If you had full government power for 48 hours what would you do?

If you had full government power for 48 hours what would you do?

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deport all jews to israel seize all of their assets distribute to middle class americans.

pay each nigger $50,000 to repatriate back to africa.

instate national socialism.

Ban circumcision.



sorry guys :(

make a list of people i want dead and offer anyone in the country $5,000 for the head of every person on that list

Baste leefe

This desu. Nuke them once the planes have landed.

So legalize bounty hunting?

Take money from jews to pay for sending niggers back to Africa.

Hold a press briefing and kill myself live on tv in front of millions.

it better than being a cop

I'm not circumcised.
But expelling Judaism and Islam to create a pedo free society sounds like a good start.

Declassify all information on the holocaust including real numbers and tactics used to force confessions.

I dont have a problem with any of this. Leaf actually delivered? This surely is the end of days.

Can't you at least drag a container of gypsies to hell with you?

Nuke China for dispersing a bioweapon through the global supply chain.

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chad poos should where they belong

pardon Harvey Weinstein for the lulz

We’ll rake you last.

Declare myself as the absolute monarch, and that my rule is indisputable, therefore I will have power even beyond those 48 hrs.

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abolish it

Give the south back their niggers.

Remove all non-Whites from North America

Do a backflip

Impossible, for complete government power would be forced to work through government agencies, who all have their own political and personal agendas. No one person could manipulate a government through your proposed legitimate control.
Meanwhile the deep state, with their illegitimatacy, can have much more power than any elected official.

send 1 trillion dollars to transexuals and israel

Age of consent?
Gone, birth rates need to go up

State handouts?
Gone, rip commies and socialists. Your family can look after you, not the states problem

Gone, we now use Queenie coin crypto

Nuke every major city in the usa. Think of it as chemotherapy for an entire continent.

start the taytay cloning program and give us all taygfs

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Kill Chad

if you have all governmental power, why even pay niggers? just take away their citizenship

>deport all jews

kek you guys never learn ,you need the final solution for jews that's the only solution.

shut it down

Launch nukes all over africa and asia.

can i pay extra to get one that actually has tits?

Nuke myself.

The holocaust would actually happen

Arrest Bill Gates, Fauci, that nigger from the WHO and all the pedophiles.
If you are talking about Canada and not an actual country, I would bring about the Day of the Rake.

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>bring back segregation
>collectivise all industry
>kill the yids
>invade Mexico and Canada
>establish Mormon theocracy with me as its absolute hereditary monarch

>over 30
>coal burner
you can have my copy

Only 48 hours? Full government control?Give myself a trillion dollar stimulus and sign a piece of legislation making me exempt from taxes. Id spend the other 47 hours joy riding in airforce 1.

Any other answer is Asperger's tier.

48 hours is too short for anything but killing people. so I guess I would clean house assuming i already have a kill list

this, plus chop off the hands of anyone who has ever cut off a foreskin and confiscate all of their assets to fund regenerative medicine

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Repeal the 13th, 14th, 15th, and 19th amendment, the 1934 NFA, the Immigration Act of 1965, the 1968 Gun Control Act, and the 1986 Hughes Amendment for starters.
Then re-instate the Chinese Exclusion Laws, perma-cut off all aid to Israel then glass them out of existence, give niggers reparations then kick them all back over to Africa, round up all the spics and send them back, and permanently shut down the border.
Then round up every kike, throw them all in a giant fishing net suspended from Blackhawks and Hueys, then drop them all into the middle of the ocean (or as far off shore as physically possible). All within 24 hours.
Quite realistic I know.

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I would give myself full government power forever

which government

Hype up a relatively unknown virus and claim it will kill millions of people, so I can tank the world economy, so I can loot all the treasuries of every single country at the same time by having their politicians "gift" everyones tax money to me.

Technically the worlds biggest BANK ROBBERY in all of history.

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Have the Secret Service bring me Obama's Daughters. Have a Steamy 3 Some.


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This plus the reinstatement of mandatory militia training and a government issued milltary grade rifle for each man.

kill all the kike jews

whats the matter aint ya grateful?

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