This documetary was uploaded to YouTube 7 days ago and it already has over 7 milion views! Despite that it is not shown in trending or even in the search results.

The documentary tells all about the US media, hollywood and pizzagate. You must watch it if you haven't already. People ar getting woke. The day of reckoning is nigh my friends.
You can also drop some other good documentaries within the subject.

Attached: OOS2-800x458.jpg (800x458, 19.86K)

Other urls found in this thread:

times mentioned
>Epstein: 22
>jews: 0
>mossad: 0
>Israel: 0
>CIA: 84
>nazis: 27


You can't just come out with guns blazing on the jq. You have to leave some stepping zones for the normies to walk on.

Right. Let’s redpill normies by telling them that Hitler was right about jews. They’ll listen user.

7 million views?

I want off this ride.

Attached: A Scanner Darkly.jpg (299x346, 20.24K)

If this is to be brought in front of a greater public you can't name them or you would be instantly discredited. I would also love to hear about their involvement, especially from this Kevin Shipp guy who was a former CIA agent but for now, we need to abolish their demigods.

I think the entire first part about the news, nazis and mkultra was just fluff to ease people into weird shit in order to safely introduce pizzagate. Then they added just enough crumbs to follow without really getting into the super gross stuff. It's a good introduction for people who are brand new to the whole thing.

It's not that good, not decisive. A big connection in the middle is, a 'no smoking' sign in Vietnamese in a Vietnamese restaurant. If he's not a dum dum, he's a well poisoner. And no I'm not a Jew.

Epstein was a mossad agent and hollywood is jewish. It's a garbage documentary even by reddit standards and has a worse track record on pizzagate than Alex Jones on the subject.

>You can also drop some other good documentaries within the subject.
the newest video updated on this channel are good indeep documentaries
also this

You should probably take a break from Yas Forums. Go get some sun.

Indeedo. I already see normies spreading the Epstein didnt kill himself across the internet, the Ricky Gervais speech and now i hope this will catch on. All of those milions of people that watched this documentary can't be Yas Forumsfags. We need to spread this shit like covid.

this one blew my fucking mind

Too late for that I'm afraid.

Maybe stop shilling your garbage here and spread it to the "normies". There's been three threads in the catalog for at least the last three days.

newest videos* i meant, up to 3 yrs ago, before that this guy seems to have uploaded only music

>There's been three threads in the catalog for at least the last three days.

I'm not surprised you know that.

Wrong vid faggot, you watched Pedogate 2020

Did you not see the opening sequence? They very clearly point to the Jews

This movie picks on several subjects that would require hours to discuss in details. The whole thing has been created in an accessible way for a normie to be enlightened about CIA or hollywood. After that they may connect the dots to find out more.

It's meant to wake up normies faggot. You can't start with jews. You have to start with (((hollywood))), pedos, CIA, etc. After you get them to realize that all these different groups are fucking us then you can drop the fact that they are predominantly made up of kikes.

Today I stumbled upon a two and a half hour long video of some Serb talking about Trump, tunnels, pizza, satanists, corona, adrenochrome, underground nukes, you name it. The guy put it all into a single massive package

This. God damn shadow niggers fucking up the world and people don't talk about them, ever. Not once.

Buy an ad, moshe.

Are posts like these just bots following a script or actually NPC humans?

u sleepy brah?

Attached: ACC1C5DB-D451-4E16-8127-49D5B4412220.jpg (1014x1024, 166.88K)

fine, ill watch the damned thing.
it better name the jew.


Also, knowing that Mossad literally owns the CIA, this list makes concrete sense

The world is going to die WOKE

Nosferatu at 3:10 during comment "who is influencing our programming"

It's reality you fucking tard.

What's funny is, that many people (read: shills) here believe this process can somehow be stopped. They don't realize it's not a material process, but a transcendental one. It will happen simply because it was set out to happen. No explanations, no reasons, nothing. It happens, and that's it.

Are posts like yours written by insufferable faggots who know nothing about how the real world works? Yes, yes they are.


ha I stand corrected

Attached: 1563673360279.webm (640x360, 2.41M)

>but it’s for normies!
disinfo is disinfo. Q shared this. You think Qoomers aren’t ready for the JQ after three years?
I hate to say this, but cope harder.

You have a low IQ and can't keep track of the disinformation in that shitty video

Shills never respoind to this! I wonder why.

Attached: 1581910122082.jpg (1394x1345, 413.77K)

>Q shared this
So? Is it automatically not true?

Reality is you have to feed people even more disinformation before giving them the real truth? How fucking retarded are you real question

Well Poisoner.
I like term.

Number of times you have applied this skill to shill threads and posts: 0

it lends credence to the theory that Q is Zionist controlled disinfo

Saw this one aswell. Really good job.
People are a bit uneasy and paranoid due to the pandemic. I thinks it's great fuel for them to watch it and be redpilled hard. SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD MY BRETHRENS.

Because it's fucking kike trash from 2016. Is the rebel still a thing ezra?

Yeah, even if this is what lead him down the path it's pure luck.

Deep state is the same thing though in my eyes,
fuck it.