Name one thing he's wrong about
Name one thing he's wrong about
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his haircut
Everything. Guy is a schizo Alex Jones tier.
Know More News should be on everyone's TV
>adam green here
>know more news
He is a kike, green is a jewish surname.
Adam green is not liked here beecause hes anti trump. Even tho the guy totally uncovered kushner and his ties to verichip. Meanwhile pol only concentrates on bill gates because hes a lib. Yet kushner literally has the microchip company in his building unironically st adress 666.
He has Christopher Jon Bjerknes on a lot, who is weird as fuck but knows a lot about Jewish end times prophecies so I don't know. His views on Hitler are retarded.
Pol is just damage control now. Thats all the answers youre gonna get. They dont know about Chabad and kushner holdings.
he's calling out jews and alex jones all the time
He is calling out religious jews that nobody cares about. When is he talking about the JQ?
Yas Forums doesn't seem to be very pro-trump except for /ptg/
I don't understand why he is so easy to call Q fake.
I don't understand why he is not banned yet for all the anti-semitism
I don't understand why he has a kike on his show
I don't understand why his last name is (((Green)))
I don't understand who funds him and why he lives in a big house.
I don't understand why he is pretending to be a viking.
>Pol is just damage control now. Thats all the answers youre gonna get. They dont know about Chabad and kushner holdings.
My dimensions are gnostic kabbalah fakery just got deleted
Jews. He's constantly pointing out how superior jews are.without acknowledging that we're beneficial.
>I don't understand why he is so easy to call Q fake.
Nobody says it's fake - kike!
We all say it's Spencer, Peterson, Jones, Jared Taylor controlled opposition and takeover of Yas Forums
Why in the flying fuck do people still care about nickelback?
What's the benefit?
>name one thing
Q = Alt-right 4.0
His views on christian prophecy are retarded too
Q misdirects blame to "Nazi's" but does call out Israel for last and calls out mossad a bunch.
So what is Q? just a gate keeper?
He's right about a lot of things, but his laser focus fucks with his outlook on anything not JQ related. He's a little bit infatuated with Palestine. Other than that, he is an en-kike-lopedia.
Q is there to string along Trump voters all the way to the next election. He will disappear shortly after the election, whether Trump wins or not.
I miss the old AJ. When he spoke about concepts and ideas instead of shilling and lying by omission like today.
He's wrong when he thinks we don't know he's a jew.
Or that threads like this will bait us to give him clicks.
This, look at his fucking face. If you don't see it you have a broken jewdar.
a lot, his focus is zionist and these other kinds of religious nutjobs
you shill game is weak desu
He's right but he's boring, I never thought I would feel this way but I'm literally bored with hearing about Jews now, it's all so tiresome and predictable
It's all said and done already.
Only a Jew would say that
He's wrong when he thinks we don't know he's a jew. The guy has hired shills running his marketing campaign.
Adam Greenburg
Jesus is Jewish
Jews are Semitic
Semitic are Arabs
Christianity is an Arab religon.
copypaste answers
quite telling