Islam is the final redpill

Islam is the final redpill

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Can Islam give me black gf?

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No way this image is true, Goku's favourite food is char sui pork.

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oh yeah I too want a gf who has 100% white features with brown colored skin

that's a burnt white girl

Having a GF is degenerate. Have a wife user


>East Africans don't exist

where to find Zanj gf?

>another religion thread

\pol/ is an Abrahamic board

>Dragonball Z

Dragonball Z is based off of the Eastern inner-spiritual practices of Qi Gong which comes from offshoots of Buddhism and other forms of Eastern spiritualism and philosophy. Islam is however anti-spiritual, dogmatic, bland and anti-self discovery, akin to metaphysical Communism, and wiped out Buddhist, Hindu and other Eastern spiritual practices all throughout South and Southeast, spreading like a virus and killing inner-spirituality and inner self-discovery all across the world. If Goku existed IRL, Islam would kill him for being a shaman and an infidel. So dont give me this crap that Islam is spiritual, or deep, or philosophical, because it is none of that, you fuckers dont even have pictures in your religion FFS, it is spiritual and religious Communism, there is no freeing, spiritual or natural about it. Fuck Shitlam leave my Japanese cartoons alone, faggot.

Bearded goku is a disgusting offense. Muslims intentionally stay ungroomed to be more similar to the animals they fuck. Dont bring goku into your buffoonery, hes dumb enough as it is.

based bro


Why do sandniggers appropriate eastern anime and western disney-characters like this? Can't you inbred fucks come up with your own cartoons?

This is like if a christian photoshopped a a cruzifix onto some pop-icon and said "You see? Christianity is cool now!"

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if you are a two digit IQ human, than Islam is the final red pill for YOU

no its not you camel piss drinken pedo faggot worshiping shit skin

Dafuq is with Spics and Muslims and DBZ?
They seem to obsess over that... thing.

>non-White, anti-White religion
Pick one.

>Having a GF is degenerate. Have a wife user
Non-Whites in White countries is degenerate.

>\pol/ is an Abrahamic board
Islam and Judaism are anti-White.

Because OP is a shill.

Take it user. Just swallow the green pill

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The viruses are going to exterminate your kind muslim scum.
You will die like your dead LARPER of a god

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Because he's dropping the ultimate redpill? What a jew

Someone post the Praxis Islam pill.

Or rather;

What's worse;

50% brown 50% native 100% godless degenerate shithole or 100% Islamic 90% native European basedland.

You know the answer. It's the same as this;

Would you rather have a 50% English England where 49% of them are redpilled to the gills and have 5 children or a 90% English degenerateland with 0 children and a dog?

Attached: Your Proud Nation Gone.jpg (620x349, 83.86K)

You will try and fail.

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Fuck off.
We are yet to take Constantinople back, but it will happen. Just you wait.

It rustles the shit out of my jimmies how many browner 'artists' have flooded instagram in the last couple of years.

All they draw is fanart of spiderman and these ugly fuckin browner girls in hijabs and shit in the same exact pseudo-anime style.
Giving the browners wide open access to the internet was a massive mistake.