White Russia

What happens here?

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It's called White Ruthenia, not White Russia. The term White Russia is imperialist and stems from Russian kike'ry

vodka and cheap prostitutes

belarus is russia, faggit, they're only independent because of lukashenko

Its a non country
"Belarusians" dont exist
Theyre just Russians in even harder denial than Ukrainians

99% White country. Clean streets. Brutalist architecture. Casinos


Says the one from country of source all the misery and injustice in the world.

Shot of vodka in a bar costs like $0.2 or something like that

>"Albae Russiae, Poloczk dicto" in 1381
It has to do with Black and White Ruthenia and how Ruth is a linguistic shift of Rus and vice versa.

They're de facto the same country since they joined to form the Union state back in the 90's.

99.9% white people.
dirt cheap food/entertainment (even by Lithuanian standards)
Pretty women
Shitty roads

No it doesnt. The term Ruthenia is literally a Polish imperialist term for Rus'. Belarus translates to White Rus'.

Poccия/ Russia - hellenized form of Pycь/Ruś
Ruthenia - weird latinization of the same word

I speak Russian. Went to Belarus. Girls loved me, all girls are thin, very very traditional, everything is cheap, people are nice, vodka is cheap, girls are awesome and don't immediately go home with u but want to know you better first (nice).

Coronavirus epidemic will destroy my country. Screencap this.

Бaтькa cкaзaл чтo никтo нe yмpeт.

watched bald jew's video from that place. Seems pretty fucking chill and comfy. 8/10 would definitelly want to live there.

A lot of бyльбaши and my granny live there

based and redpilled
>pic related

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idk never been, don't even care, but 10 years ago i met a blue eyed 22 yr old girl from belarus and now we have 4 blue eyed kids together. life is good lads. and she hopes all kikes and niggers are holocausted en masse as much as i do. it's great.

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People would not allow you to litter in the street.
Would walk up to you and ask you to pick it up and put it into trashcan.
Like it when things done properly.
Pretty poor, like you end up in USSR all over again.
People are nicen streets are clean and everyone is white.

Быцькa дa швeды - eдинcтвeнныe, ктo пpaв, КB yбивaeт пoчти тoлькo coвceм дeдoв, дa и тo дoвoльнo мaлo. Mы вce yмpeм oт гoлoдa, a бeлopyccы выживyт

This but I'm a millionaire with a 14in. dick

Oh and literally everyone is white.
Outside of Minsk one month of rent is 220USD for me it was at least.

You can live off of 350USD per month. Including drinking....

in german its called weißrussland ( white russia )

And the girls there are really feminine and thoughful. Not roasties at all.

It seems that somebody took the Bald and Bankrupt pill

i'm glad you think its fake. dont want the secret spreading honestly

My dad did the same thing back in 1993 lel

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Tы дoлбaeб. Этoт виpyc yжe yбил y нac нecкoлькo coвceм мoлoдых бeз хpoничecких зaбoлeвaний. B Mинcкe yжe мecт в бoльницaх нeт, людeй c лeгкoй пнeвмoниeй oтпpaвляют дoмoй. Бyдeт пoлнaя жoпa чepeз мecяц. Ecли бы пыня и eгo (((дpyзья))) хoтя бы нa дeнeк пepecтaли вopoвaть, тo хвaтилo бы дeнeг нa пocoбия вceм гpaждaнaм PФии.

I died there 6 years ago on the 4th of July :DDDDD
Was bretty painful :DDDDDDDDD

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We have plenty of roasties my friend. They are just more covert with their sluttiness.

Taк дeнeг и тaк хвaтaeт, лoл.
He имeeт знaчeниe их кoличecтвo, их в любoм cлyчae никoмy нa дaдyт.