U.S. deaths = 34,605

U.S. deaths = 34,605

More than U.S. combat casualties in the Korean War (33,686).
How many fucking weeks has it been?

We are definitely gonna clear Vietnam soon (58,209).

WWII is still pretty high up there (405,399), but if we can get there do Millennials become the New Greatest Generation?

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Other urls found in this thread:


so....keeping pace with fatal car wrecks and no where near suicides.

Wait... for... it

Suicides are a choice.
I believe in freedom.

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t-two... m-more weeks.... h-heh... *COOF*

this, I want to make money for Shlomo Sheklestein and there's nothing YOU can do about it. To hell with grandpa!

U.S. deaths due to automobile accident 2019 = 38,800

U.S. voluntary military deaths in Korean war 1950-1953 = 33,686

U.S. flu deaths 2019-2020 est. 24,000 – 62,000

Why are you people so retarded/dramatic?

>but their just old people who are dying


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imagine being this low IQ, truly, you must be a spic

Fucking happeningfags are a cancer

found another retard

Anyone who does, for any reason, that may have possibly had corona is being added to that number. Literally fake news.

My estimate (trust me on this - I have a top Army General as a source) said total true number of deaths is only 71 so far. Total. 71 deaths total due to corona.

i'm sorry this is a non-essential post. please cease all shitposting activities unless you can provide papers from an employer proving you are an essential shitposter.please just stay at home for everyone's safety. with your help we can make this board a beervirus free zone. any posting outside the guidelines will result in heavy fines and possible imprisonment. we will find you. have a great day.

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>do Millennials become the new Greatest Generation
are you fucking kidding me lol? I'm a millenial and I unashamedly admit me and my entire generation are pathetic faggots. I'm 29 and still live with my parents. I hide in my room like a faggot because getting a real job where i have to be held accountable and deal with other adults is too stressful for me so i stocked shelves while living at home since graduating with a political science degree in 2015. I fucked 50 girls but im still a pathetic loser faggot and I'm not even the worst. Most millennials are fucking loser faggots that didn't pay off their student loans (i did working two jobs cuz im not a faggot) and they just languish in shitty service jobs like waiting tables or tending bar relying on people's charity for a wage. Additionally, they're all "woke" and look like utter dogshit. If I could id rape and kill millenial girls at gunpoint after forcing them to take mdma and dress up like rave sluts.

You know what, I call bullshit. What are the chances, that the center of the world, the big bad hegemon and the home base for (((them))) suddenly gets hit the hardest?
Harder than India, where they shit on streets, harder than South America shitholes with no medicine, harder than countries with much lighter lockdown?
And yet the number are just insane.
Yeah, orange man bad and ineffective, but it's fucking suspicious. You'd think that if (((someone))) wanted something planetary level dome they'd choose the biggest baddest country for attention,would they?
Either some "deep state", or dems, or Trump, or all od the above together are in on it.


>if we can get there do Millennials become the New Greatest Generation?
Why millennials? Zoomers are the generation that's coming of age right now.

They're getting a second Vietnam.

you're one dumb faggot

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>I have a top Army General as a source
>He lives in Canada... you wouldn't know him.

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During the great Coronachan
I stormed the Utah beach at Normandy on XBOX

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i'm in CT. the state is lying about the number of people dying. they are upping the number, testing EVERYONE that dies that has been in a hospital. they got caught lying about an infant dying of covid. the infant was born +20 weeks early, and neither parent had covid.

Ever since I found out they get paid per case of Corona I have no longer found numbers to be trust worthy.

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Surely those numbers are 100% legit, right user?

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In fairness, we didn't send geriatrics, diabetics, and people with heart conditions to Vietnam.

We millennials have had a hell of a time. On top of the various economic scams (high education e.g.) that seem to have peaked as we entered adulthood, we have dealt, in one way or another, with the 2008/9 recession and now this mess.

Of course, anyone alive for the last 20 years has both of these major issues to contend with, but we have experienced one shitty circumstance after another as we're entering the work force, becoming reproductively viable, etc. etc..

Maybe the activist insanity of the last decade makes sense from this perspective.

Side note: Yas Forums seriously needs to get rid of these fucking reCAPTCHAs. I've just solved like 15+ Google AI feeder puzzles. You people tolerate this shit? (I rarely post)

Seriously, 100% kino

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A conspiracy between hundreds of hospitals involving thousands of people.
Including thousands in Italy and France.
A worldwide conspiracy against Trump.

Or Trump is actually a moron and your a moron for voting for him.
The simplest explanation is the probably the correct one Moron.

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>seize unlimited power
>print unlimited money
>condition the public to rolling lockdowns with only one good goy approved exercise hour per day
>have retarded doomers literally demanding their civil rights be stripped away over a fucking flu
congrats kiddo you fell for the meme
stay home and flatten that curve

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I bet you believe alot of things


America has a population of 300 MILLION you fucking retard this is a drop in the goddamn bucket kys chink

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Thanks for reminding everyone how few casualties we suffered in those wars but you forgot to post our kill totals as well to highlight the 20-1 k/d ratio that we enjoyed before we got bored and fucked off.

There is no need to be upset.

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Hey im almost exactly like you except i dont have student loans and i had two jobs BEFORE THE FUCKING CHINKS FUCKED THINGS UP also im probably drunker than you right now

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>accusing anyone of being a spic

Look in the mirror ernesto and dont check the "white" box on this Years census like you did on the last one.