Why are christniggers like this?

Why are christniggers like this?

Why do they want to pollute peaceful buddhists with their christnigger ideology of worshiping a crooked jew? Why can't they leave them alone and convert niggers in africa instead?

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Dunno. Fuck off

Because religion is a mind virus and it must spread or else it dies.

chrsitians should be killed on sight, they are jewish zombies

Why are you following them?

Because Jesus Christ rose from the dead, proving he is the only way.

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Mental illness


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I cut myself on your edge

It came up on my feed

>peaceful buddhists

This meme needs to die

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Nothing wrong in killing a few muslims in my books

I thought buddhism had died out in India, by becoming absorbed by hinduism.

Because said buddhists don't understand that rejecting God is the source of pollution.

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About 10 million buddhists in India

>Why are christniggers like this?
They practice monotheism which is basically the religious version of something akin to jewish supremacy or german nazism

This guy would be rimming men's assholes if not for the teachings of jewsus lmao

I have experience with zen buddhism, the guy in the picture has a terrible meditation posture,


christ only resurrected once while the Buddhas have been through numerous reincarnations
christianity is a childs religion

>my posture is the correct one
literal brainlet

you're right, they would benefit more from drinking cow piss

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They are just trying to reach people. I don't see the problem actually.

>Thinking that buddhism is a new age, all tolerant, everything goes religion.

an argument could be made, that buddhists are ancient incels.. or at the very least nerds.

they do not contribute to society.. sit around all day, "searching for enlightenment"

while they survive on gibs. and donations..

why do they think they are better than everyone else? that they deserve spiritual enlightenment and others do not?

truth is there's nothing humble about the lifestyle of a monk.

That is shitty posture for someone that is supposed to be meditating and being mindful.

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>there is one way

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They depend on external validation and detest those who don't.

abrahamites and complete subhumans, and as such want to drag everyone else to their pitiful level

Many Buddhist/Hindu/Jain kings abdicated thrones at heights of power and became monks to seek enlightenment


I'm sure Buddhist monks are the last who are bothered by this

Based Buddhists. Kebab crushers.

>Originally, Buddha’s personal ashes were supposed to go to only one kingdom after his passing. However, this nearly ended in conflict. To make all well, Buddha’s relics were subdivided amongst eight ancient kingdoms. Centuries later, King Ashoka further divided many of Buddha’s personal relics and entombed them amidst thousands of ancient monuments.
Buddha is dead and his bones and ashes are in various pagodas and taken on parade through the street.
You have been officially DEBUNKED.
Buddha is dead, Jesus is alive.

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That tends to happen when you follow someone

because jesus is the false prophet he must infect and corrupt everything. lucifer is the true saviour

>any way goes.