30 days without sex

How are you holding up pol

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I wanna kill my self

>30 days

those are rookie numbers

try going 6 years

I have sex with my Asian wife daily, but God bless user. Try to find a wife. Only the chosen few are meant to be single for life. If you have urges, you are meant to be married.

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lmao i am 62 and never had sex. I will die a virgin..someone.. tell me.. what does a vagina feel like? Have it totally wasted my life?

nigger I've gone 20 years

Do it

This is normal for those of us who are married, so no worries.

Lel I'm married. Fuck you, 30 days ain't shit

It's been pretty tough huebro. Luckily girls still send me nudes to keep me from going insane.

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Proof that even you filthy sex-havers are unwashed coombrains

>How are you holding up pol
Honestly, it feels pretty good. Vaginas are full of diseases anyway. Don't catch the vaginavirus!

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It's not too late user just take 15 Viagra and fuck the first thing that moves!

700 days without sex
Legit don’t care I can just masturbate and not deal with another person I don’t want to be around

>what does a vagina feel like?
Eh, overrated


30 years of no sex here

30 years, more like.


Haha im a 52 year old wizard you stupid monkey

7008 days.

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Just rape the women in your house.

>Captains log
>Day 12,454 without sex
Ehhh, could be worse

wtf are you talking about, my wife and I have had sex like 3 times a day for 2 months.

She's pregnant now though :-\

For me it's been a day. Kinda glad of the break, honestly.

Fugg bros, i cant handle the isolation.I havent had my willie wet in like 2 months because no college, no gf, no bars and masturbation is a sin I am a full blown normie chad. I cant handle being a shut in loser. Where do I meet girls in times like these?

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>my wife
>3 times a day

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Smashed a 22 year old whore from skipthegames today with my Trumpbux. feelsgoodman.bmp

And counting

This. WTF. Where do you think you are, OP.

Grand Master Wizards stalk these halls.

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More like 28 years.

>30 days
lol gtfo here, more like 30 months or 30 years or not at all.

Show off.

not really
feels like a tight, moist mouth, and thats about it.

Day 30x65
Kinda horny

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3x a day
7 days a week
7 weeks now?

147 cans of pepsi..

How have you not killed yourself yet, or her??

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Post wrinkly hand, I don’t believe you.

Not as good as boipucc desu

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I'm up to 31 years

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25 years going strong. Most days I feel miserable as fuck

true but you dont have to say it like that baka