How do we return to this?
How do we return to this?
get a fucking time machine you stupid fucking faggot
We don’t, it’s too far gone user. Accept the New Africa initiative.
I'd say turn your PC or console on, put the disc in, and play it.
It's gone! Face it and get you an Asian gf so you can breed mongrels.
Shit game. Bioshock should've stayed underwater.
It's very unusual today to have a pretty looking town. So much so, they become tourist attractions.
It only ended up trash because they pissed away their development time getting nowhere. The had to bring in the suits in the last year and scrap nearly everything and just get SOMETHING published. They need proper leadership from the beginning.
How did they get away with it? This would never make it past the censors today.
based. i hate nostalfags
jewish powertrip fantasy game where you kill white goyim trying to escape from diversity and racemixing?
Actually start doing things, organizing, and getting involved in politics rather than sitting around doing nothing and taking credit for when it works out despite you not contributing in any way,
I just want to feel like I fucking belong and not feel like a social reject. Idk if it’s always been like this, but fuck I hate how I just can’t seem to fit in no matter how hard I try and especially with women I’m just pathetic and I’ve never even kissed a girl or cuddled with one. Was it always like this user or is it the modern world that created rejects like myself?
wow, the British and American flags look so majestic together.
If you can't fit in women you may need to try older ones
its never going to happen, your government has already made their decision. this timeline is so black pilled
Stop cooming. Cooming makes you way more insecure.
this. bring pride back for your nation, teach your children values, hard work and how to help others - spread that to the neighborhood children as well. turn of the fucking tv/media and start refusing to participate in degenerate shit
Whenever I stop cooming I just feel like I get even more anxious and cooming is one of the only pleasurable things I have left that I do
Better question how do we return to this?
It is in no way unusual in more civilized countries like Germany. Americans never had taste.
Just buy it on steam. Bioshock Infinite
It never existed you fucking moron.
The game is from that time YOU ABSOLUTE RETARD
Worst bioshock. Why would you want to go back?
load it up on steam?
People idolize Infinite like it was the game of a generation.
Damn, Terra looking pretty nice this time of year
>return to
>floating cities
user, I...
>easy payments credit parlors
Fuck off Jew
no way, the skyhook play was awesome
Only possible in White homogenous countries.
My Brother
How do you intend to a return to a cartoon of something that never happened?
Especially one where upside down skyscrapers grow from clouds
>How do we return to this?
America was going towards that aesthetic before Jews took over.