I'm pretty pissed that RBG is still alive but this is pretty fucking good. See ya Georgie!
LOOOLLLL finally
He’ll be fine.
bullshit. he's trying to shift attention.
wish it wasnt fake
kek wills it
Fake and gay. Fuck you for giving people hope in these trying times.
Good excuse to get a blood transfusion from a healthy young corona survivor.
They're starving.
Based bellicheck poster
Fake, but not gay.
Please just let him die. Take me too caronachan if necessary just rid this evil forever.
>It's a hoax
>some meme-jew catches it
this also he has a son who will pick up where he left off
thank you corona-chan
fake and gay but i wish a nigga would
he cant die from a fake virus sorry
Fake and gay.
OP is a disinfo shill faggot cock sucking jew. Meanwhile, the wallstreet jews are begging trump to crash the economy harder
Great now the penguins are all extinct
Welcome to Pol, where a disease can be a hoax but also be 100% fatal
Fucking digits. Fuck you you fuck. Fucking fucker. Go suck his dick.
>people on Yas Forums actually believe that sars is more deadly than regular influenza
>Yas Forums is one person
TFW her mouth is full of my fresh warm sticky cum.
yawn. youre the same faggot that was making the RBG threads earlier too. get a life. fucking pathetic.
The clones are ready
Fake and gay. Get fucked in the ass, nigger
let the fat fuck die already so his midget son can take over
I hope Soros and Bill Gates both get the ventilator.
>When Ventilators are the new rope
Fake and gay
Mossad in the house
>LOOOLLLL finally
if digis then he dies this week
he'll survive, he's got the $$$ to make sure