there's like thousands of them on tikthot
link very related
Why is it so easy to come across clips of healthcare workers not doing shit
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Because people are staying home? Derp. I wouldn't visit the hospital right now.
Because it's all a fuckin' joke
Every nursing student I know at my uni are - while smart - the most ungrateful, bitchy people I've ever run into. They CONSTANTLY gripe about how hard their coursework is and about how little they'll get paid, like if you know it's that bad just change careers while you still can
i imagine plenty of nurses specialized in things like optometry and specialized surgery etc and just have nothing to do rn because the only people who are going to hospitals are covid patients and dying old people.
probably medical personell in quartene
When these first started popping up, I thought it was no big deal. But there's SO MANY of them now. I worked in a hospital and I can't think of any time of day (except maybe 3 in the morning) where the entire shift can drop everything they're doing and dance around like retards.
Dumb single moms who change bed pans. These bitches can't even handle this keep them out of the military before they start tiktoking and getting they platoons ambushed
Anyone else look at these people and realize how immature these they are? They're kids. And they're in charge of saving lives. It scares me shitless. I want my doctor and nurses to be serious as a heart attack, because my fucking life is on the line. God knows how many people are flatlining while their nurses twerk for a TikTok video in the hallway. Fuck.
And yet it's so hard to find actual evidence of bodies piling up or people dying in the streets. Or in grocery stores.
they're sending nigger nurses home because theres nothing to do and they stopped seeing normal patient for normal shit to compensate for the imaginary disease.
It cannot be that hard when we let actual retards (case on point: black people) do the job.
Actually, I can understand them being bitchy if they are black.
whats that song
Waiting for the "Surge".
It's hard not to dance during the longest paid vacation they ever had.
nurses are lazy, doctors are constantly under pressure
I know what you mean, those videos are often in places where there should be patients, visitors and maybe people actually working.
everything i hear ppl from the healthcare system complain about is all related to the new constraints put forward by our government.otherwise, hospitals have never been this empty
They're exploiting the hyper-inflated sense of self-importance they've been given for a few months
My mates wife is a nurse and she confirmed what has already been said here. Basically all elective surgery etc has been cancelled people are staying home with sickness that doesnt wararnt a hospital visit but used to because people want to be treated for free (at least here) and they're all just prepped and waiting for sick people to turn up, but they haven't, so they have fucking nothing to do and are bored out of their minds.
a lot of the work was difficult, I don't do med anymore but it was more intensive than gen eds so while their complaints are annoying it is comparatively true
however the complaint about not making much is a fucking joke, the pay and benefits for nursing are very nice. also you specialize into say anesthesiology and fucking roll in it more than doctors sometimes.
>They're exploiting the hyper-inflated sense of self-importance they've been given for a few months
>mostly women
i think you have a point here
I've been saying for years now that nursing and medicine have had their bars set so low for years now that 9/10 people you meet working in those fields are just complete morons outside of specialist practitioners. These idiots basically wanted a way to make a lot of money with as minimal effort as possible and thanks to diversity quotas and other retardation it's completely polluted with idiots.
>british columbia
>500 active cases in entire province
>less than half in hospital
>no remedy or cure
>literally no one with corona at my hospital
>people banging pots and pans everyday at 7pm while I'm trying to sleep for my 4 am shift at the hospital
For you.
>jewtube copyrighting everything in video description
>whats that song
I mean nurses (I hope to god there're no actual doctors doing this nonsense) are mostly women and social media is mostly used by women so it makes sense that these gay videos would mostly be women
I'm fucking sick of this hero worship bullshit around doctors and nurses. Like holy fuck, I never asked you to get on that fucking cross Jesus, so don't you dare demand I thank you for it.
Scrubs enabled this.
Women exist for attention
(edit of typo in previous post)
1. All hospitals were told NOT to have "elective" surgeries
2. Not all hospitals have been overwhelmed with Wuhan flu cases
3. It turns out that "elective" surgeries made up about 80-90% of hospital use. This includes things like cancer screening and surgery, hernias, joint replacement, some kinds of sports injuries, some kinds of cardiovascular procedures, etc.
Tiktok is so fucking cancer. I get teen girls using it but there's no need for hospital workers who are supposed to be caring for victims of a deadly SARS like virus to take the time to make twerk videos.
You think the Chinese nurses would pull this shit? They'd be sent to a gulag.
shit omg, look at those milkers!!!
Because not every hospital is in an urban center. The energy spent on dealing wth visitors and family allows for more efficient patient care as well as the appearance that the hospitals are not busy. Most hospitals look busy because of visitors milling about uselessly while patients occupy rooms. The one thing that the average person, and even dumbass administrators didnt expect was people not going to the ER for stuff they knew wasnt an emergency. This has led to reduced ER patient visits in the last month. As an ER doctor it was nice because for the most part i saw people that were actually sick. My admission rate for march was 66 percent. Normal is 15-20 percent in my hospital. Thats a huge increase in admissions. The downside is that i saw less patients and my pay is in part related to the number of RVUs i generate. Im looking at a $40/hr pay cut in march. I am in an epicenter area and i saw many chinese virus patients and intubated probably 20 myself.
Most nurses work harder than you ever will. A moment of respit because there no bullshit around and when tensions are high because they are literally risking their lives (1 dead nurse at one of my facilities) should be ridiculed.
But hey, if it makes you feel good about yourself have at it. Last saturday i made $200/hr to sleep 6 hours, i also jerked off twice while at work... im a lazy fuck.
This is also how Facebook went from "cool and exclusive" (note scare quotes) to boomer cringe.