Was World War 2 a waste of time?

American grow up with the myth of WW2 as a great struggle between good and evil..

But it's not that simple.

Being allied with Stalin should be your first clue.

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The War in Europe was because France and the UK wanted to see an independent and democratic Poland.

That didn't happen.

Do you think Hitler was on the good side? Tell me your nuanced opinion of him

>We fought the wrong enemy

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The good guy- bad guy narrative of History really doesn't hold up when you study events in depth.

Was Eastern Europe more or less oppressed under Soviet domination than it would have been under Nazi domination?

The war in Asia raises similar questions was China better or worse under Mao then it would have been being part of the asian co-prosperity sphere ruled by Imperial Japan?

No, it was some more of that old white genocide.

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> fight banking cartel
> get financed by bankers
> go fighting other side also financed by the same bankers
I wish Adolf wasn't traumatized in WWI and still become the chance-lord.

I wish this was true and america gave us all the free shit instead of the soviets.

The world was in the great despression and the entire US market was fucked while hitler here created a booming economy so people from all around the world invested here but this stopped when we nationalised key industries.

Nothing wrong with investments and trade.

fuck no World War 2 is probably the most important event that lead to modern life

Actually allies promissed D-day much earier
Russians were pissed it was delayed
but it was delayed for the same reasons as mentioned,
americans and british wanted russian to take most of causalities.

Naah that would be WWI. WWII was just the losers of WWI getting their revenge.

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As British subject, how are you enjoying that modern life.

Before WW2 you were an Empire. What are you now?

D Day was a logistic nightmare and not easy to make so stupid roosters should be glad it happened in the first place.

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No, the war was because Germany wanted to have a completely local and independent economy without usury or reliance on foreign powers. Britain's jewish bankers didn't like not being able to profit off of German industry and pushed for war.

At the same time, German civilians living in the same towns they lived in for centuries, were now in foreign countries that hated Germans. They began to demand a return to Germany and Hitler advocated for them. Everyone agreed they should be returned, but the British began to lie and say these were violent annexations. The Free City of Danzig (which wasn't even part of Poland) also demanded to return to Germany but Poland threatened Germany with war if they integrated them. Britain used this opportunity to stir up trouble and start a war.

No - (((they))) made out quite well

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-t 1,000,000+ white british children gangraped and assaulted, some turned into kebab meat, others tongues nailed to tables and raped repeatedly
one had her house burned down.

The british at least before Turdshill never wanted war with us and gave no shit about poopland it all came 100% from america and world jewry but well oh well it looks like being in extreme debt to someone gives them power over you and the british became the dogs of the americans after the great war.

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>was China better or worse under Mao

Say what you want about the japanese and muh 1000 fold katana, but at least they know how metallurgy works kek

Everything is wrong with nationalisation (aka expropriation, aka robbery)
Socialism is cancer.

It is that simple though.

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>American grow up with the myth of WW2 as a great struggle between good and evil..
>But it's not that simple.
No, it is. The bad guys won.

I wonder if the aftermath of the Coronapocalypse will end up changing the world as much as WW2 did.

In times of peace of course it is but in times of war it is needed to get all industries together and make them work for the war maschine.

The whole field of Operations Research was born with WWII logistics
General Marshall doesn’t get enough credit.

You are a wetback. Return home now.

the hidden Yas Forums server is discord gg qyf9x2n

It has to stay hidden or discord will shut it down. As far as discord knows it's an occult server.

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When you are done jerking off over the vicarious feeling of power you have when you think about projecting military power around the globe.. please consider the costs of doing so and ask what it has actually achieved in last 20 years.

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bunch of teenagers sharing shit ylyl memes

>in times of war
you end the war, not pursue in it
otherwise it would be too good of excuse for big.guv to expand its power, and if you're here you must know who's always behind the curtain of every governmental structure.

They probably wouldn't have had a giant famine that killed tens of millions in the 1960s under Japanese rule.

When the US breaks apart into warring tribes Europe will have the chance to restore its former glory.

I mean if russian socialism was really a threat to this system, you'd see Roosevelt with Churchill and Hitler in front of Stalin's body.