Pixelplanet Corruption

Anons, please help me out corrupting the faggoty pony-picture

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-16 13 PixelPlanet fun.png (682x633, 1.09M)

Make the fuckers die

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x153, 28.24K)

MLP is based, fuck off

Drink bleach, freak

Attached: 1373330483200.png (511x101, 23.13K)

>he doesn't remember /mlpol/

Fuck off faggots

ponyposting is banned outside of /mlp/


>Being a rulesfag

lol, look at their response to my rainbow flag attack yestertday.
They made it bigger.
Still getting wiped out.

Attached: spain4.png (1734x850, 33.45K)

Help with destroying the fag flag in spain instead

Doing my part

This is a horsefucker board, user.

Attached: mlpol derpy.png (800x500, 112.14K)

No it's not, kill yourself retard

Attached: 1398030510195.png (608x631, 628.38K)

get a life lee

Thanks frens

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Bronies are not horsefuckers furfag.

MLP is unironically one of the only based internet "fandoms" left

>durr plz stop shitting on my shit taste

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 10.35.53 PM.png (392x60, 11.83K)

>horsefuckers create a picture 1 pixel at a time with dithering to compensate for color palette
>let's destroy it
Horsefuckers are based fuck off

They kept erasing my 41 :(

Attached: 1587023324513.jpg (342x400, 131.48K)

How do we make the most annoying faggerts waste time on this while not wasting time ourselves

keep destroying it, they will learn not to mess with the swazzies.

Jump off a cliff, retard apologist

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 8.17.30 AM.png (530x306, 46.71K)

Could just repurpose it.

Attached: Sodomy Rainbow.jpg (2550x3300, 476.03K)

kys furry

Demoralization obviously.

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Anyone have a happy merchant template? I want to put it next to the fag flag

Imagine being butthurt about this for ten years lmao

Nah, it's cute.

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Im not a fucking brony. Its autistic and weird, but they dont deserve to be hated on as much as furfags do.

Like clockwork. Have you been doing that for 9 years now or are you not there yet?

I love MLP

Despite their insufferable faggotry, most mpl are pretty redpilled. Anyone here for the day the 2 boards were merged will know this

Get a lobotomy already

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-09-30 at 9.49.54 PM.png (849x256, 43.66K)

You're talking to barneyfag. He autisticly combs the catalog for anything ponyrelated and seethes up the thread everytime.

He has the autism of the entire mlp fandom combined

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True, but it's satisfying to burn something to the ground if you hate it

Attached: quote-all-these-worlds-are-yours-except.png (850x400, 230.25K)

Cum inside rainbow dash, faggot.

No thanks, I'm not planning on taking the Canadian citizenship test.

This is Yas Forums, not /mlpol/. Go back to your dead containment board and your containment channel.

How about you suck my horse dick you gross faggot?

And they still act arrogant shit turds after all that time. It's justified.

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-11-02 at 9.41.22 AM.png (1307x106, 49.29K)

Shut the fuck up faggot

>Sunset an alicorn
>Glimmy isn't
This is trash.

kill them

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-11-26 at 12.45.41 AM.png (442x158, 26.69K)

Imagine being on the same side of the argument as
Newfags internally BTFO!


it''s been 10 years, get over it

slice their throats

Attached: Screen Shot 2013-12-06 at 2.21.21 PM.png (551x104, 25.18K)