“Where New York added 3000 deaths, because they died, and they are now saying, rather than it was a heart attack, they are saying it was a heart attack caused by Covid-19, so they are adding"”

Trump admits Covid-19 death numbers are a RELABELING TRICK just like Dr. Birx did last week!

How the CDC faked the pandemic:
White House Covid Coordinator-Dr. Birx "If someone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death”
This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS as Covid deaths, so the fraud is enforced by CDC policy.

The CDC records that deaths are down for the end of March and April. the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax, a real pandemic would increase total disease deaths
Even with a two week reporting lag that doesn’t explain the lack of a pandemic level of death for late March AND APRIL (LOOK AT THE FIRST TABLE

Attached: htt.png (500x758, 442.21K)

Other urls found in this thread:[Embed]

Attached: hnoincreasediseasedeathscdc4.png (1364x644, 131.15K)

Like wtf are u trying to prove? Hoax or not, the game is in fucking motion.

How will the left react to this? Will they deny him and throw buzzwords? Or will they wake up to what Jews are doing?

pic related shows an up to date TOTAL DEATHS FOR ALL CAUSES for Europe from, weekly updated
note how its below 2016 level for 2020
since they relabel deaths as Covid-19 this year, you can only spot the fraud by noting that total deaths from all causes has not changed

Attached: hnoincreasetotaldeaths.png (1198x882, 95.04K)

the truth is part of the game, if its a fraud that plays in

He's trying to get us back to wageslaving. You know what goes in the options field.

Venting patients can induce undue stress on the heart.

Hospitals are killing people trying to treat them.

They're sending you to the slaughter.

The left will demand less rights like the CVG shills,

its time:
pass amendments to state constitutions to ban lockdown laws.
impeach all the lockdown Governors.
hold new elections.
constant protest against the lockdowns until this occurs[Embed]

"each state's legislature can impeach state officials, including the governor, in accordance with their respective federal or state constitution."

Attached: hmich.png (1040x1476, 1.39M)

Why are we so retarded when it comes to understanding this shit. We all fucking flunked Biology in highschool and are no better than witchdoctors.

Did you get the Koshervirus?

Symptoms include:
1)High levels of fear from kike media
2)Kike politicians forcing your employer to go out of business.
3)Government giving you socialistic gibs.
4)High levels of unconstitutional lockdowns by kike politicians.
4)A vaccine already created by kikes ready to go for the goy.

>Trump admits to something democrats are doing in an attempt to make him look bad

maybe... maybe choose your wording a little more carefully.

while they give you stress they must relieve thier own stress:
covid tent is dance tent

That’s definitely something to look into if this is legit

Dr. Mullis thinks its a fruad and he's good at biology:
TheCOVID-19RT-PCR Testis a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT -PCR)
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are used to detect genetic material, called RNA.
“Kary Banks Mullis(December 28, 1944– August 7, 2019) was an Americanbiochemist. In recognition of his invention of thepolymerase chain reaction(PCR) technique, he shared the 1993Nobel Prize in ChemistrywithMichael Smith[4]

Mullis expressed disagreement with the scientific evidence supportingthe evidence thatHIV causes AIDS,
Mullis claimed the HIV/AIDS connection is due to aconspiracyof government agencies, and scientists attempting to preserve their careers and earn money, rather than scientific evidence. He questioned the scientific validity of the link between HIV and AIDS, leading some to label him an "AIDS denialist”

In other words the Nobel Prize scientist who invented the PCR technique behind the Covid-19 test, did not believe in the link between a positive PCR test of HIV, and disease. Therefore although the PCR technique is used in the Covid-19 RT-PCR Test, its Nobel Prize winning inventor who died in 2019, would claim the link between a positive Covid-19 and cold/flu/pneumonia like disease is a fraud like his view of the invalid positive HIV test and AIDS connection.

“This means some of the biological markers being used to “flag” the presence of HIV are not “specific to HIV or AIDS patients [and] p24 and p41 are not even specific to illness.” In other words, healthy persons may test positive but not carry HIV at all”
“The HIV/AIDS hypothesis is one hell of a mistake”, wrote Kary Mullis in 1996 [(1), p. 14]. Mullis – Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1993 –

its updating but still lacks a pandemic surge in total all causes disease deatsh, it will be better to have total all causes(not just disease) like euromomo though

nterview with honest trauma center worker in Brooklyn
Health Worker Says EVERYONE Who Dies Has "Corona Virus" on their Death Certificate, everyone who ends up having anything has coronavirus on thier death certificate..."

source of video

his statement confirms this Dr. Birx admission of the relabeling fraud:

"If someone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death”

Attached: htrauma2.png (504x614, 419.12K)

>rather than it was a heart attack

That's some rookie padding. PA is claiming that people who died of head injuries are corona deaths.

Why is Yas Forums the only place in the whole internet (yes I checked) talking about this? This board is the only place where you can find legitimate information from big media players saying "lol yeah we're diagnosing everyone with covid, you fell and cracked your skull, then caught the chinese stink while being on the brink of death in the emergency ward, and died? Yup, corona did it". Will someone pay?


Why is the thread dying?

Covid does cause blood clot thats why they give you blood thinners and other shit, mayb eyiu dont have to have crazy ARDS fo rthat to happen maybe it can happen before it gets that bad, my step fathr work buddy who is 41 and has diabeties was sick for a while then complained of breathing problems the doctors wouldnt test him and maybe he toughed it out too much I'm not sure ow bad his lungs got but one day he cared his mom saying he was in trouble and needed help, his sister went over and found him on the floor and have him cpr while the ambulance came, im being told its a suspected heart attack, in central Maine

yeah they got lots a tricks
thats why Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg says look at the total death countheres hoaxer talking about testing car accident patients for covid
33 secs: “we had to get a refigerated truck to store the bodies…”

2:57secs: “so if someone in a CAR ACCIDENT, gets brought in, we get a CT scan of them, and their lungs look like they have CORONAVIRUS…”

”If someone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death”

Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House coronavirus task force coordinator)

Attached: hsmith3.png (482x464, 210.98K)

youtube and twitter have info, but often get deleted

like this German documentary that first broke the covid hoax relabeling trick deleted by youtube

full version of billy 6 docuemtary on covid-19 fraud-empty covid hospitals in Berlin and scientists interviewed

fuck off schizo Qtard


Attached: hw2.png (1024x768, 910.48K)

q psyop is not related,
Trump is saying what Dr. Brix said,
How the CDC faked the pandemic:
White House Covid Coordinator-Dr. Birx "If someone dies with Covid-19 were counting that as a Covid-19 death”
This allows the CDC to count ASYMPTOMATIC CARRIERS as Covid deaths, so the fraud is enforced by CDC policy.

The CDC records that deaths are down for the end of March and April. the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax, a real pandemic would increase total disease deaths
Even with a two week reporting lag that doesn’t explain the lack of a pandemic level of death for late March AND APRIL (LOOK AT THE FIRST TABLE

I see what you did there
New York fakes the numbers so they can get more fed bux
you relabel it "Trump admits" as if he was guilty of something

Trump supported red flag laws and the lockdown, he would make a fine Democrat
We are led by our ideas alone, no leader required

I'm no Trump supporter just a liberty supporter If his admission helps then it should be highlighted
he loves the lockdown, part of the (((club)))

>New York fakes the numbers so they can get more fed bux
Happens every time. Pigford Scams: pay federal settlement money to black farmers, suddenly every nigger is a farmer.