Somebody please explain to me what particular kind of autism fuels the guy who spams memes of a 30yo boomer on a purple background with text bubble above his head.
> I living in a post modern post ironic world, confined to your home due to a Chinese flu and spending your last days trying to plead to your only company, a “personal assistant”, to get you some help You can’t even make this up, level of depair off the charts
Old lady > Alexa, I’m dying, call the Police Alexa > OK, adding N.W.A - Fuck the Police to your shopping cart. 1.99 dollars were debited from your account
Lady > HELP ME ALEXA! I’m dying! Call the police! Alexa > your account is now overdraft. You don’t have enough funds to take this action.
Lady > ALEXA, I’m dying of Coronavirus! HELP Alexa > reading the /cvg/ pastebin. First link:
>So what's in that cup of covefe? Communications Over Various Feeds Electronically For Engagement Act of 2017 or the COVFEFE Act of 2017
This bill amends provisions governing presidential records to: (1) revise the definition of "documentary material" to include social media; (2) revise the definition of "presidential records" to include any personal and official social media account; and (3) define "social media" as any form of electronic communication (such as a website for social networking and microblogging) through which users create an online community to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (such as videos).
That’s also an avatar and, hence, against the rules. Much for his luck nobody actually report his every post for that violation otherwise even two people doing it could get him in trouble
>Hey, you're elderly and live alone. You need to always have a phone and emergency contact button also you should live around others who check in on you regularly. >lol fuck that shit >EEEEEAAAAAAARG BLASTED TALKYBOX CONTACT THE CONSTABULARY >I'm sorry, could you say that again? I know we've discussed it before but what in the name of god?
I've long since filtered his image dimensions so fuck him.
Cooper Reyes
its because it needs to provide a location (bad idea to let google and amazon have) and cannot provide a callback number. It's also completely reliant on a wi-fi connection.
Andrew Diaz
just remember: we're spending trillions for their sake
I urge you to take action (above) and provide public comments to the ATF and ask them to protect gun owners’ private information. Please do so before the close of business on Monday, April 20.
They're idiots who are conflating two statements. They're also trying to make a big deal that the footage came before the shelter in place orders which doesnt matter because the virus was still present in the US at that time
Robert Reed
The HK meat markets in New Territory area are also filthy even though they're pork and beef, you can't make a chinkman do shit sanitary unless you convert him to islam. It's just not going to happen.
>OMG Trump allowed legal american citizens to enter their home country. IMBLEACH. Those 40.000 people were Americans, you dip shit.
Matthew Clark
> also you should live around others who check in on you regularly. I was talking to my wife about this just today. Back in the days there was this position in society called “aí pair”, usually a younger less affluent girl brought to the life of a woman at her adult age (when it became obvious she wasn’t marriage material) and that grew old alongside.
Society forgot lots of lessons people got figured out long ago.
> we're spending trillions for their sake No you’re not. That’s the problem. America and the world is just destroying it as nobody can spend on anything right now
Elijah Green
>it's racist to ban travel that wasn't actually banned!
if that news won't make you smile, i'm sure this will: OPEC expects that the demand for oil will remain extra low throughout the year even as things begin to resume, because economic slowdown means less oil will be consumed even if things resumed right now. so the prices are probably going to stay low for a while desu allow me to rephrase that as the lost cost of the future and not the nominal currency now and it's still probably correct
thats what happens to you when you dont get adrenochrome
Dominic Nelson
>brought to the life of a woman at her adult age (when it became obvious she wasn’t marriage material) and that grew old alongside. I think this got lost in translation a but but you're talking about some live in whore for the old men? Ideally way more people would be married and divorce be squashed and people live closer to family if it can be helped. If one dies before the other then remarriage or community and such like I've seen in Italy with young and old being quite close.
Why is it that all of Trump's opponents both great and small wither?
Anthony Gutierrez
> they're the majority of the groups who vote repeatedly and corruptly. Not even all of them. Niggers are 13% of the population voting at a 60% turnout in “majority minority” almost full black districts.
Trump won 2016 pandering to disgruntled two time Obama voters from the white working class. Trump keeps their vote and he wins. Each percent of the white vote Trump loses he would have to make up with 5% of the black vote to break even.
>thinking that the residents of Chinatown would never, ever, ever fly to China then fly back >thereby spreading the Chinese virus The left is truly, monumentally, colossally retarded and gay.
Stress fucks your body up. It must be exhausting to have TDS.
Levi Bailey
isn't blizzard a chink puppet?
Oliver Rogers
>bloop bloop
>if that news won't make you smile, i'm sure this will: OPEC expects that the demand for oil will remain extra low throughout the year even as things begin to resume u fuckin wot m8 > because economic slowdown means less oil will be consumed even if things resumed right now. so the prices are probably going to stay low for a while AND I EEEE IIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE UUUUUUU AAAAAAAAA
>The media will have a meltdown over this at the press cooference. They might as well have two meltdowns, here is the text about the border wall construction.
My wife of 37yro has the tits of a 15yro. Small B and perky as hell. Also has quite prominent nipples. The reason they still look so good, after 2 kids no less, she says > I've never worn a bra unless it was a special occasion. Needless to say her nips are always protruding.
I am greatful they don't cross my path, you forfeit your law enforcement credential and you are a domestic terrorist, if you do this.
DEAR LAW ENFORCEMENT (sic) Citizens have an OODA loops too. Maybe not as much COMBAT TRAINING AS YOU. We also have a too-high tolerance for your fucking bullshit. But it's ran out.
أحداث 11 من أيلول/سبتمبر 2001هي مجموعة من الهجمات شهدتهاالولايات المتحدةفي يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 11 سبتمبر 2001. وفيهِ توجهت أربعطائراتنقل مدني تجارية لتصطدم بأهداف محددة، وقد نجحت في ذلك ثلاث منها. تمثلت الأهداف في برجي مركز التجارة الدولية الواقعةبمنهاتنومقروزارة الدفاع الأمريكية (البنتاجون). سببت هذه الأحداث 2973 قتيلا و24 مفقودا، إضافة لآلاف الجرحى والمصابين بأمراض جراء استنشاق دخان الحرائق والأبخرة السامة. أمر وزير الدفاع الأمريكيدونالد رامسفيلدبزيادة مستوىديفكونإلى 3، كما أخذت الإحتياطات لزيادة مستوىديفكونإلى 2، لكن هذا لم يحدث. ولم تفلح هذهِ الإحتياطات في صد هجمات الطائرات على البرجين ووُجهت انتقادات شديدة لمسؤوليها الأمنيين.[2]

أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001

من الأعلى إلى الأسفل ومن اليسار إلى اليمين: حرائق ما بعد الاصطدام في برجيمركز التجارة العالمي؛البنتاغونينهار ؛ الرحلةيو أي 175تصطدم ببرج التجارة العالمي الشمالي ؛ طلب المساعدة من قبل رجال الإطفاء فيأرض الصفرفي 15 سبتمبر 2001 ؛ محركة طائرة الرحلةيو أي 93بعد إيجاده ؛ الرحلةأي أي 77تصطدمبالبنتاغون.

مسارات الطائرات المختطفة الأربع
المعلوماتالبلدالولايات المتحدةالموقعمقاطعة أرلنغتون، فيرجينيا، ومانهاتنالتاريخ11 سبتمبر2001 8:46 ص – 10:28 ص. (م.ز.ش)الهدفمركز التجارة العالمي، وبنتاغوننوع الهجوماختطاف طائرة-هجوم انتحاري-قتل جماعيتسبب فيوزارة الأمن الداخلي في الولايات المتحدة، وحرب أفغانستان، وقانون باتريوت آكتالخسائرالوفيات2996[1]الإصابات6001 منفذون محتملونتنظيم القاعدة
Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead. Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life. The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
Colton Scott
Imagine supporting this cuck fucking faggot president who lets other niggers have his money. If this faggot doesn't say "Gimme them duckets" real fucking quick and just straight jack all these other niggers holding out, then you know this man is 100% a bitch with a fat nasty pussy between his legs cause his dick and balls are so small they get sucked into his fucking fat rolls. Fucking disgusting. Either step up to the plate or go sit on the fucking bench, nigger.
Trump wins every time. I want my enemies driven before me and hearing the lamentations of their jews numbers? How much of the Dem power coalition would be needed to strip down ballot votes? I doubt we'll get broken and scattered to the winds numbers because there's always someone who needs a little help. Theoretically if 100%, 50% 25% of blacks blaxit? what sort of damage is done to the party?
أحداث 11 من أيلول/سبتمبر 2001هي مجموعة من الهجمات شهدتهاالولايات المتحدةفي يوم الثلاثاء الموافق 11 سبتمبر 2001. وفيهِ توجهت أربعطائراتنقل مدني تجارية لتصطدم بأهداف محددة، وقد نجحت في ذلك ثلاث منها. تمثلت الأهداف في برجي مركز التجارة الدولية الواقعةبمنهاتنومقروزارة الدفاع الأمريكية (البنتاجون). سببت هذه الأحداث 2973 قتيلا و24 مفقودا، إضافة لآلاف الجرحى والمصابين بأمراض جراء استنشاق دخان الحرائق والأبخرة السامة. أمر وزير الدفاع الأمريكيدونالد رامسفيلدبزيادة مستوىديفكونإلى 3، كما أخذت الإحتياطات لزيادة مستوىديفكونإلى 2، لكن هذا لم يحدث. ولم تفلح هذهِ الإحتياطات في صد هجمات الطائرات على البرجين ووُجهت انتقادات شديدة لمسؤوليها الأمنيين.[2]

