MADE IN THE USA! Fuck shills, trannys, faggots and niggers. Bump this thread or fuck you edition

It's time to return manufacturing back to the USA, if you don't agree, fuck you, you are an enemy of this country. Made in the USA has always meant quality, while most made in the USA products are priced higher than foreign made shit, it lasts longer and more of a beating, buy once, cry once.

I am not saying eliminate all imports, just most of them. 3M would be the first company I go after, you want to sell that shit here, manufacture it here! otherwise pay exorbitant import tariffs.

Stop exporting our raw materials! Where the fuck is congress on this??? These cocksuckers can pass laws on who you can fuck, how you can fuck, what you can grow, what you can smoke, and on and on, why in the hell can they not do the same to corporate America? Why in the fuck is our own congress fleecing the shit out us??! Why are they allowing us to be fleeced?

The way I see it we have 2 options coming out of this, "crisis", we can go total globohomo and maintain the status quo which is obviously killing our nation economically and erasing our sovereignty, OR, we can start investing our resources and money in to our own country.

Bump this thread, don't be a faggot, rub it in the face of the shill, globohomo kikes and whomever else would cry about strengthening our nation.

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Other urls found in this thread:

How do I print stickers? I want those kind of stickers on a roll but they are all imported.

Whenever I buy something made in China, I feel like an idiot.
I feel like I was tricked or something. they make good stickers. Just use that pic, I'll make you a higher res one if you'd like.

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> they make good stickers.

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Does a jew own it?

even if it is, (((s)))he is a based jew, lel.

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So yes?

doesn't say, but honestly doesn't matter to me, it is an American business, they gave me reasonable prices and quality product, I would do business with them again even if it was walletberg kikensteinowitz at the helm.

>All of the materials in our custom stickers and labels are sourced from partners in the United States. We also ensure the highest quality of standards for our materials and for our cleaning processes.

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Buy Esee Knives. 1095 isn't the best steel but they do have a lifetime warranty, can't complain about that.

Buy Leatherman, because you always need another.

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kabar and ontario knives I think are both made in the USA, you have to be careful with some kabars but most are made in Olean NY

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Or buy the known Made in USA Kershaws, they're usually their only good knives.

-stopping the colonisation of our countries
-stopping the degeneracy

These are three tenets that will save western civilisation.

This is your future. Prove me wrong.

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the last Kershaw I bought was made in taiwan :(

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Which one? Only a few of their models are USA made, and they're usually far more expensive, Ken Onion designs and the like. Blur a solid knife at ~$60.

I am 41 years old and have NEVER seen a made in Finland tag on anything! Our faggot made products would still be better than yours, stay mad biotch.

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>I'M willING tO paY moRe fOr US prOdUcTs
this is what a well-heeled buying public looks like.

The idea is to keep the wealth in this country and not going to some Mong's pocket.

true, and national manufacuring should make a comeback, although most of it should be automated.
The problem would then be pricing. As it stands, everything should go back to fiscal year 1992 in terms of cost.

Have a bump

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best thread on \pole\ right now

Like all of my knife examples, many USA made items, unless it's Benchmade or ZT nametax, aren't too more expensive than Chinese made products, and usually come with real warranties.

yes you stupid faggot, you are either a worthless NEET, nigger or goldblatt imports, LLC.

I don't remember, I think it's out in my truck, I ain't goin to see. I just now noticed my Estwing tomahawk is made in the USA, I know their hammers are made in the USA, I love my Estwing framer hammer.

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when ol' Sam was still around, everything in the store was made in the USA. God damned kikes fucked that all up.

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I can't stand these fucking morons who act like spending three or four dollars more for a quality product made here at home isn't worth it. I don't know about you but I want my fellow countrymen to have jobs, good paying jobs with good benefits.

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Is there like an online store that online sells made in USA?

Some products can have a 300% markup for made in USA though.

Link me some great USA made STONEWARE niggers I need some plates

Thats the best plumbing tool ever neeggers.

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name one, BESIDES MEDICINE! I know our med system is a fucking joke. These kike companies charge Americans thousands for pills they are making in China for pennies, this is where our fucking congress is supposed to protect us, but lo and behold they lube us up and bend us over, this has to change.

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If one thing can come from this pandemic, it is the revelation to the masses that China is NOT our ally and self sufficiency with regards to manufacturing is the best way to move forward.

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mahnigga.png I use channel locks every day.

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I have an axe that was made in Finland, and you can go fuck yourself. And I buy almost everything American made, including the jeans, socks, belt, boots, and briefcase I am using right now.

whew lad... are they worth it?? I just looked up other nationalities high end stainless cookware sets and the prices all seem high as fuck, fuck that I'll stick to my 1950's cast iron made in the USA cookware.

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Madeinusaforever dot com is a decent resource

I have a stainless steel set from Walmart that cost $300. It's fucking stainless steel. This isn't new technology. You just press the pots out of a hunk of metal.

>you can go fuck yourself
nah, fuck you for buying foreign.

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I have All-Clad stainless steel pans, 12-inch, a much bigger one, and a big broad pot. Between those three I can make anything, including roasting a chicken or whatever. I also use a lodge cast iron but prefer stainless stee. In my opinion they are worth it, but just buy what you’ll use every day, not the whole set

You would have to migrate to a distributist system with cooperatives and high tech like 3D printers, many types of CNC, better materials, advanced designs and parts,... and products competing with quality, support, durability, good maintenance against cheap imported crap.

This if you survive the ongoing jewish coup:

I am sure your pans are serviceable but I wouldn’t want to cook with Chinese metal, it’s been found to have heavy metals and contaminants.