LYRID. this is what it's all the current gllobal bullshit is about.
>With written evidence of the event dating back to China around 690+- BCE, the Lyrids are one of the oldest meteor showers on record.
>The light show occurs when our planet passes through the tail of the comet C/1861 G1 Thatcher
>415 year orbit.
>debris cloud first observed 2,700 years ago
>Thatcher is a little sister of C/2019 Y4 ATLAS, among several other siblings and a more gigantic ancient parent.
>Thatcher's orbit of 415 years is a result of impact from her larger siblings.
>ATLAS is a grandchild
beware when you see meteors without long tails. they're coming right for you.
>the Lyrid meteor shower of April 2020 is starting TONIGHT, the shower is one of the oldest meteor showers in history.
>Lyrid is know for FIREBALLS
sleep well over the next week, anons.
LYRID. this is what it's all the current gllobal bullshit is about
Less makey threads,
More takey meds.
Take your Adam Olanzapine.
Your family is worried about you.
op I've been told you're a homo
some asians saw a metorshower omg
A meteor shower just flew over my house!
Q predicted this
>fuh Q.
Science predicted this, with quite a nice resume and verifiable history. completely opposite of Q, there is hard data and this is a very stable prediction backed by observation and science over thousands of years, faggot.
if the skies are clear and the weather is right, you will most definitely see a meteor shower over your house.
>ATLAS is a grandchild of the a Great Comet Prime, who's offspring was Thatcher and ATLAS. there is a whole bunch of dysfunctional family about to make a visit to our earth, and they are a broken family.
just trying to give you fine people a heads-up on what is really going on.
Beware of the Blob!
I just want to let you all know this is not a LARP. Here's another pissed off, probably drunk Family Member. Just discovered on April 11, 2020. Comet SWAN (C/2020 F8).
>The comet was first discovered by Michael Mattiazzo of Swan Hill, Victoria, Australia, when he was analysing data from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO) SWAN instrument - hence the name.
>Karl Battams of the Naval Research Lab in Washington DC told Space Weather: "For SWAN to see a comet, it means the comet must be producing a fairly significant amount of hydrogen.
"This is usually in the form of water-ice. It's extremely likely that Comet SWAN is in 'outburst' mode.
"That is, some major eruption happened to this otherwise small and faint comet, releasing a massive cloud of hydrogen-rich volatiles.
"SWAN is picking up on this sudden dump of hydrogen into the inner solar system."
I am telling you all, we are headed not for a major comet impact. Our planet is heading into a fucking Chunky Soup, a goddamned russian roulette of debris, galactic fog, and we're gonna get jizzed on (panspermia - look it up).
What website are you using to track these?
reminder that "i pet goat ii" predicts a comet strike on the pyramids which all collapse. the comet strikes from the direction of the sun. the pyramids can be seen as analogy for civilization. this comet will be the killing strike of human civilization.
seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you retards
>I just want to let you all know this is not a LARP.
create a trip code and then post in 24 hours so we can all make fun of you for being a schizo
Everything I have posted on this fine, fine forum is true. Look it up yourself in your favorite search engine. ATLAS. Thatcher. and the newly discovered brother, Swan.
>there are actually smart people on Yas Forums
tell me where I'm wrong, or a "LARP"
t. old astronomer dude who can't access his fucking state of the art telescope.
Why can't you use ur tele old astro user
ok, I will. I'm an oldfag and don't know how to do a tripcode, but I will find out how to do it.
>Thatcher's orbit of 415 years
anunnaki coming home
mom and dad are gonna be pissed when they see what we've been up to
Ur a newfag oldfag...I like that.
is this all the rumbling ive heard lately
Mauna Kea is shut down. I live in the continental US so there's no way I can go there. I would if I could. my peers are in the same boat with different major observatories, they're all shut down OR locked down to specific people, which I am not a part of.
How the fuck does a yearly meteor shower work under current models? (Space is plasma)
welcome home nibiru.
Also this.......
Are you outside watching for them tonight? Or are you in your bunker
seems like any meteor show would have a chance of bigger stuff coming through and booms
Quinine cures schizophrenia, which is why they released bat malaria on you, OP.
Watched from sunset to now, saw nuffin
fucking hurry up already
where I'm at right now is bortle 1 zone with only my 12" dobsonian and various other equpment. all I could fit in my truck.
no bunker for me.
I do have a nice Cradlepoint router with two different sims that allow me at best 1mb internet connection over a distant (old) cell tower.
I am in touch with several peers, though. we do have some nice resources, and we are coordinating now.
keep watching over the next few nights.
Based, i hope you will keep us updated fren