How is it a Pacification Op?

Anti-Q people constantly say Q tells people to "do nothing". This makes no sense. What is it that Q is preventing people from doing?
>hurr durr boomers would be marching on the capitol and stringing up traitors from lampposts if not for Q
This is stupid on its face, and funny every time.
>Q is keeping people from going full terrorist
This seems to be the pure glownigger position, encouraging people to engage in criminal activity.
>Q is keeping people from being activists or organizing or researching
Q followers spend all their time doing this, though. Through social media they spread awareness of things like Epstein and Pizzagate like never before. On the Qresearch board they dig like few on Yas Forums ever do anymore. The spread of the movement worldwide demonstrates the extent of the organization of people attempting to wake up more people.

So what is it that Q is preventing people from doing? The irony is that the same people who whine and bitch that Q is too cryptic or vague, subsequently are cryptic or vague about what they think Q is preventing people from doing. Anyone want to offer an actual answer?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Previous thread

It's a larp


>it's a bot
Have a bump
Pic related for the inevitable, endless accusations of khazarian influence

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Wasn't something supposed to happen on easter? I remember them going on and on about it.

You mean shills and false flag faggots. Q doesn't set dates, niether should anyone else. Try the OP question on for size.




Yas Forums used to be a unique place
here is more PROOF
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the 'agentur' of the 'Illuminati' between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.

We have said that Lucifer came to the world to wake man up, to help him remember his divine origin, the divine origin of his Spirit, and to help him free himself from the body-soul in which he is trapped, and from created time and matter.

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Q's Easter message: "Patriots Making Date Predictions Are Harming the Movement and Arming the MSM"

You faggots are still at it? Is 8kun down or something?

It’s a larp because it convinced people that everything is under control; that they can sit back and “watch the show” ex. Mass arrests, indictments, etc that haven’t happened and just fucking won’t. Don’t get me wrong, I’d love a mother of all happenings. This doesn’t look like the case here unfortunately, therefore you can look at who is most vulnerable or impacted by these ideas - and coincidentally it’s the same generation that grew to accept Psyops with COINTELPRO and they just so happen to pretty much universally accept ideas that follow a predetermined script.
All they do is parrot information, because it’s all they can do. Do you really think it was all boomers doing the work in the investigation threads (despite their abundance of time)? No! They were sitting back with popcorn looking at screenshots on twitter and spamming “Q WILL SAVE US”. It’s all wank

"Trust the plan" = DO NOTHING

now kill yourself moshe

Qniggers are good for nothing boomers that love to suck Israeli dick.

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I disagree. What is Q user preventing people from doing exactly?

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I never said anything about Q user preventing people from doing anything.

did you even read my post or is this a bot post?

It's real and people are pissed due to all the secrets Q has mainstreamed and will yet uncover.

>Anti-Q people constantly say Q tells people to "do nothing". This makes no sense. What is it that Q is preventing people from doing?
it's one of those things that annoy me, because they act like boomers would be marching on DC with AR-15s if not for Q.
I don't have a stake in Q whatsoever. Whether it's a larp or not, it's feeding baby redpills to boomers and WILL 100% get a sizable number to vote in 2020, so i say it's a net positive

>Thread 2: Return of the Glownig
No one's taking your bait. You want a pioneer with arrows in their back? Do it yourself, change the world faggot. Keep me posted.
Did you even read the OP or do you shill like you excrete your daily onions diarrhea?
>like a shotgun

there was a massive awakening of White racial consciousness. more and more whites were being drawn into a RACIAL movement, not a "group" but a populist movement that was racially conscious about itself and its situation needing to be changed.

the Q movement subverted that ethnic nationalism/separatism with CIVIC nationalism, aka muh based black buy, American patriots movement

it retarded the white awakening we desperately need, because we are running out of time and white genocide is very real, obvious and overt. we need to circle the wagons now and instead of several white states moving toward a racial balkanization in the US, it was subverted into a civnat lets "save" America movement

and that in itself is anti white because by simple demographics and birthrates we will be replaced

OP I hear all your points but you missed the most obvious and most important and most damaging thing about Q to the white race and what is left of a dying white America.

you forgot to read

It diverts attention from useful activism. Q will lead to nothing

OP my post linked self you'd to and PIC RELATED, what is your response?

