cryin' Chuck Schumer" who argued that the USA should be more aggressive in fighting the virus.
>Feb 29: Trump praises his actions as "the most aggressive taken by any country" when in fact the USA is one of the few Western countries that is not taking any action.
>Feb 29: The F.D.A. finally approves New York's test kit and New York can start testing
>Feb 29: Trump's surgeon general Jerome Adams tweets "Seriously people - STOP BUYING MASKS!"

jag sätter slumpmässigt svenska här haha suger det

Mar 14: Tens of thousands of unscreened US citizens fly back to the USA from Europe, and on arrival are forced to wait in crowded rooms with thousands of other unscreened passengers
Mar 15: The USA is now the 8th country in the world for covid-19 cases after China, Italy, Iran, Korea, Spain, France and Germany.
Mar 16: Trump at the White House tells reporters that "Relax. We're doing great. It all will pass." Asked by a reporter how he would score his administration's response to the crisis on a scale of one to 10, he replies: "I'd rate it a 10. I think we've done a great job." Meanwhile, with no guidance from Washington, 40 states have declared an emergency over the virus, 29 states have closed all schools, millions of people are already working from home, the whole San Francisco Bay Area (including Silicon Valley) has placed itself on lockdown.
Mar 19: The USA is now the 6th country in the world for covid-19 cases after China, Italy, Iran, Spain and Germany
Mar 22: The USA is now the 3rd country in the world for covid-19 cases after China and Italy
Mar 24: Margaret Harris, the World Health Organization spokeswoman, tells reporters that "we are now seeing a very large acceleration in cases in the USA" and could become the new epicenter of the epidemic
Mar 24: During a live town-hall meeting (which was actually held not at a town hall but at the White House), Trump says: "We lose thousands and thousands of people a year to the flu. We don't turn the country off... We lose much more than that to automobile accidents. We don't call up the automobile companies and say stop making cars. We have to get back to work... We're not going to let the cure be worse than the problem... This was a medical problem, we are not going to let it turn into a long lasting financial problem."
Mar 28: The USA (population 0.3 billion) has more people infected with covid-19 than the whole of east Asia (population 2 billion)

Mar 31: The number of people filing for unemployment benefits in March is the highest of all time (6.6 million)
Apr 2: Trump says that "complainers" (i.e. state governors) seeking greater amounts of medical supplies "should have stocked up" before the crisis, laying the blame on powerless states for his government's delays in releasing medical supplies from the USA's strategic stockpile created by his predecessors
Apr 2: Trump claims that the USA has tested more people per capita than any other country, when in fact the USA does not have a central source of statistics on testing, most of which is done by private labs, and the most widely-cited count is an unofficial count by the Covid Tracking Project, which collects data provided by journalists and scientists, and that count shows the USA as testing a lot less than other countries (here)
Apr 3: After claiming for two months that they are useless, the CDC recommends that people wear face masks, but Trump promptly declares that he will not be wearing one
Apr 3: Donald Trump tells governors that they are on their own, that they should not expect help from the federal government
Apr 4: China donates 1,000 ventilators to New York
Apr 9: Two genomic studies (one by Harm van Bakel's team at Mount Sinai and one by Adriana Heguy's team at NYU) show that New York's covid-19 epidemic originated from Europe
Apr 9: Trump accuses the World Health Organization of basically having misled him (but somehow the rest of the world wasn't misled because Trump was one of the few leaders who downplayed the gravity of the situation)
Apr 10: Trump accuses China over the covid-19 epidemic, the same country that he had praised for its "efforts and transparency" on Jan 24
Apr 11: The USA surpasses Italy for highest death toll in the world from covid-19
Apr 12: Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, admits that lives could have been saved if Trump had listened to the experts (Yahoo News)

In comparison to the response of other countries and US politicians, he's right. I'd rate it 11/10 if I could.

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Hi I'm op just taking a break from my meme flag to let everyone know I'm sucking one cock each in between these posts. Cheer me on guys!

Apr 13: Trump again repeats the claim that the USA has tested more people per capita than any other country, when in fact the USA does not have an official count but all unofficial counts show that the USA has tested half of the people tested in Italy
Apr 13: Seven northeastern neighbors (New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island) announce a coordinated strategy to reopen business, ignoring Trump. Three western states (California, Oregon and Washington) announce their own coordinated strategy, also ignoring Trump.
Apr 14: Instead of admitting that he caused the delays that are killing tens of thousands of people, Trump blames the World Health Organization, that in January 22 had publicly stated "we have a window of opportunity to stop this virus, but that window is rapidly closing". He accuses the World Health Organization of making all of the mistakes that he has made since the beginning.
Apr 14: Two epidemiologists, Britta Jewell and Nicholas Jewell calculate that tens of thousands of lives could have been saved if the USA had acted just two weeks earlier.
Apr 15: Fox News (Trump's propaganda network) spins the conspiracy theory that the virus was made in a Chinese lab and ignores the theory that the virus was made in a US lab.
Apr 16: Trump addresses the nation saying that the USA has passed the peak of the pandemic, crediting his strategy ("it is clear that our strategy is working, and very strongly working") when in fact each state adopted its own strategy and there never was a national strategy

Delete this entire thread. NOW.

Nooooooo! Delete this thread!

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> memeflag
> skipped the military games at Wuhan

Have you seen Taiwan's response?

dumb frog poster

>Has the most cases in the world
>has the most deaths in the world
>1/3rd of the cases world wide are in the USA

oh yea, they are handling this thing worse than us for sure!

