Investigate Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation General: Sign the Petition Edition

Previous Threads
1.) 2.) 3.) We Call For Investigations Into The "Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation" For Medical Malpractice & Crimes Against Humanity. This is a General Thread now so please help bake if you are able.

As we look at events surrounding the "COVID-19 pandemic," various questions remain unanswered. On Oct. 18th of 2019, only weeks prior to ground zero being declared in Wuhan, China, two major events took place. One is "Event 201," the other is the "Military World Games," held in none other than Wuhan. Since then a worldwide push for vaccines & biometric tracking has been initiated.

At the forefront of this is Bill Gates, who has publicly stated his interest in "reducing population growth" by 10-15%, by means of vaccination. Gates, UNICEF & WHO have already been credibly accused of intentionally sterilizing Kenyan children through the use of a hidden HCG antigen in tetanus vaccines.

Congress & all other governing bodies are derelict in duty until a thorough and public inquiry is complete.

We've heard in thread 2 from someone who works at the Gates Foundation - seattlefag
RVANON has been dropping some truth bombs. Good stuff here.

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Other urls found in this thread:

182,070 SIGNED

>petishens achieve stuf

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Well, we gather 50,000 signatures today. Seems like a good start.

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Investigations don't achieve anything, assasinations on the other hand.

Huge find:

Government Concedes Vaccine-Autism Case in Federal Court - Now What?

The Vaccine-Autism Court Document Every American Should Read

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A few hundred thousand Indian kids suffered serious illnesses anc even deaths due to the vaccine programme Gates oversaw there too. The Indian gov kicked gates out by the finish.

>Don't Let Bill Gates Win
>Don't Let Bill Gates Win
>Don't Let Bill Gates Win
>Don't Let Bill Gates Win
>Don't Let Bill Gates Win
>Don't Let Bill Gates Win

Attached: Don't let Bill Gates WIN.jpg (600x438, 27K)


That’s a no from me dawg

Don't be silly. This was a Federal case.

Thanks for the bamp

You guys need to get a grip with reality. I don't know if this is just a game for you, or if somehow you actually believe any of the fiction you sling, but it's fucked up. Imagine being Bill Gates, this successful billionaire that actually achieved his dreams through his intellect rather than getting it all gifted to him, you know, the American Dream, and as he and his wife approach their elder years they leave the business behind, start dedicating their time toward doing some actual good. "We have all this wealth, Bill. We can make a difference, if we truly want to." They start charity foundations, promote global initiatives to help the needy across the world, speak with politicians and other significant figures in hopes that they can advise them in some capacity using all their research. Imagine those two people are your grandparents, and suddenly, in the midst of this global pandemic that they've helping the world prepare for, they go on Twitter or Youtube and look at the comments and see nothing but thousands upon thousands of ignorant people calling them devil worshippers, blaming them for the state of the world we find ourselves in, calling out for them to be tried and executed like we're living in the goddamn witch hunting era again. I bet that feels pretty fucking shitty for them, but you guys don't give two shits. He's just a billionaire after all, not a human. Not a father or friend to anybody. What does he matter?

I wonder how the future successful people of our world look at these events. We live in a time where sensationalist conspiracy theories thrive because the people crave the idea of it more than the actual truth. Personally, if I were one of those rising geniuses, I would reconsider success. Successful people become targets these days, and all it takes is one good, snappy lie, cast out like on a net on social media in hopes of catching a large mob of fools with a fetish for conspiracies and a distinct lack of critical thinking skills.

I think I've found a new copy pasta.


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stealing this pasta. Fucking brilliant.


Has anybody been forced to take a vaccine yet? Does a vaccine even exist yet? No? So you're fueling this sensationalist conspiracy theory on your future speculation?
Do you honestly believe anyone in the US is going to be forced to get the vaccine? No one is going to be held at gun point and told to get it. Rights still exist here. Bill Gates and other scientifically minded people speak like it's something everyone will get done because the majority of the population likes to pretend that the anti-vaxxer community doesn't exist. They're basically conceding that a handful of ignorant fools will refuse to get it, but since it's a small amount of the total population, them refusing to be vaccinated will ultimately do little to spread the virus in a post-vaccine world. I don't know what to tell you if you think anyone is going to be forced into anything here in the US.

Now, will you employer fire you for not being vaccinated, effectively forcing you to get it? That's a different story, and how the fuck should I know. It's the employer's right to decide.

