What is your opinion on it? Anyone here have any experience with it?
If the elites practise satanism, does this make Christianity true?
What is your opinion on it? Anyone here have any experience with it?
If the elites practise satanism, does this make Christianity true?
they make you think they're satanists so you clinge to their christian program, its basic kike psychology
Fpbp. The whole "muh satanist elites" seem forced as hell.
In reality they're just a bunch of greedy kikes with no ideology or religion.
>Take the left hand path, goyim
>Take the right hand path, goyim
>Let us define north and south, goyim.
>Obey hebraic canon, goyim.
Satan is a cuck.
Keep this bullshit in /x/ where it belongs
Ask Jews, they know all about Satanism.
= Gnostic Kabbalah
Shit for insecure people
= Gnostic Kabbalah
they actually use what could be called black magic, the jew magic system aka kaballah which is a corrupted form of the one gentiles used. They embeded their christian program with this magic thats why christcucks seem to be under a hebrew spell
Totally kiked. Religion for CIA glowniggers/Pedos/Degenerates/mentally ill teenagers
too edgy and cringe for me
Theistic Satanism is like hitting a boulder with your fist, you believe in a God that will glass you for defying him but you do it anyways. It makes more sense to look into Hinduism or Gnosticism, Satanism is mostly angst and catharsis for teenagers mad at their Christian upbringing
Satanist here. AMA
A bunch of retarded and pretentious niggers. I highly doubt the elites are satanist, but you know.
This is the elites handbook
this is not the original system the earlier masonic lodges used, which borrowed from the templars (who were also suspected of being satanists). The masons were infiltrated in the xviii century by jews
you kikes are quick on the draw
reminder pic related actually happened
What’s the feeling of being an absolute retarded?
Jews are Arabs and worship baphomet, Arabs also fuck goats.
I know the God of the Bible is real because I know the demons are real and the physical manifestation of evil, and the only thing that freed me from their sleep paralysis is calling on Jesus to save me.
t. Christian who used to practice blood/sigil magick and astral projection
Logic thinking. And yes. They rape and murder children for Satan. I heard to many testimony from victims not to believe.
have you heard of the joy of satan?
>It makes more sense to look into Hinduism or Gnosticism
Gnosticism = anti-Platonism, anti-nature, anti-white, anti-reality, anti-man
Watchout for SIEGEfags too. Siege isn't bad but the people who promote the book are cthulunigger CIA cultists
Stop replying to slide threads.
satanism is treating others as a means to an end and not the end itself. it is everywhere and permeats society far more than any religious belief and has for millenia. also money worship.
No. It is a phoney weak religion like all others.
Sieg Heil
Stay safe user
I am a theistic Satanist in the temple of set sect. Every body who talks about levayan satanism is just as ignorant of what satanism is as Christian's.
We have a saying that goes those who say don't know, and those who know don't say.
Spiritual and laveyan satanism has nothing to do with the shit that the 'elites' practise.
I have heard several stories like this one about sleep paralysis. Lots of accounts of demonic nightmares where people are attacked and only saying Jesus Christ's name stops it. People who smoke DMT say that the elves sperg out when you ask them about Jesus.
Satanists believe they'll go to hell regardless so they might as well have unrestricted fun here.
Wow, get a load of this retarded nigger
>They rape and murder children for Satan.
they rape and murder for jews.
satan is the god of the masses.
jews convinced everyone to hate their own god and worship the jewish god instead.
>The masons were infiltrated in the xviii century by jews
Wigs/Blue Lodge = Platonic, science, Deism
Oriental Lodges = Kabbalah Gnostic anti-Platonism, anti-nature, anti-white, anti-reality, anti-man
Yas Forums vs reddit
>Astral projection
Isn't this supposed to be neutral at worst?
So if you believe that the devil exists does this mean that you also believe in god? Also are there lots of famous people in the temple of set?
But isn’t suppose that Hell is a plece where you suffer forever and ever? the elites are autistic or something?
It's the same story for people who called upon Jesus when they were abducted by """aliens""". "Aliens" and "shadow people" are the biggest satanic lies ever. They are literal demons and they're interdimensional, not intergalactic.
Based brazuca
>Stop replying to slide threads.
My threads are shaddow banned
slide threads are the last place for redpills because 100% of threads are approved threads --
> all your bases belong to us
I shit you not, this has happened to me on multiple occasions. I don't really want to believe, but in those worst moments this comes as an instinct and it works. The cross or His name banishes these things, or brings fortunate coincidences to help.
It's really really gay.
Not an argument.
>What is your opinion on it?
Degeneracy. And it must be ruthlessly purged.
Life outside the Earth exist, but i highly doubt the (((aliens))) that visit us are legitimate
Hail satan
Tell me about the Square Hammer.
why are you gay?
No. When you really think about it it's "illegally" leaving your body, leaving room for the unclean spirits around you to get in.
In all likelihood the people at the very top who are behind the scenes are nephilim with extremely diluted blood. Why else would they be so exclusive to the point of inbreeding? They know where they're going anyway so they aim to drag as many people into damnation as possible.
I have.
A bit of a strange bunch desu.
I started off with them but eventually made my own path like all Satanists do.
Says the gaylord
Not an argument.
He's reaching out to you. All you have to do to be saved and sealed until the day of redemption is believe and put all your faith in Christ and his finished work on the cross. We can't save ourselves, that's why he came and paid the price for our sins with his blood.
dont let them take your mind
Ok, another questions
>they believe in retarded shit like tarot?
>in your reunions what do they eat?
>there’s nice or cute chicks in that reunions or all are Diamanda tier?
no, its a question
I too have experienced this but it didn't make me a Christian because I see no existing denomination that has not been corrupted in one way or another.
One day I swapped my body with my own doggo and smelled my own farts.
I'm not gay.
brazil is just sitting here with the finest eye for detail
>they aim to drag as many people into damnation as possible.
But why? This is some kind of Crabism (cangrejismo) where they don’t wanna be the only ones suffering?
Theyre Sabattean heretical crpyto-Jews and have converted across all religions, most notably Islam and Catholicism. Do your fucking research before spreading false information.
Even if they weren't, it still helps our narrative to have Christians on our side.
As a christian i realize that most christians are satanists, and they dont even realize it.
Satanism is more than an ideology or a book, its simply a way of life, and its easy to fall into the satanist lifestyle.
>In reality they're just a bunch of greedy kikes with no ideology or religion.
Which is by nature satanic. Nihilism and moral relativism is Satanism.
Bro, I was born Orthodox and trust me our popes aren't any better. Can't speak for the Greek or Serbian Churches but the Russian Church was literally destroyed in 1917 and recreated by Stalin. Its about as degenerate and corrupt as you can get.
But satanist and gay aren’t synonymous?
That has nothing to do with the branch of Satanism I am engaged in.
What's that?
>cute girls
They're pretty qt desu. Met a few satanic women in my time.
Serious replies only. I'm not interested in Italian trolls.