Proto-Europeans and Indo-Europeans have the most Aryan genes
Most common haplogroups in Europa - map
I don't know why it only separates R1b into subclades and only 2 different ones at that. Just giving the false impression the R1b in the British Isles is similar to the stuff in Italy, Spain, southern France etc.
It is
>It is
No, it fucking isn't.
>Recent genetic studies have suggested that Britain's Neolithic population was largely replaced by a population from North Continental Europe characterised by the Bell Beaker culture around 1200 BC, associated with the Yamnaya people from the Pontic-Caspian Steppe. This population lacked genetic affinity to other Bell Beaker populations, such as the Iberian Bell Beakers, but appeared to be an offshoot of the Corded Ware single grave people.[33][34] It is currently unknown whether these Beaker peoples went on to develop Celtic languages in the British Isles, or whether later Celtic migrations introduced Celtic languages to Britain.[35]
>The close genetic affinity of these Beaker people to Continental North Europeans means that British and Irish populations cluster genetically very closely with other Northwest European populations, regardless of how much Anglo-Saxon and Viking ancestry was introduced during the 1st millennium.
Anyone has a clue what are those unknown genes in Georgia and Armenia and where did they originate in? They claim to be White but those genes are found nowhere in Europe
Do you think all that R1b in western Africa is the same as the R1b in northwestern Europe too, champ?
Oh he was probably trolling for fuck's sake let it go
I don't know, but these are its carriers and these are our ancestral godbeings.
Sorry, forgot to post the map. And no, I won't let it go. Because this shit is rotting people's brains and poisoning them against their current ethnicities.
What's for Greece and Albania doesnt say shit
Forgot pic again, I'm bad at this...
A different subclade of the mentioned North African haplogroup. It's only that this one originated in Europe
R1b masterrace reporting in.
Congrats African blooded nigger.
I 2 reporting in, but im not a slav
Negatory on that, schlomo. I'm pure as the driven snow.
R1a = nonwhite indo iranian
I2a Slavic Aryan masterrace All Heil
Does tells you your haplogroup? I did the test but only got results. But by looking at this map, im most likely r1b.
R1b is out of Africa. R1a is Indo-European.
Is E-V13 white? I'm almost entirely English but my Y DNA is E-V13 likely due to Roman occupation
That's literally the Whitest haplogroup on planet Earth, the epitome of Aryanity. Go fuck your mother retard
>Norwegians also show the characteristic R1a genes of the paternal ancestorship at 17.9% to 30.8%. Such large frequencies of R1a have been found only in East Europe and India.
No, ancestry doesn't tell you. However you can download your raw DNA data and feed it into different processors to get your Y DNA. It can surprise you, so don't make assumptions. I always figured I was R1b, but I'm not.
Yes. It either originated in Greece or somewhere around present day Serbia. It's peak is in Kosovo Albanians(46%)
Is the regular person able to do that correctly tho? Sounds like something that requires at least some sort of an expert
I have I2a2, but I have no Balkan in me.
Before they split R1a and R1b were the same haplogroup you idiot. They have common origin. That African R1b is almost positively R1b that migrated to Africa and replaced the local haplo.
R1b's oldest origins are found in Europe... Hurrr durrr must be African.... We're all African ape men, right rabbi?
Stop talking about shit you don't understand yanktard. R1a has virtually nothing to do with Africa
>The split of R1a (M420) is computed to ca. 22,000, or 25,000 years ago, which is the time of the last glacial maximum. A large, 2014 study by Peter A. Underhill et al., using 16,244 individuals from over 126 populations from across Eurasia, concluded that there was compelling evidence that "the initial episodes of haplogroup R1a diversification likely occurred in the vicinity of present-day Iran."
I never said R1a was from Africa you illiterate retard. R1b is also not from Africa.
What? I'm a nigger?
You're retarded either way you projective dumbfuck. Stop spreading feces all over every thread
It was pretty easy to do. There's step by step guides for it
Yes, the (geneticists) have determined that all human DNA is now from Africa. So stop trying to have your own identity. We're all KANGZ now
R1 extended all the way to India by way of horse. Over time they became R1a. R1b are those that ventured into Africa and are best known for conquering Northern Africa under a nation called Rome.
Your map is dumb as fuck, as if Spanish would be less related to the french then to the Greeks.
We are all Africans no one is pure.
Race mix.
>What? I'm a nigger?
Considering you're a leaf, yes.
A little bit weird wide spread of haplogroup J2 - found in Turks, Azeris(bigger amounts) and Greeks, Italians(smaller amount)
> "English but my Y DNA is E-V13 likely due to Roman occupation"
Absolute rubbish. Romans left barely any genetic legacy in Britain and the idea that the tiny amount of DNA they left has a continuous paternal line from then to today is ridiculous. Your family likely picked it up far more recently.
This is a factual state of #1 haplogroup in each region retard. I didn't even make it
Pontid means Mediterranean, which Poles aren't. They're not Nordic either. Not in the modern sense. They aren't Baltic either. Also, west Slavs extended all the way to the Netherlands back in Roman times. Back then Germans were in Gaul. Your map is shit.
You don't have a clue what you're talking about, a shit ton of Poles are Nordids
You can not use haplo group to claim race. You realize it is a single gene that passes from father, and ignores mother. You could have 10 generations of race mixing with Africans and still have the original European haplo.