أحداث 11 سبتمبر 2001

من الأعلى إلى الأسفل ومن اليسار إلى اليمين: حرائق ما بعد الاصطدام في برجيمركز التجارة العالمي؛البنتاغونينهار ؛ الرحلةيو أي 175تصطدم ببرج التجارة العالمي الشمالي ؛ طلب المساعدة من قبل رجال الإطفاء فيأرض الصفرفي 15 سبتمبر 2001 ؛ محركة طائرة الرحلةيو أي 93بعد إيجاده ؛ الرحلةأي أي 77تصطدمبالبنتاغون.

مسارات الطائرات المختطفة الأربع
المعلوماتالبلدالولايات المتحدةالموقعمقاطعة أرلنغتون، فيرجينيا، ومانهاتنالتاريخ11 سبتمبر2001 8:46 ص – 10:28 ص. (م.ز.ش)الهدفمركز التجارة العالمي، وبنتاغوننوع الهجوماختطاف طائرة-هجوم انتحاري-قتل جماعيتسبب فيوزارة الأمن الداخلي في الولايات المتحدة، وحرب أفغانستان، وقانون باتريوت آكتالخسائرالوفيات2996[1]الإصابات6001 منفذون محتملونتنظيم القاعدة جارة العالمي؛البنتاغونجارة العالمي؛البنتاغونينهار ؛ الرحلةيو أي 175تصطدم ببرج التجارة العالمي الشمالي ؛ طلب المساعدة من قبل رجال الإطفاء فيأرض الصفرفي 15 سبتمبر 2001 ؛ محركة طائرة الرحلةيو أي 93بعد إيجاده ؛ الرحلةأ؛ الرحلةيو أي 175تصطدم ببرج التجارة العالمي الشمالي ؛ طلب المساعدة من قبل رجال الإطفاء فيأرض الصفرفي 15 سبتمبر 2001 ؛ محركة طائرة الرحلةيو أي 93بعد إيجاده ؛ الرحلةأ عددالمشاركين
Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead. Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life. The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
Christian Bennett
this photo is evidence in pelosi's trial for murder.
Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead. Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life. The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
Zachary King
Tired: California is the worst Wired: Maryland will always be worse
That ass hole should of done this weeks ago and retweet every single left wing politicians who called for this.
Robert Williams
> some live in whore for the old men? No, “au pair” isn’t the word I’m looking. The female live-in servant for the type of old women that won’t get married and have kids to care for them, who will live together for life.
Easton Hughes
Fuck off with your edgy racism you fucking underage fuck. Funny thing is you wouldn't dare to say that anywhere but on here, because you're an edgy little faggot.
Maybe someday when you eventually turn 15, you'll realise that you're a fucking dickhead. Every day your parents probably sob in each others arms at the realisation that the innocent little child they once had has now grown up to be a NEET basement dwelling permavirgin faggot incel with a non-existant social life. The only attention you will ever garner from anyone is by posting edgy fucking comments on an anonymous fucking image board.
I can almost picture a weak grin spreading across your face as you realise someone replied to your shitty mindless comment, you autistic fuck. But then that smile will slowly disappear as you realise your 10 seconds of daily attention is gone, and you go back to moping around in the darkness of your dank basement, the only light in the room coming from your probably shit-tier walmart desktop because you're too poor to afford a decent one, or maybe you're too socially inept to go out and buy one. After this thread dies, you will probably let out a loud sigh as you lift your chubby cheeto-stained fingers to turn off your monitor before crawling in to your pissy, cum-stained mattress to cry yourself to sleep. You are nothing. You will never be something. You fucking lardass social reject.
Caleb Brown
>small and perky b-cups gross, tits should be gargantuan saggy floppy drooping fertility goddess milkers like the Venus of Willendorf anything less than Leanne Crow/Maserati tier may as well be a boy