Jews created COVID-19 (Bill Gates is Jewish)

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This Bill Gates psyop is retarded, there were many kikes and prostitutes behind Event 201 and many other institutions involved in the virus (including politicians, media, healthcare, biolabs...) and I hope rednecks don't fall for this distraction.

Bill Gates is Jewish, of course he worships Satan retard.

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Bill is front and center for this shit. Focusing on him is not a distraction. He is just one of thousands that need to be taken to justice for their crimes against humanity.

You guys need to get a grip with reality. I don't know if this is just a game for you, or if somehow you actually believe any of the fiction you sling, but it's fucked up. Imagine being Bill Gates, this successful billionaire that actually achieved his dreams through his intellect rather than getting it all gifted to him, you know, the American Dream, and as he and his wife approach their elder years they leave the business behind, start dedicating their time toward doing some actual good. "We have all this wealth, Bill. We can make a difference, if we truly want to." They start charity foundations, promote global initiatives to help the needy across the world, speak with politicians and other significant figures in hopes that they can advise them in some capacity using all their research. Imagine those two people are your grandparents, and suddenly, in the midst of this global pandemic that they've helping the world prepare for, they go on Twitter or Youtube and look at the comments and see nothing but thousands upon thousands of ignorant people calling them devil worshippers, blaming them for the state of the world we find ourselves in, calling out for them to be tried and executed like we're living in the goddamn witch hunting era again. I bet that feels pretty fucking shitty for them, but you guys don't give two shits. He's just a billionaire after all, not a human. Not a father or friend to anybody. What does he matter?

I wonder how the future successful people of our world look at these events. We live in a time where sensationalist conspiracy theories thrive because the people crave the idea of it more than the actual truth. Personally, if I were one of those rising geniuses, I would reconsider success. Successful people become targets these days, and all it takes is one good, snappy lie, cast out like on a net on social media in hopes of catching a large mob of fools with a fetish for conspiracies and a distinct lack of critical thinking skills.

You're naive.

They're eroding our rights while people like you turn a blind eye or are willfully ignorant.

>The sad part about all of this is that many parents don't have the choice of whether or not they want to have their child vaccinated; often it is taken out of their hands. In some states, there are no conscientious objection laws. If you don't vaccinate your children, you can't put them in school (Mississippi is one of these). In other states, if you refuse to have your child vaccinated, you are turned in to CPS for negligence. The child is then taken away and then they are vaccinated. Here's the article:

If they could do this with the parents' OWN children wtf makes you think they won't do it for the rest of the population.

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The only people that need to be taken to justice are the people that push this baseless conspiracy, but there is no justice to be had there. You can't arrest someone for being ignorant or for posting lies on a chan site that has a disclaimer claiming everything written here is fiction. We truly do live a clown world, where philanthropist American Dream heroes are painted to be demons, and people that type baseless lies online become seers of the new truth.

You going to post this shit over and over? It's good Pasta, but just up the thread like three posts.

Good Bread!!

Found the foundation employee.

>Imagine being Bill Gates, this successful billionaire that actually achieved his dreams through his intellect rather than getting it all gifted to him, you know, the American Dream

Bill Gates is linked to the Rotshchilds, Rockefellers and Soros' by 5 generations.

Self-made, my asshole.

he's 100% a crypto-jew and likely deeply intertwined with American finance oigarchs like rockefellers.

I wouldn't be surprised if this is actually Bill Gates typing.

OK, joomers.

joomer? what's that?
and one of them sound like a boomer

Truly an unbiased source, user. Yes, schools that are government-funded, aka public schools, have the right to refuse your child if they're not vaccinated, just like you have the right say no to their vaccination in the first place. Don't like it? Well then you need to seek an alternative form of education for your child, or a different school that won't have a problem with it. The right to choose works both ways, and you can't cry foul because people choose to say no to you over your previous choices.
The CPS thing is hardly the "norm" and there's still to this day constant discussion on the topic and how to approach it. To paint this scenario that "our rights are being taken from us!!" just because there've been a total of 4 (FOUR) cases in the past 75 years in which the court deemed refusal to vaccinate to be negligence, well it's dishonest. Here, you can read about all the times it happened in this unbiased study:

We just want the Jews to stop being evil towards white people (Multiculturalism, usury, satanism, wars for Israel, eating/sacrificing our children, etc). We want the Jews to return to Israel and be banned from our countries. That's all, Bill Gates and the elite are all Jewish.

Why should white people put up with these insecure Arabs (Semites) in our countries?

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