How odd is it...

How odd is it? That salvation can found easily by the ignorant and yet those who are cursed with intellect must toil for so long before realizing that true enlightenment comes from understanding that you are not truly in control of your own life. That there are forces of good and evil much greater than yourself in this world, and the path to salvation was documented so long ago. To think this world has turned such that one would so easily fill their mouth with degeneracy before the words of the Lord? Accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and free yourself of the Jewish influence that has plagued you Yas Forums. This is the final red pill you've been clamoring for, and this society has been built to blind you to this.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I pray to God all the time for help but i never get anything at all.

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Based Jesus. Do not make the house of our Father a house of merchandise.

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." This is true.

The second greatest trick is convincing the world that smart means obedient to modern social trends and the rejection of everything traditional and sacred.
>Forward is good
>Backward is bad
>Progress is good
>Conservation is bad

false god, lucifer is the real good guy and leader of humanity

saved from the Jew god, what faggots!

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Reminder that spiritual enlightenment is no different than the core principles of Christianity.
I do not believe in the Christian God or God of any religion. But I have a God of my own understanding. And learning to let go of things you have no power over is the REAL power in this life.

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You just replaced its name and added the same qualities. No matter how he is called as long he is the good guy is fine to you. What makes a god evil is the people who prays for it. If bad people starts praying for Jesus he wouldn't be such a good guy, and since he forgives them this is not far from the truth

Based and christpilled.
Have a bump

>cursed with intellect
It's not even true intellect. True intellect can see the wisdom in scripture and the true nature of the world. The false intellect of the progressive left is blind group-think based on their ego and desire to justify their earthly desires.

>But I have a God of my own understanding.
you don't understand simple spelling
god = word, such as "a god"
God = name

wisdom in scripture ==/== the true nature of the world

no, lucifer is good cause he made us aware, gave us critical thought, he literally took gods punishment for us. he is the real saviour. god is a tyrant that opresses, kills and want ot keep us in a orwellian nightmare of blind worship- lucifer stands for self fulfillment, enlightenment and doesnt demand a praying qouta

Do not be distracted by Jewish influence. God is real and his son was the Lord Jesus Christ. You owe it to yourself to seek true enlightenment. If you found a providence of some kind, do you not wish to be fully aware of the extent of the Lord God's majesty? However it is you currently know him? You may read whatever texts your soul knows it needs to explore, but in the end you will know that it is the words of the Lord Jesus Christ that are true. It is us who are burdened by the influence of our minds that we must take longer to find this path.

who cares you faggot

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I have never been as interested as I am right now ! But I have no fucking clue how to interpret the Bible ? Like where do you even start with that?

The true nature of the world is conflict, down to the very atoms that make up physical matter. Every single thing in this world is a product of conflict.
The only thing not composed of conflict, is love.
Scripture says exactly this. That God is not of this world, God is the anomaly of love in a fallen world of conflict.

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>But I have no fucking clue how to interpret the Bible ?
First you have to start with the Judeo-Christian belief that there is a magic apple that gives one instant god-like knowledge when swallowed. The apples actually have magic apple power but are also cursed by the magical Jew-god called the Yahwah. You believe that Adam and Eve ate the Genesis fruit thus awakening the wrath of the Yahwah. Then the Jew-god formed an implacable grudge against humankind which could only finally be expiated by a human sacrifice. Then the Yahwah went on to literally breed with a Jewess because he experienced an irresistible messiah breeding desire after seeing the Jewish girl that he wanted to rape. Then a magical Jewish Mashiach bastard was born that later would become a very hirsute rabbi and would actually be used as the very human sacrifice that the Yahwah had been waiting for in the first place because of the stolen apple! These are the Biblical Judeo-Christian beliefs that will help you construct a Biblical Judeo-Christian worldview.

>I have never been as interested as I am right now ! But I have no fucking clue how to interpret the Bible ? Like where do you even start with that?

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At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

I'm genuinely curious why it satisfies you to post satire on Yas Forums Yas Forums. How strange

Here friend

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>Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles,but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Cor.1:22-24)

make a thread about jesus and count the memefags

The closest apostles of Jesus were Jewish; that means whatever you're talking about is something good

>you are not truly in control of your own life
Slave Mentality. You serve your masters well.

Thanks fellow user. I am staying open minded


Remember, sometimes the best way He can answer your prayers, for your own good, is to say, "No."

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First you have to NOT BE A FUCKTARD and recognize creation myths as creation myths. Then you have to have more than a 2-inch stub and come to terms with your narcissism and daddy issues.


He still serves God. He turned against God only because he was allowed to. And what ever he does is because God wants him to. Sad but true. He can't escape from God. Even the awareness that made him hate God was given by God himself. Now he does God's dirty work to clean God's name.

Sorry, maybe he didn't represent the idea in the best way.

You can't control EVERYTHING in life. You have to put your best foot forward, do the best you can, and leave the rest up to God/let go into the universe. Which ever version tickles your fannies anons

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>professing themselves to be wise, they became fools
Literally in the bible.

Which God do you pray to ?

Indeed my friend. Live in conflict or die in love

Praise be to Jesus Christ, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Blessed is He who cometh in the name of the Lord. The kingdom of heaven is near!

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Iktf, but I see that as my own fault because He can truly see in my heart that even though in those moments I cry out to Him, I am not fully given over to Him.

>no i dont want u to have a family
gee thx god lol

Here's a couple of more resources that might help...
Chuck Missler's Learn the Bible in 24 Hours (book & YouTube)

Chuck Missler's Knowing God - An Extraterrestrial Message

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shutup edgelord

“This is a war universe. War all the time. There may be other universes, but ours seems to be based on war and games.” - william s. burroughs
I too have seen the king of kong user

what do u mean by not giving yourself fully over? if u mean you sin then all men sin and its literally impossible to live a perfect life.

This picture gases the D&C shills

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Stop being an asshole and be thankful He has put up with your crap this long.

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shutup cunt the biggest assholes get to have families

Ah, yes, the strawman from a memeflaggot.

There are two paths you can go by, but in the long run, there's still time to change the road beyond.

You are lost. But there is salvation for you as there is for all. Those Jews who were not lost at the time of Christ were converted to his followers. The danger to your soul comes from those Jews who have used their dealings with Lucifier to strengthen their grip on your mind to the extent that you have fallen to their scheme. The Bible tells us to live with its teachings, and it is our duty to not stand for the blasphemy of the Jews. You may find the path to salvation in the Bible, and if you doubt this then think to yourself who quickly you have indulged in degeneracy knowingly yet avert yourself so strongly to these texts. You salvation is so close at hand, yet it will take you long to realize this. Do not lose hope, I pray the evil in your soul leaves and you may find the kingdom of God.

all you have to do is accept the fact that Jesus died for your sins, try to make better choices, help others, and ask for forgiveness when you sin.
that is truly it

Jesus Among Other gods by Ravi Zacharias

Here's a video of him speaking to see what reading the book will be like.

i accept that. just wish God could help me out just fuckin once in life.

So, you would prefer to hold on to your butt hurt for whatever time remains to you instead of surrendering and having a family for eternity?

You haven't thought this through very well.

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Enjoy that bit of jaundiced reasoning with him in eternal hell fire. Sucker.

what do u mean faggot, ive surrendered

I've noticed, when I really do good things, and not just think that I want to do good things. It is returned.

I am so happy I found God. It's incredible. It makes me feel incredible to be on his path and do his will