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Sup negros?
Ready for the 9th (ninth) default in our history and the 5th in the last 40 years?
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Sup negros?
Ready for the 9th (ninth) default in our history and the 5th in the last 40 years?
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As soon as an Argentine baby is born, stomp it the fuck out.
Now before some NIGGER tries to mock us for this, first try not rank near or above us in this ranking.
at least we are 56% huwhite,....and the rest commie, feminist and fag.
i love this country.
I'm ready
>We've only had 2 Defaults previous to the 1950s
Grande Milei prediciendo el estado de nuestro país
To be homest I don't think this graph is accurate. I'm pretty sure Portugal has default in the 80's as well.
But so it begins, Argentina is the first. It's expected for the house of cards to crumble in South America because of that. Then probably infecting north America and Europe and then only God knows.. We are being thrown 20 years back in living santandard levels. It's going to be a funny ride
If we fall, Brazil goes with us since we are their Nº1 importer. Also Uruguay tends to copy our crisis.
See the 2001 Argie crisis, 2002 Uruguayan crisis.
What is is with South America being unable to pay debts?
I appreciate Europe/Murica fucks you over a lot but out niggering Greece is really something special.
Reminder: coronavirus doesn't exists and it will be used as a scapegoat for everything
Because crashing the economy which will affect 39 million people was a better option than letting the virus roam free and kill 20 thousand people tops (but since it doesn't exists, the kill rate would have been 0 anyway)
Peron Peron que grande sos mi general cuanto vales.
Brazil can survive without us.
All they need is to weather this chinkflu and find customers in europe.
cuando peron le empezo a dar cosas gratis a los negros el pais se vino a abajo en picada.
q tristesa.
: (
y ni que hablar de la puta de la mujer.
5-6 generations of low iq groids grown fat on gibs will do that to ya.
Fucking populism.
desu, the economy was crashing any way.
Covid19 has been a godsend to el beto. He gets to blame the plague for our default and score some brownie points on account of his handling the pendemic.
Well you can see several military and political crisis tend to be followed by Defaults.
In our case it was the 1824 Bating brothers 1.000.000 pounds debt that Rivadavia took and we ended up paying in 1903 with over 4.000.000 pounds paid.
In the 1890s was yet another Barings Bank inversion on our railroads led by our president (((Juarez Celman))) that never returned the interests.
But since then we were doing fairly well considering the 2 world wars.
Perón fucked up buying the overpriced Anglo Railroads and with his planned economy.
And then a succession of bad loans and military dictatorships fucking up everything, and when they didn't the people themselves kicked them out to put corrupt politicians in charge (Argentine Revolution).
The Junta (1976-1982) kickstarted the huge debt. Then Neolibs in the 90s made it endemic and eternal.
Y pensar que hace meses el Ministerio de Economía de Brasil y Argentina abrió estudios para la unificación del Peso argentino y el Real brasileño, todavía estoy pensando en las consecuencias si esto hubiera continuado.
An absolute disaster. For you, at least.
>todavía estoy pensando en las consecuencias si esto hubiera continuado.
You dodged a bullet there Brazil user.
Tal vez sí, quién sabe, pero no tengo dudas de que esto iría a Uruguay y Paraguay de manera similar a lo que sucedió con el euro en los años 90 y 00.
nah we're absolutely fucked, regardless of what happens to you
Depends on how you handle that and what kind of influence each country would have on the unified central bank, it would have been an easy way for us to control the inflation and it would have forced us to do some reforms to pay our debt and avoid our industry fleeing even more to Brazil.
Reminder that many tried to warn us.
But Boomers were too busy being degenerates in the age of M#nem.
I think it gave him some leeway to enforce his authority but at the same time he's quite tame where it matters, had to run behind the unions and appease them, of course the other party kinda led him to do that because it meant easy money/power.
also, here's a small /argpol/ telegram chat:
we are about 8 guys sperging about local happenings and foreign ones, so far no spooks.
Do check your privacy settings and avoid using your own name if you prefer.
Oh wow so this is your economy on P*ronism then, just how doomed are you demographically anyway? We've still got villages and small towns n'shit but for La Plata it looks like you're all urbanized.
Yes, and we would have to take into account our political stability, which in 2019 left a lot to be desired.
>Mexico (8)
wait, what?
Actually there's only one big city + sprawl (Buenos Aires) which has about 10M people, the other 4-5 relevant cities about .5-3M each and after that it's all just small towns.
How solid is Bolso position now?
We have 1/4 of the population concentrated in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area the rural areas still have small towns and smaller cities, after most trains closed in the 90's a lot of small towns just died, but yes we are doomed demographically, spiritually, economically, and in every other aspect, fuck this nation.
Must be nice having so much wild space, in Britain we've got metasizing 1mil+ hives all over the place, only place that isn't contaminated are isolated pockets.
Look on the bright side for you all you've gotta do to escape is grab a truck and drive into the pains.
tbqh Argentina is probably the country that changed its demograpics the fastest of all majority european countries, but no one cares about us not even ourselves
Toughest redpill 'round here:
Urbanization was force onto us in the early 1900s to create the slave race that now picks presidents and to monopolize the farmlands into a few dozen families and companies.
It is hard to racemix on a medium size town founded by European migrants and when all of the surrounding towns are the same. But it easy in a big cosmopolitan city.
What actually happens when a country defaults? Seems like you can just keep doing it over and over.
It start med with Madrid
>President De la Madrid's biggest legacy may have been his implementation of economic neoliberal reforms in Mexico, breaking with decades of economic nationalism, and beginning mass privatization of state-run companies, a process which would be further deepened during the administration of his successor, Carlos Salinas de Gortari.
A fucking (((globalist))).
He has a high military leadership in favor unconditionally, apart from that vice president is 100x worse than he (Mason). And although he has worn out with the minister of health, he still has strong support from the middle and upper class.
Explain this autism please.
It looks like you were the testing grounds for something.