Are serbs the niggers of europe?
Are serbs the niggers of europe?
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no, you are
fuck you chink lover t*rk
Poles are
what is your nationality islamist?
American and whiter than you.
ok Muhammad Gonzalez von Shekelstein
american is not a nationality.what is your heritage,or you don`t know?
Za Dom!
Inb4 Vucic brings China-tier police state upon our Serbian brothers
No. That title refers to albanians, romanians, irish and sicillians.
We are in full lockdown from Friday to Tuesday already
I lost my respect for Serbia, after the world was infected because of China's actions and probably even becayse they tried to compete with the West those idiots are kissing their asses for some help while China can't wait to get some minions especially in Europe, unironically from now on Albanians deserve to have Kosovo free.
stay brainwashed, ruslan
Muslims are the niggers of europe.
100% Niggers of Europe alongside Greece, Albania and Bulgaria.
Romani, Gypsies, and Polish kinda are the Niggers of Europe. They do the most crime, and spread like wildfire. ICELAND IS 12 PERCENT POLISH.
All of the millions, and I mean millions, of niggers in europe are the niggers of europe.
They probably have more darkies than the states at this point. And the muslims.
I pray for europe.
after USA fucked over Yugoslavia for the final time, you cant blame them or Russia for that matter for pivoting to China as a close ally.
May the dog dick that you eat thinking it will make your pp bigger get stuck in your throat and choke slowly Chang.
We shouldn't had invade Yugoslavia.
We're not pivoting with them, they're pivoting with us for military technology, without help, affairs and trades with Russian Military most of their tech wouldn't exist and they would've been stuck with very old Soviet era modified stuff.
Muslims are the niggers of Europe
Are the spics the niggers of the us?
Nice try but I'm a slav. Let me guess, you are begging for a vaccine into your asshole too like a good little goy.
US has about 35 40 million nuggets. Maybe 1 million are in jails and prisons obviously.
These are real full blooded Anerican blacks mostly. Not like drake types or fuckin somalis or some shit.
jihadist lover
stop drugs
stop vodkas