They are creating an artificial food shortage, get your canned beans while you can

They are creating an artificial food shortage, get your canned beans while you can

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This is boogable.

Because people were panic buying, since they didn't prepare, grocery limitations were reasonable things to do. Old ladies last to the store didn't get shit because niggas raided the aisles.

The cuts will likely be lifted in stores soon. I'm not sure there's a grand conspiracy here.

Won't play here, everyone here knows we produce enough food for triple our population, if we started "running out" they'd have a lot of fucking explaining to do. We only get ripped off because export prices are often higher and farmers don't want to sell locally, but the wu flu is really fucking them in the arsehole, its fun to watch.

Nice try, kike. Tinned food 'causes hormonal imbalances.

I'd rather just eat organic, non-kike stuff out of my garden.

Dairy doesnt come in a tin you faggot.

Well better start growing quick then

Nah, they'll think of something. "Oh, it spread & killed all the cows" for example. You WILL eat the bugs goy.

I ain't eating any chinks.

Instead of dumping it they should store it in secret.
Fuck this price control bullshit.

>Some reddit post that mentions a letter
>Doesn't post a pic of the letter

I was told that food shortages and starvation weren't a concern in capitalism.

People suggested I buy flour from small farmers. Anyone know a place I can get beef from a small farmer?

The point is trying to make, "tinned" food is all that you may be able to get. And why you use that shitty "tin" term with a USA flag, you fucking LARPer?

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Way ahead of you OP

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they did this in iraq. soldiers then lined up people to log them for biometrics their reward was a bag of rice

You didnt answer anything you stupid golem

that doesn't mean what you think it means, but it's equally as bad. It's not an artificial shortage, it's a shift towards long term storage and use, while they store up these surpluses. check on your local beef outfit. see how many head they have right now. bet you'll find they're pretty small herds.
Oh, and I'm sure this is just pareidolia, but DHS bought out just about all gen 3 Omni VII NODs or newer on the shelves.
I'm sure it's just a coincidence.

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America exports large amounts of food. Many countries are closing imports due to corona. This was to be expected

>buying canned beans
buy them dry, it's a much better deal

Finna dab on glowniggers with 556.
In minecraft of course

The government doesn't force businesses to shut down in capitalism.


Maybe he's foreign ya cunt

Wow two months, you are going to make it

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They aren’t, the government just stepped in and took over. Sounds familiar don’t it smooth brain?

your post reads exactly like what someone in ukraine would post at the start of the holodomor, except it's not cyrrilic.

>Livestock could be euthanized and fruits and vegetables could be left to rot in the fields if a drastic changes aren’t made soon.

>I raise beef cattle, so I have some visibility into this.
Rep Massie has said this shit is coming and it’s weeks away not months away.
>inb4 durrrr PhOnEfAg

The largest chicken processor in the nation is in my town, and they are cutting a shift.

Those farmers who are dumping food are the ones who are the problem. Not the "letter in the mail". Don't comply. Sell to customers direct.

>I was told that food shortages and starvation weren't a concern in capitalism.
They typically aren't; but the government has been grabbing more and more control (meaning less capitalism).

>They aren’t, the government just stepped in and took over. Sounds familiar don’t it smooth brain?
Some people need it explicitly laid out.

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What's he supposed to do, buy 75 years worth of food you dumb faggot?

I am a cattleman. Nobody has told me to stop producing.
Sales are a bit down because of social distancing in slaughterhouses. Eventually they will have to ramp back up though. Currently they are working through a solid backlog.

>They are creating an artificial food shortage, get your canned beans while you can

Buy 50 pound bags of beans and rice, stupid.

The dairy industry has been dumping milk for decades, it's how they keep the price up.

That post was fearmongering bullshit because if there is one universally understood thing of all governments is that unfed people topple governments. No government would create a food shortage intentionally for any reason

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"Piles of rotting veggies, in the fields"

Where the fuck is this ? It's goddamn April ???