>Day 1: Existed

This is the real problem.

>Apr 15: Fox News (Trump's propaganda network) spins the conspiracy theory that the virus was made in a Chinese lab and ignores the theory that the virus was made in a US lab.
ahahahahaha confirmed chink chill.
>Apr 16: Trump addresses the nation saying that the USA has passed the peak of the pandemic, crediting his strategy ("it is clear that our strategy is working, and very strongly working") when in fact each state adopted its own strategy and there never was a national strategy
governors work daily with the federal government dumbass.
sage goes in all fields.

A fair comparison would be all of Europe vs the US. Honestly, comparing a place of 400M people to a country with 60-70M people is the funniest shit I've ever seen in my life.

and the best part is that you morons will double down on this forever, even though you KNOW how fucking dumb this is.

Per capita retard.

US: 93.61 deaths per million
France: 263 deaths per million
Spain: 397 deaths per million
Belgium: 383 deaths per million
UK: 190 deaths per million
Italy: 358 deaths per million

Show sources for your claims or your a faggot

Have your seen Brazils response you jungle nigger

America’s 20 percent positivity rate is disquieting. The U.S. did almost 25 times as many tests on April 15 as on March 15, yet both the daily positive rate and the overall positive rate went up in that month. If the U.S. were a jar of 330 million jelly beans, then over the course of the outbreak, the healthcare system has reached in with a bigger and bigger scoop. But every day, 20 percent of the beans it pulls out are positive for COVID-19. If the outbreak were indeed under control, then we would expect more testing—that is, a larger scoop—to yield a smaller and smaller proportion of positives. So far, that hasn’t happened.

>y yea well if you ignore the actual numbers and look at these numbers that are percent based and not human lives

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July 2019: The CDC issues a "cease and desist order" to the top-secret laboratory of Fort Detrick, run by the US military, that is conducting research on lethal microbes such as the Ebola virus, because the lab does not show "sufficient systems in place to decontaminate wastewater", i.e. out of fear that pathogens could leak out

August 2019: A wave of lung pneumonias is blamed in the USA on vaping from e-cigarettes

Aug 5: The CDC closes Fort Detrick

September 2019: (Several websites mention Japanese tourists who got sick while in the USA in September but no website knows their names, which convinced me that this is fake)

Oct 18, 2019: The World Military Games open in Wuhan with 300 people flying from the USA

October 2019: It is alleged that 5 of the 300 US citizens visiting Wuhan for the World Military Games are hospitalized for a pneumonia-like infection, but this story is debunked by the Chinese themselves

Nov 24: The CDC reveals that Fort Derrick reported two breaches of containment in 2019

December 2019: The outbreak in Wuhan

Jan 22: ABC7 quotes documents from the CDC outlining safety violations at Fort Derrick during 2019

Jan 25: Kristian Andersen at the Scripps Research Institute posts his analysis of 27 available genomes on Virological.org and concludes that they had "a most recent common ancestor" - meaning a common source - as early as 1 October 2019"

Jan 29: Biosecurity expert Richard Ebright of Rutgers University debunks the theory that the virus was leaked by a bioweapon lab

Jan 31: Science Magazine quotes Daniel Lucey, an infectious disease specialist at Georgetown University, as asserting that "the virus was already circulating silently among humans before it contaminated the seafood market"

Jan 31: Indian scientists publish a sloppy study (later retracted) that claims similarities between the covid-19 virus and the HIV, the basis for several conspiracy theories blaming the US for making the covid-19 virus

Feb 16: Chinese scientists Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of Guangzhou's South China University of Technology publish a paper in which they hint at the possibility that the virus was leaked accidentally by Wuhan's Center for Disease Control and Prevention, located 280 meters away from the Hunan Seafood Market. Others note that Wuhan hosts an Institute of Virology, China's only biosafety level 4 lab. This is the origin of the mirror conspiracy theory: that the virus was leaked from a Chinese lab.

Feb 27: Chinese respiratory specialist Zhong Nanshan states at a press conference that "though the COVID-19 was first discovered in China, it does not mean that it originated from China"

Mar 5: Yanzhong Huang, senior fellow for Global Health at the Council on Foreign Relations, debunks both conspiracy theories

Mar 12: Zhao Lijian, the spokesperson of China's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, tweets that "It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan"

Mar 17: Kristian Andersen's team at the Scripps Research Institute publishes an analysis of the coronavirus' genome showing its likely genetic path as it jumped from animals to humans but also states that "no animal coronavirus has been identified that is sufficiently similar to have served as the direct progenitor of SARS-CoV-2" ("The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2", Nature Medicine paper). The paper is widely credited with debunking the conspiracy theory but it contains that unnerving statement.

Mar 17: China expels 13 US journalists working for the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal, the first time since Mao's times that so many US journalists are expelled. While this is officially done in retaliation for the USA classifying five Chinese-owned media organizations as foreign missions, de facto it silences foreign investigations into the Chinese outbreak and inflames conspiracy theories on what China may be trying to hide.

Apr 1: The CDC reopens Fort Derrick's laboratory

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Thanks for confirming you are an actual retard.

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he's incorrect. It's actually an 11/10.

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lol not opening the thread but HOLY FUCK your amount of shilling and effort puts other shills to shame. Chang, bravo!

Now kys

>Jan 22: Tedros Ghebreyesus, director general of the World Health Organization, begins daily news briefings to warn the world that the virus is spreading and "we have a window of opportunity to stop this virus, but that window is rapidly closing"


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>679K is really less than everyone else!
>it's just numbers bro.