Is US carrier fleet obsolete?
Yes, yes it is.

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No, no it's not.



low grade chicom propaganda. they have been irrelevant since probably the 90s or early 2000s when asgm missiles could take them out. but they still have a huge role in the way geopolitics works and the only reason you see this article right now is because chicoms are going all out because they feel that the US is weak


>t. Gary
Fucking boomers get off the board.

In your dreams Ivan

They work fine as very expensive way to blow up muslims, just like the rest of the military.

Yes, carriers have been obsolete since competent guided nuclear missiles.

The US is increasingly weak due to our demographic and social issues. Look at how gender/race affirmative-action has affected the navy over the past few decades. That's a self-inflicted injury, and it won't get any better in the future. But no mainstream politicians/analysts ever talk about that kind of thing.

Not Ivan. It's not my problem Derek you brits made two new carriers for nothing.

>Zero context associate with your use of "obsolete"
For attacking a foreign country with access to any form of guided missile systems, absolutely. But so are all aircraft carriers. For defense purposes, not obsolete in the slightest. Getting resources in the air is a must for defense. Navy is able to defend most of ships with onboard C-RAMs against some missile attacks, but not all.

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If carriers are obsolete, why are the Chinese trying to build them?

No, only retards think so.

I can smell your fear, chinky-poo

I they'll have 14 very soon

>A fucking ramp

Giant carrier fleets are murkan atavism from ww2 the same way horizon stretching tank armies are in our case
Small, fast, stealthy(all to avoid being hit by missiles and minimize losses in case missile does hit) ships chokefull of missiles(the best type of munition currently) are what really matters on the sea in 2020 and any close future

Seriously, is there anything Chinese didn't copy?

Come test it, chang.

>America has super weapon no one else has
>Everyone else tries to make them but can't
>Give up and declare super weapon obsolete because muh white room theories

Absolutely brainlet tier.

What kind of faggot zoomer name is Anonymous

>super weapon
>no one else has
american education...

Fucking ski jump helicopter assault ships =/= CATOBAR super carriers.

Must be bored now that all your online games are banned

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in conventional warfare maybe. Shitty bullshit proxy wars where we bomb countries with minimally effective air forces half the world away? Yeah carriers are still the best.

I hate carriers for making battleships obsolete but fuck no.

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they're perfectly adequate for bombing countries israel dislikes, and that's all they are needed for.

No one else has vessels remotely comparable to a Nimitz or Ford class. You've been BTFO, proven a fraud and a cuck and a coper, and will be castrated by the universe in the next 72 hours

Shhhh don't bring logic into this discussion.

thousands of small swarm drones with a small explosive charge sent up as a barrier to incoming anti ship missiles?

hello fellow negro
i too occasionally shit post from a nigerian vpn server

was it carriers and their aircraft offensive that benched the battleship or was it anti ship missile tech that retired the mighty beasts?

Definitely carriers dipshit. How many battleships were ever sunk by ASCM?

>Skicuck diesel carriers are the same thing as nuclear powered super carriers with chadapults

More proof that American education seems wrong only to the uneducated.



lmao maybe next century

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