For everyone that is looking for the David Icke interview on London Real that got scrubbed, I've uploaded it for download. You're welcome.
David Icke Is Right
Other urls found in this thread:
i just can't get over how reptilian he looks
He's got some crazy fingers desu.
>(((David Icke)))
Based lizard man
its already here
After all we've been through, I think I'm ready to try lizard things.
What's the jist?
>what is controlled opposition
David Icke is just another new-age faggot promoting "the divine self".
See he told mostly the truth through this whole interview then he proceeded to push his heretical belief in the last 10 minutes.
Truly a master-baiter, like Satan.
Hey faggots, after 5G doesn't do shit, can you faggots stop being faggots? Like, draw a line in the sand there, and decide to stop being an Ultimate Secret Truth Conspiracy Master and live life instead?
It never got banned itsright here on youtube andhas been the entire time
>testing only tests genetic matter not (((COVID)))
>5G activates exosomes
While I'm inclined to agree that he's a crackpot on many things, he's pretty spot on in this case
Oh snap! Will probably get scrubbed. Download for reupload later.
>the man is trying to subjugate use all through gibs
>bill gates is a demon trying to chip us to connect with skynet
This isn't the full 3 hours senpai.
>While I'm inclined to agree that he's a crackpot on many things, he's pretty spot on in this case
That is exactly what I'm telling you.
He speaks the truth and then he proceeds to push satanism in the last bit.
"The divine self" is a satanic doctrine.
It is the very doctrine of the ones he criticize, the occult.
You are being played.
>The divine self" is a satanic doctrine
Explain more
>He speaks the truth and then he proceeds to push satanism in the last bit.
Even a broken clock is right twice a day user. I take Icke with a grain of salt.
Thelema doctrine- Aleister Crowley
Have a nice dig.
honestly the 5G shit freaks me out
I don't know what to think about it
Icke's always seemed like a disinfo shill to me on par with Alex Jones. Clearly there's some real truth in there but he waters it down with shit about aliens from sirius b and the andromeda galaxy or whatever.
There were huge scares back in the 70s about nuclear power being anywhere near populated areas but it turns out it's just fine.
However, what scares me is that they've used this quarantine to put up 5G towers in low income areas all over my town and I've seen other videos of people posting the same.
It's extremely disturbing to actually view these towers up close somewhere. I thought nothing of it until I looked at one of those things up close and saw all the fucking monstrous frankenstein cables coming out of them and how they're literally just stamped crudely into populated areas, many of them right next to hospitals. That's more than enough reason to be suspicious of them.
I know how they work as essentially a relay and technically it's no different than wi fi we've had for ages now for desktops, i've seen plenty of 5g towers in wealthy neighborhoods so I don't think they'd poison themselves, but looking at these things just gave me a bad vibe in my town. Looks like some sort of horrifying comic book death ray.
I don't have a pic of the ones in my town since i didn't want to get close to them but the towers here were even more fucking creepy looking than this one.
>While I'm inclined to agree that he's a crackpot on many things, he's pretty spot on in this case
thats what controlled opposition does newfag
Thank you
Fuck you
And this
no he is not, he is nothing but a wellpisser, either mad or just acting
the only thing he achieves by this bullshit is for when people legitimately asks questions about 5g is for those who promote, install, want it to just go
>oh.. right you are one of those icke types..
Your welcome, praise God.
Trust in Jesus.
Love you.
David Icke is indeed right
only vid you need on 5g
It did get banned, that's a shorter version they reuploaded that doesn't say anything too politically incorrect. The full interview was 2 hours and 43 minutes. David Icke may has been wrong about some shit in the past, I don't know or care as I never paid any attention to him before this. But he's 100% hit the nail on the fucking head with this one. Just listen to him and try to prove him wrong. I guarantee this will spread and get more attention in the near future. The truth will aways win in the long run.
Imagine listening to a single word of what comes out of this clowns mouth
You're a fucking meme flag. Any time you shill against something you only make it appear more credible to anyone with an above room temperature IQ.
>While I'm inclined to agree that he's a crackpot on many things, he's pretty spot on in this case
That's exactly how controlled opposition works.
Newfag only 15 years late
Buy an ad and fuck off back to /x/, kike.
listening, 10min in, he is right about the testing method flaws, still no reptiles, this might be actually valuable.