Do you prefer Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy?

Do you prefer Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy?

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Only an idiot will permit 51% to tell 49% what to do.

That's only during referendums. Switzerland also has a House of Representatives and Senate.

>permits 30% to chose what 0.0001% will rule over 100% instead like a boss


Neither you democrafag

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Go to Canada if you want to live under a monarch, Loyalist-Fags.

Can I choose neither

I prefer killing leftists.

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liquid democracy

>Do you prefer Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy?

I prefer working checks and balances in my system, thanks, so neither until you make one with that.

How about Panrepresentative or Non-Binarepresentative?

democracy is for faggots and niggers

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>permits 30% to choose what 0.0001% will do what another 0.0001% lobbyists pay them to do

imagine thinking that canada is a monarchy, its a democracy that sucks the queens cock but she has no actual power

read "the machiavellians, defenders of freedom" and wake yourself up from the garbage of "democracy"

Reminder, edgy faggots die first when the dictator comes to power.

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You think the average city goyim knows about the needs of ag people?

Machiavelli was pro-Democracy... Read 'Discourses on Livy', 'The Prince' was just a book to make the Medici's like him

yeah its really edgy to be against kikes and niggers i guess, fuck off mutt

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the machiavellians wasnt about machiavelli himself. its writings from robert michels, pareto, and georges sorel

It's edgy to support a failed ideology that hasn't grown beyond an imageboard notorious for being filled with shills poopoopeepeeing over a botched election rigging. Most NEETsoc on Yas Forums are larpers.

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Neither, democracy always degenerates to corrupt interest groups

Direct Democracy but to vote you have to livestream your life 24/7 at 4k with audio.

States are free to have direct democracy if they like. It's strange the little ones like VT, RI and DE haven't done it yet.

I prefer a mixed constitution with monarchical, oligarchical and democratic elements.

>failed ideology
you mean an worldview that propelled germany from one of the worst depressions in history to a world super power within a few years, disconnecting from the international jewish banks and advancing the german peoples to greatness?
fuck off kike, Hitler or Hell

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Direct democracy is the only real democracy

>propelled germany from one of the worst depressions in history to a world super power within a few years
do you know how that happened?

>disconnecting from the international jewish banks
ah, you don't

on the other hand, the soviet union did all that and didn't commit a genocide, lol

>muh edge
Moralfag detected

And yet it still doesn't grow beyond a niche group, you retarded indignant faggot. If an ideology isn't spreading, it's either a shit ideology or the people who follow it are shit. My guess is both, since you all tend to act the same way as the people you hate.

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>you mean an worldview that propelled germany from one of the worst depressions in history to a world super power within a few years, disconnecting from the international jewish banks and advancing the german peoples to greatness?
He means short-lived failed ideology that got Germany into devastating war vs europeans, then rape, then cultural neutering. And now it's refuge for larping mongrels.

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>Reconquista forced Jews and Muslims to leave or convert to Christianity
>Spanish Inquisition made sure they were honestly converting and not just pretending
>Sephardic Catholics and Spanish Catholics are viewed as basically the same by the culture because of the shared faith
>Sephardic Catholics marry Spanish Catholics because "we are all Catholics and that's all that matters"
>some of these Sephardic Catholics go to the New World to conquer, colonize and convert pagans like the rest of Spain
>interbreed with natives like the Sephards and Spaniards so that the Mexicans have Sephardic and Spanish DNA

>generations come and go and modern Spics just know people from Spain fucked their Aztec ancestors and made them Catholic and less "pyramid blood sacrifice"
>Askenazic Jews that were driven out of Spain centuries ago now claim Spics and them are SOOOPER DOOOPER SAMESIES so that they can try and subvert Spics into being exploited by the Chosen People and Greatest Ally

>we need to break shit and get gibs cuz fuk juz muh fello airyen

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Direct democracy becomes impossible once your population is over 100.

Direct democracy is two wolves and one sheep deciding what to have for dinner. A constitutional representative republic grants the sheep to contest the menu selection.

muh mass movement, your retarded if you think that normies are going to take a break from their bread and circus to have a deep conversation about race and the survival of whites. numbers are not everything and there are far more of us outside this retarded board then within it.
get out of the cities and into nature urbanite

That's how gay marriage was legalized in the US. 20% wanted to fist assholes in public, 31% didn't care, and 49% knew it was a slippery slope to a failing culture. And here we are.

Representative? Oh you mean some rich jew puppet pretending to care about you?

forgot to add this

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I prefer a corporative state with a supreme leader elected for life by guild representatives.

Neither. Anarchy or monarchy is the only way.

Obviously direct democracy. The problem with representative democracy is that it becomes very easy to buy off the representatives which make the system pointless and dictatorship preferential.

Keep dreaming for tyranny of the majority to manifest your utopia, faggot. Never going to happen.

>didn't commit a genocide

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We’re a representative republic and that’s how it will stay