Was this the last red pill real movie?

All heroes white males. Historically accurate. Women in supporting roles . No shaniqua or Tyrone saving the day ..

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A homo pedophile directed this movie

Ford vs Ferrari was also really good.
I think all the coloreds served in the european theater.

During the war, maybe

Well the movie reflects none of that

See, you really need to be angry with the bongs here.
They're the ones the pushed the ideal niggers are equal to actual men.
They're are the ones the went one a crusade to end slavery around the world, and btw it still exist in afirca to this day.
Fuck them they're also the ones that made isreal what it is today.

This movie was fucking gay, and it was 99% terrible because of how shitty the camera angles were

Apollo 13 and First Man

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>Apollo 13
I liked the non kiked version

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nah, it is chink propaganda that tries to demonize japan

This movie was fucking garbage.
The original is legitimately good. Watch it.
The flying scenes were comically awful in the newest version, especially. In the original, they used real planes and effects.
Ford Vs Ferrari was easily the best movie I’ve seen in ten years.

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I like how it never even pretended to kiss ford or ferraris ass.
The cgi was well done and not in your face.
Look man, I kinda hate matt damon but I have to give it to the guy, he didn't ham it up.

To me 1917 was the most overrated movie of the year.

Both leads played very good roles, considering. Literal 10/10 movie.
I really liked first man, as well. Was very intense.
1917 was ok, was more impressed with the cinematography than anything..
I almost shut midway off halfway desu. Acting was awful, effects were wayyy over the top to the point of being unreal. I suppose it wasn’t ‘diversified’ only thing going for it

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It had unnecessary Chinese propaganda. I looked up why, turns out a Chinese investor funded the movie.

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The cgi in midway was a little much and the
writing and acting was clearly ham fisted, midway was like a poorly produced propaganda film to me.

1917 was so predictable, it was in like every scene what you think is about to happen does.
I'll give it to you that it was shot beautifully though.
I mean, the they just had to farce the whole evil german thing in there with the plane crash scene.
I almost turned it off after that.

I’m a pilot, the flying scenes agitated me deeply lol especially after seeing the original.
But ya..1917s pilot scene was over the top as well. And I was actually enjoying the movie up to that part. They couldn’t have made a nice moment of national unity..just had to make the German into a savage bastard.

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It’s especially dumb because pilots in World War I tended to be “knights of the air” and their manners reflected that. No pilot is going to stab some dude for pulling him out of a burning plane. Being a pilot is dangerous but they hadn’t spent four years pulling each other’s eyeballs out in the trenches.

>I’m a pilot
Living my dream over there.
I grew up going to air shows and the Blue Angels Are like amazing to me.
I'm fucking blind and don't have 20/20 vision though.
I have to settle on just watching them.

I'm a little jealous of you.

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No. Was a different thing entirely. The last bastion of chivalry and honour.
It even carried into WW2 to a degree..
Pic related

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It was a grug movie, but at least it didn't have nay niggers or jewish poz. 6/10

No you could be a nigger and a cook on a Navy ship. Maybe an LS type rate also. But definitely cooks

in what you called "orginal" they used shitton of recycled image from other movies, which is grating as fuck. They also based the jap part on Fuchida's bulshittery .
Its a decent movie, but not a masterpiece by any means.

Mortality rate for pilots in WW1 (and 2) was many times higher than for infantryman, my dude.

Midway tried to do too much. Pacific theater movies always do that because they feel obligated to include a Pearl Harbor scene which fucks up the movie time/script time/screen time ratio super hard.

You may not be able to fly in the military user but you can at a private and even commercial level.
I’m blind as fuck (wear contacts) and it’s fine. Cool vids.
Pic related is me.
In the original midway they used these planes modified to look like Jap zeros/Val dive bombers.

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Didn’t say it was a masterpiece lol
Was definitely better than the remake though. But ya, a lot of reused scenes from ToraToraTora, which is also a much better movie.

checked. Midway was fantastic. I was blown away how historically accurate it was and it didn’t get bogged down in side romance stories.

I like how they included the side profile so you can see their non-downward-pointing noses.

The film sucked ADM Halseys 2 inch peen way too hard ( he was a literal cuck irl) and gave like five lines to the Chad ADM Spruance, who was in the top three of all commanders, of all services on all sides in the war, and, ya know, was the actual fucking fleet Commander at Midway, not ADM Dickless.

Spruance was like the American Mannstein but without two colossal, war losing fuckups on his record like the good German. Brilliant strategist who could be counted on to win regardless.

If I can't fly an F18 then what's the point.
Also I don't about you but I can't do contacts.
I tried and it feels like there's a piece of plastic in my eye all day.
Very irritating, I can't do it.
I have to wear glasses.

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this movie was garbage that was clearly made for/by the Chinese. Watch the original midway

To be fare aren't all movies jewish?

Try a introduction flight a school. Then see how you feel. And yes, compared to an F18, it’ll be lame as fuck.
You don’t need to be going Mach 1.8 pulling 6gs to love flying, though.
Funny enough, up here discovery channel made a docudrama about an F18 pilot who learned how to fly an old fashioned taildragger. At the time I had the exact kind of plane they were using. They had two weeks to make it, by the end the F18 pilot couldn’t fly it. The instructor never let him solo because he couldn’t. I couldn’t believe it lol but happened. The show hasn’t aired yet.
It’s not all it’s cracked up to be.
Pic related is the plane he couldn’t fly. Something that flies at 100mph and weighs 1600lbs.

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just gimme the tl;dr: is it as bad as Pearl Harbour?

Not the oldies.
Right stuff being one of them.
Exceptional movie.

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Fuck the nips too

this was a HORRIBLE movie