Why would anyone have sex with a robot?

I don't understand it. No matter how good looking, I'd literally pick a british slag over evangelion asuka sexbot because it's real and alive, and the robot is not. It's just porn on steroids. Btw I don't watch porn because it's depressing to watch other people have sex while you are home alone. Can anyone explain how a robot can replace another human being in ways other than having a hole to stuff dick into? Why even wait for robots, by that logic it's better fucking a goat than fucking a woman because goat doesn't nag and cheat on you.

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Another human being is just a place to insert your dick.

Because at certain level of technology the robots won't be physically distinguishable from real women (and will certainly be smarter). Although we're no there yet.

What the fuck is a vato

A robot could do chores i don't feel like doing.

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After all what's the difference between a real girl and a sex bot now days beside sexual pleasure, I'm myself bi girl and mostly into girls and I struggled a lot to find actual love with girls, desu i'd like a gal sexbot ://

>Btw I don't watch porn
Virtually 100% of men do. You are a statistical anomaly, an outlier that would be thrown out. In fact, psychologists would love to study you.
If you just mean you're on week 4 of no fap, then don't make that claim

>goat doesn't cheat on you
Why wouldn't it?

>Because at certain level of technology the traps won't be physically distinguishable from real women (and will certainly be smarter). Although we're no there yet.

Ah yes, that kind of future

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How many time do we need to teach you this lesson tripfag? You're not a girl

people have sex with animals, dead bodies, children's toys, scat and really anything that can be fucked is eventually fucked.
why would you be suprised that robots made to be fucked would be fucked?

Spic slang for man

Whoa... not even with Asuka-chan? She was basically a robot from the start.

On our current trajectory, if nothing changes, women will become irrelevant. A man can buy a loving, caring robot waifu who will even be able to bear him children with the advent of artificial wombs. They will be more human than actual human women, who have become self-hating biological machines.

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Post tits and timestamp

yeah but you'll be old then and won't even be able to have a proper bang session with your robot without having to worry about your heart giving out

really?then the medics when they made my birth certificate were blind and i'm blind too and so are my family and friends to see my body having female shapes, damn those chernobyl radiations affecting our vision

>ways other than having a hole to stuff dick into
What other way do women even offer?

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Sometimes you just want a good fuck without the drama. Like rn. If I wanted to I could go get some pussy rn. Girl is dming as I write this. But I would have to drive to another state. Big hassle for pussy. If there wasn’t a lockdown I could hit up some people I went to school with and probably convince the hotter girls to fuck, but then they’d want to date. I’m not at a point in my life where I want a girlfriend because I’m trying to accomplish things and girls just tie you down and hold you back. I just want a good fuck once in a while without having to worry about what’s been in the pussy before me. A robot is there when I want it there and gone when I want it gone. And it won’t transfer diseases to me. Once I have my shit taken care of I’ll find some girl who wants to build her life around what I’ve built for myself. That’s how it’s supposed to work.

This came to mind.

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based simp female

back to PH coomer

Because the appeal of the vagina without an annoying women, duh. No one would give a shit about women (especially "modern" ones who can't even cook) if it weren't for vagina and kids.

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I love 2B

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You've obviously never been married

I would try to get my wife onboard, great way to have a threesome without her going nuts about muh jealousy

Honestly, once it can clean itself and make a few realistic facial expressions I would consider buying one.

At that point it’s already better than most women.

Post feet then, worthless tripfagging cunt.

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Depends on how realistic they make the robots.
If its indistinguishable from the real thing theres no reason for men to stop fucking women until they stop acting retarded.


Same reason you'd fuck man ass

This is definitely so cringy it could only be written by a woman who thinks she is being clever and cute.
I’m convinced.
No begone, Thot.

i aint nobody's fap material you cuck

Like a nigga

Because you're Canadian, and it's your nature, second only to dogfucking?

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Porn on steroids aint nothin to sneeze at, you faggot.

wrong, I'm fapping to you right now you dumb simp broad.

>Spic slang for nigger-tier spics.

Wouldn't be easier to just have mind-controled clones or something simillar ?

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Brown sharpie in pooper, cap out, or get the fuck out.

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where's the dick bros?

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Because it's hot as fuck.
Next question.

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>tfw no girlfriend to talk about Speed Force with

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Women literally have sex with small vibrating sex parts, not even a full robot.

So what was that you were saying about women?

Optional attachment.

speed force is gay and so are you

this is me. wanna date?

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No, you probably aren't.

its worse than that

Man's Best Friend is about as trust worthy as (((The Greatest Ally)))

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k sad wanker
nah i like only white dudes and girls, i ain't american to do this

The UK is gay.
I still like to talk about it

in your ass faggot

it's just masturbation, it's insufficient by definition. people need to feel liked and wanted, and a robot will never be able to give that. you can have as many sexdolls as you want, you'll still be alone

There are forms of life beyond flesh and blood. Even the unliving can be given a soul according to the bible.

>tits or gtfo

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wow, raised in the Burbs, Yo.

Tripfagging and baseless claims? Fucking lame

They might as well have bought the robot, and cut its dick off then fornicated with it.

What kind of fucking monsters! Jesus you made a valid point man.
Women are just, horrible.

Can't even comply with simple instructions. Into the trash bin you go.

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i can't cheat on my husbando and gf

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just like all africans now, they should also be starved of attention

>people need to feel liked and wanted, and a robot will never be able to give that
Can a woman give you that?