What are some redpilled haircuts/ the politices of somaliland and Transnistria

Also am i white Yas Forums? I'm quite redpilled, just need a redpilled haircut. Is there any /ourguys/ in somaliland like some somali nigger that's redpilled on the jq and are national socalist? Same goes for Transnistria is it based and redpilled like other eastern yurope cuntries?

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>am i white
No. Fuck you, nigger.

is this baste or cringe commie shit?

Attached: basedpol.jpg (1999x1042, 377.17K)

wrong faggot memeflag i am aryan 100% germanic decent and live in yonkers

Attached: 1565034329105.jpg (320x240, 13.32K)


Go back Your kind is waiting for you.

How did you know i from /bant/?

Attached: 1565215271499.jpg (3264x2031, 610.18K)

proof that i'm real

Attached: 1583332563217.jpg (640x360, 27.84K)

Because my ass faggot

Attached: 602A5B9C-8367-4841-953D-E418E4835D75.png (563x424, 268.53K)

>brazilian tom sawyer poster

Attached: 1584406267262.jpg (515x515, 54.31K)