how do you solve the simp problem?
How do you solve the simp problem?
Imagine having life on easy mode
That's an amazing number if true. Wish I could find a way to get rich thanks to gullible idiots.
Doxxing and humiliation, just through fear you can make that happen, make the sim bullying go even worse than it is going.
ban porn
fucking gender pay gap
>31k per week
Rookie numbers.
Legalize prostitution.
That's a fake figure to get dumb whores to sign up.
They always do it with everything
So did simps gave their trumpbux to her?
Why are you all so angry when you can be doing the same thing?
hopefully this catches on and women stop entering regular jobs
This is why mtf trans cases have exploded. Men are reacting logically to their environment
100% this
Dysgenics in action.
Humanity will become retarded with a select few powerful families keeping their bloodlines pure and ruling over the retards.
The kike plan continues.
Who cares
Look at this thread.
eh, I'm androgynous enough. push comes to shove I'll happily cede to degeneracy for tens of thousands of dollars. peace of mind if anything
You should be more concerned with solving the incel problem.
That’s nice. It will cover half of her extortion payment in 5 years to prevent pictures of her butthole being sent to all her friends and family.
I'm convinced jews are bankrolling this shit with their unlimited fiat currency in order to get more young impressionable girls to join in. The final nail in the white races coffin.
31000 in a week.
Just like they used bots and fake accounts to trick stupid guys into thinking they were going to get easy pussy from 10/10s on tinder.
i really really doubt they care
Qrd on what actually happens on only fans. Is it porn?
I wish all simps could die. Vets and people who went broke because of illnesses are on the street, yet this whores get to make it through life with little effort.
imagine having a hundred or so million pajeets working in IT and giving money away as they think through the gift they shall smell the vegene and bobs.
Shoot em
I don't understand how. I'm a fucking degenerate who watches porn and I've never spent a fucking penny on these thots and use adblockers.
I never got this picture. I know who the pink haired one is she did the bathtub thing, but who’s the faggot? I feel like I would’ve heard about him somewhere
Fucking whores
>Paying for non-nudes by a ugly generic porn star looking whore
>There is a 95% chance they'll get posted onto free sites within a week anyway
>Still sign up to pay monthly with no guarantee of future content
I will never understand why some men do this