Risk your life to take my order, essentie

Risk your life to take my order, essentie

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I had mackies for the first time in months. God it was fucking delicious.

Are you daring me to spit in your food user?

I'm tired of all of you non-essential niggers breathing all of the essential white man's air

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>ordering from the right hand side
Clearly unamerican photo.

What did you order?

if you aren't an essential worker you aren't white.

Risk your life to get your daily fat intake merchant

When I go back to Germany, I want to go back to their MCDonalds. They have fucking waffle fries.

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Damn that's a nice McDriveThru. Where's it at?

Looks to be somewhere in Europe.

yeah but only 3rd world refugees work at McDonalds here, and they dont wear gloves.

You won't be laughing when everyone working at mcdonalds gets $25k for "Hero" pay.

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How about KFC? I didn’t get to try it.

How fast can you get your order in a first world country?

Is that a McRib on the right? Haven't had one of those in 20 years and I still sometimes get a phantom sensation

Damn, that looks good.

That's an american stop sign.

it´s the same bro.
the only white people who work in fastfood chains are some easteuropeans.

There are barely any KFC´s in Germany. I was once at KFC in Prague. I liked the "zinger" burger. But the wings and fried chicken didnt taste so good ... the french fries are shit too.

Oh shot. The car in the background looked to have some sort of thin license plate but its blurry.

Fuck that sounds like normal KFC just like in the states.

In my country McDonalds are closed for a month now and probably one more.

Eating food made by biggers and dropouts, probably sick too?
Hope Corona Chan herself makes you a special treat

If I was a McDonalds wagie right now I'd feel very proud to be upholding the American way even if it cost my life.

I'll take things that won't happen for $400, Alex.
Though it would be nice. I'm "essential" but only have to come into an empty office for four hours a week and still get paid for 40.

I want one so bad

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Why do you hate freedom?

Real chads use the left lane and cut off anyone who orders first on the right

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Damn, no wonder OP never came back.

It might be. A lot of people who live overseas keep their license plates and put them on the front as a vanity type plate. Especially around military bases.

There are still retards eating out?
Fast food workers are the quickest way to catch anything out there.


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bros i miss cheeseburgers so much

I'm essential and I work from my home, that means I also can go anywhere I want whenever I want. Best of both worlds.

Me too user, me too.

I dunno I don't feel like they're in that much danger anymore at McDonald's.
All the lobbies are closed and the only contact they have is handing you a bag at the drive-thru, honestly how contagious can handing out a bag and taking some bills then sanitizing after every order be?
The real fucked people are the grocery store employees.

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Even after a month of closed McDonalds I still have mcchicken sauce withdrawals

The real heros are the undocumented persons and now they're getting the proper care they deserve.

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Nigger you're risking your life to pick up that order.

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might as well just write a 125$ million check to mexico

this makes no sense whatsoever

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How to bait votes 101

Looks like the ones we have in Aus

They charge you per ketchup packet like you're in a spic neighborhood. Fuck that.