South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem Rejects Stay at Home Orders

Read this bros. This is my governor and I'm pretty proud of her. Tell me what you think.
>inb4 post her tits
I would if I could
>inb4 OP can't inb4

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I'd reject her stay at home at order if you know what I mean.

Ah yeah my guy

>hey can you stay at home unless necessary otherwise? We want to limit a nationwide outbreak as much as possible and not cause unnecessary damage and death

God bless

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Did you read the article though?

please user, can you elaborate further on your assertion


It’s working just great at the pork plant.

great i might move there

I want to finger her in the back seat of my Buick Le saber if you catch what I'm dropping here.

Her citizens won't thank her by the end.

Just keep spreading that Covid

fuck it. let em all die.

I'm down at the Cody Rodeo tonight brother. See you there.

Dumb fucking argument. The pork plant would not have been shut down even if she'd have issued a stay at home order.

Little far for me partner. You have no idea how much I'd like to go to a rodeo tonight, Bong.

Have you actually rode a bull before?
If so you have my respect.
That's a little crazy.


You misspelled Chink Flu.

SD has a nigger governor? Well if that dont beat all

How do you have it from the governor, in a pricey little personal note?

Bootlickers absolutely seething. It's fucking South Dakota.
>muh pork plant
Fuck you. That's like 40% of the state's cases. SD is about the size of an average European country and has the population of one exurban US county. They've had 6 deaths.

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I did. In highschool. Never really got old.

no one is dying from the virus like a pandemic so we shouldn't be acting like its a pandemic. She is smart.
They can try to call it whatever they want, this isn't pandemic and everyone the world over is realizing they feel fine and don't know anyone who has died from the itis.
If you respond to me saying you know someone who has it, you are lying. Simple as.

>he thinks the government asking someone to stay at home isn't unconstitutional and deserves an uprising
low iq simping

I'd let her tickle my balls while she's got me tired to a chair after forcing me to eat her pussy for 2hours, if you smell what I'm stepping in.

She looks like the stepbrothers mom. Apparently she also likes to hunt and has a hard time not speeding. From wiki she has 20 speeding tickets lol. Hot fucking lady if you ask me.

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>tfw you would like the same
>tfw you know that if she knew what you wanted she wouldn’t let you anywhere near her

Our old Secretary of State in South Dakota was a real milf too. I think she did pageants when she was younger if I remember right.

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only 6 dead in South Dakota so far.

Do you really need to put effort in social distancing when there are more cows than people In your state?

>my Buick Le saber
Based and grandpapilled

How does she feel about the NDAA and Patriot Act? Has she called on trump to rescind them through congress?

Believe it or not i live next door to a rodeo.
I put my snake skins on and go there to drink some beer and eat the BBQ every once and awhile.
The guys that ride and the guys that clown there are amazing to me.
You have to have some real balls to go and do that.
It's a check though I guess.

Michigander here. So in SD, can you dine in restaurants, and go to the movies, and stuff?