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>Trust in sessions goyim

Where's the Q post that talks about racism? Can you link it, or merely blogpost?
>looking for the one that says "racism bad", specifically

The idea that Q is “fake” makes no sense. It’s just a matter of whether or not Q is allied with Trump and what they are moving toward is legit. Trump constantly retweets QAnon fan accounts; if it were some shadowy group setting up QAnon fans for embarrassment, wouldn’t Trump have already disclaimed it? And why have the mainstream media written hundreds of stories about Q but havnt actually asked Trump about it when they get an opportunity almost every day. Some guy had time to ask him about Tiger King but not “Is Q telling the truth? Are hunting the Pedo Cabal?” So either Q is telling th le truth and the Media is scared of what’s to come, or it’s all a big pacification effort by the Deep State and Trump is in on it. But OPs point is true- why would Q encourage so many red pills to be shared if it was complete BS?

>implying it’s patriots and not shills deliberately making shit up to debunk later

I've had this thought, but in the inverse of what you mean. I consider the majority of AntiQ to be counterglowies that want Yas Forums talking about Q.
This is the first time in a week I've seen more than 1 positive Q thread in the catalog. The others are, well, you know. Plus trannies have to get their demonic fingers into everything, so there's that too I guess.

>Are hunting the Pedo Cabal?
from the previous thread

"John of God" João Teixeira de Faria - arrested
Jeffrey Epstein - arrested
Harvey Weinstein - arrested
NXIUM sex cult - arrested

all during Trump's term. I've actually heard shills argue this is a false flag victory for us and still a way to pacify us with small victories.

To which I say: then they're rattled, let's keep going and maybe they'll keep arresting themselves.

Can’t wait til it’s confirmed. Hope people are saving screenshots for that day. Gonna be like 2016 all over again

NO, it is and is doing/accomplishing a Nationalist movement change

BUT is this to pacify the white racialist movement OR is it a STEPPING STONE
or at least was it the best option and least repulsive for normie nationalists to pull off and buy us time/ slow the flood gates of brown replacement?

to me it seriously damaged the momentum of the natural trend for self preservation of whites and them coming together as a racially conscious force.

My name is QQ--I have twice the power of Q.

We are in an epco--where the high shall be made low, and the low shall be made high

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user, lack of attention span is KIKERY. so you have been kiked you lazy fuck. just read shit, it is not hard or are you a fucking NIGGER?

you lazy half assed fuck.

Didn’t sessions remove corrupt holdovers from the top of the Obama fbi and doj? Didn’t he appoint US attorney John Durham the day that Q first posted?

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Honestly it’s because I’m a dedicated phonefag and it’s too low res on mobile to read

"doing something" amounts to being gay
but then again, you are OP

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Ok so you’re saying it stops people from doing research and looking into things?

Pretty based POV IMO

this Ted Kazinski pic related explanes what Q has done. it took the reigns from the white nationalist/separatist / balkanization that had real momentum and replaced those potential anons moving in that direction into a civnat movement to save America.
but America is an unnatural and slowly closing coffin on the white race. this just gave them enough time to seal us shut
instead of that white racial movement gaining a real populist following that would continue to grow and make a real effort to stop white genocide by attempting to secure regional areas for the white race to hold the line in and prevent us being overrun demographically in those areas

That's literally says nothing about race or a race was, more about that the system America is built on is fucked.

Out of Shadows already has more than 5 Million views. Nobody can stop what's coming, and I'm going to sing a play a merry tune from my lute as pedoscum are dragged into the streets and stoned.

>there was a massive awakening of White racial consciousness. more and more whites were being drawn into a RACIAL movement, not a "group" but a populist movement that was racially conscious about itself and its situation needing to be changed
Where do you get this from? Is it a fact, or is it just another example of Yas Forums not representing reality?

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>It diverts attention from useful activism
Nice and vague. What specifically?