After all this time, this is finally it Yas Forums

After all this time, this is finally it Yas Forums.
>not getting trump bux since i dont qualify
>covid-19 is a nothing burger and wont reset the world like i wanted
>mom is a pedo and molested me when i was 6
>dad is a meth head
>caught my sister watching tranny porn last week
>college drop out
>work min wage job
>barely making it
>dont enjoy video games anymore
>spend literally all my free time on Yas Forums

Welp. It was fun while it lasted bros. Since you guys have kept me company after all these years,
I'll finally return the favor. I'll be live streaming my suicide, stream starting in
roughly 5-10 minutes. Goodbye friends, I'll miss you.

Stream link (using pastebin since its being detected as spam):

Attached: IMG_2394_000_21311.jpg (1944x2592, 957.77K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't do it user

Don't do it

stream it

don't do it man

Don't do it please.
Imagine if people killed their oppressors and not themselves. The world would be a better place.

Don't do it bro

DO A FLIP FAGGOT! you selfish pussy, remember before you go, suicide is a one way ticket to hell you dumb fuck. Taking Gods greatest gift, life, and tossing it in the trash, fuck you and good riddance.

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None of those things seem that bad to me but whatever

usual discord tranny

>mom is a pedo and molested me when i was 6
Tell more

there is always a light at the end of the tunnel

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user, don't do it. You have a duty to your race (even if you're not white).

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>mom is a pedo and molested me when i was 6
Go on.

Don't do it user.
But if you really, truly are going to do it, which would be a horrible decision and make lots of anons sad, then assassinate someone or something along the lines of that instead of just contributing to gun statistics.

Dude pls pls pls tranny porn is ok

You've got 5 extra bullets, user. You might as well hold off untill the boog.

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I've never understood how people become alcoholics, the feeling of being drunk isnt that great and it makes you more ill than most major diseases the next day

if you hold out longer you will stop giving a shit and life gets better, not great but alright

Go get a new dust filter for your Hoover MaxExtract PressurePro model 60.

>getting trumpstein bucks because I qualify
>virus is amusing and probably going to create a financial/economic crisis which will serve my political motives
>mom was a psychologically abusive sociopath who instilled in me distrust for holes and the ability to lie well
>dad is a good-natured, honest, hardworking man who continues to have my back despite my myriad fuck-ups
>haven't spoken to my siblings in years
>college graduate, dual STEM
>haven't worked in over a decade
>physical gains ever increasing
>realized vidya was a waste of time years ago, only keep up on it so i have something to talk about with the under-25's i fuck
>stopped using Yas Forums for like 3 months until today, just got tired of a the degenerate faggotry and pornspam everywhere
>smoke weed daily, stopped drinking because i didn't want to be an alcoholic
>99% sure i've got covid and still feel pretty good
Don't be such a pussy.

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Don't do it man, keep on fighting.

I like your thinking.

would apocalypse with/10

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Don't use discord you faggot, use facebook live since there's clearly no moderation on there

Why don't you turn your disappointment and anger towards something more productive?

Dont do it user. Sell everything and start a new life somewhere completely different. Your life is in your control alone, you can make it into what you want.

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Let's assume he's white. How can he save anything? He sounds like he could be an incel. I'm not an SJW tranny but I'm saying he won't have a beautiful white family. That's a pretty big blow. He doesn't have the marbles to lead some white business or something idk lol he's probably not an idiot savant that can create art either. Way I see it he can only bide his time until some magical declaration happens. That's depressing shit .

Op wont fucking delivar an hero. Fag op nevar delivars.

Take a last stand

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lol your mom molested you, really?
I tell people my father starved me half to death after locking me in a room with my mentally handicapped brother who shit everywhere and no one cleaned that up...
but it was only one time.
phrasing it pike that seems like an ongoing theme, so what she touched you high on heroin ir something and was confused or generally molested you on a weekly basis?

yeah my mom was a hero junkie and so was my proper father character who killed himself

point being OP we are pathetic
and I have made these threads

I have no answer for you except keep drinking
you might finnaly snap and attack someone, and it’s a lot of fun let me tell you

what movie is this

But user you can collect IP's in discord.

He won't do it. Whether this is an elaborate larp, or he pussies out on stream, OP will not deliver.

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>killing yourself instead of going saint brenton

Has anyone clicked the link? Is it safe?

Fag is just streaming a movie
>MFW i didn't get to see someone shoot themselves

Also killing yourself is kinda lame. If you in situation like that, than you are already dead. So i just dont see any reason why to actually kill yourself, when you can do anything because you dont care anymore, like a kamikaze.

Its the pol discord I believe, ain't clicking that shit.

Don't bother.

nothing is enjoyable when you are depressed. i promise that you will enjoy things again.

>op is planning to kill himself
>is using discord because hes worried about getting "shoah'd" if he uses YouTube
That's the last of your worries if real OP

I get it but don't do it. Uncle Adolf would be sad

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You’ve been through a lot of shit brother
I’m sorry
Don’t do it

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>not getting trump bux since i dont qualify
>work min wage job
Literally how??

Hes probably white

I think a lot more women molest kids than they let on. I would go as far as to say that they molest more kids than men do simply because they have the opportunity to and they think nobody will suspect them.

Don't do it user. Things are about to get exciting.


i like that gun can u send it to me plz

Things really are about to get wild why would you miss this ride, nobody's going to believe what's coming user stay with us

What if he’s not white?

whatever it is, something can be done about your situation.

there's no reason to kill yourself now. at least wait until tomorrow. what's the rush if you're going to be dead anyway.

You are not going to fix anything with this. I dont care how shit your life is. You are still here. Kick life in the cunt. Join AA or ACA. You might not become a billionaire, but you can still become a counselor for drug addicts and abused children. You can rise above this and help other people heal from their own trauma.

T. I am a 32 year old 3 time college drop out, NEET, raised by abusive alcholic mom. Still lives with my invalid dad and have to figure out how to support a family i wasnt prepared to have in the middle of the chinese viralgeddon. Trust me, shit can always get worse.

15min in, and still nothing op = fag.

Why not kill Jews first user

>Yas Forumsfaggots suddently develop empathy after blowing off thousands of deaths every week.


Carry on with the good work user. God’s speed.


He's one of us fuckface. We're the most diverse supremacist organization in the world, and he needs to live to help see our goals through

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cant tell if b8 or not, but i really dont want to watch the stream and find out


We never interact with those fucktards. Why have empathy for someone you've never possibly had any connection to? Are you fucking retarded?

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May peace be with OP. May he be with the Father in Heaven. Bless him. Rest in Peace.

That's the real reason I'm trying to dissuade use of that platform

did he died?

Don’t do it user.


It's literally nothing, and he posted a shill link to some random tranny server.

Pol easiest board to troll