Based Ted Cruz

I think Ted Cruz has gone unhinged because he's letting the truth be known.

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based zodiac

Oh wow. Another political dude saying some things


Based Ted Cruz.

Cruz middle strikes down Gates

It's almost like this is a fucking politics board. You shills are just exhausted at this point.

The fact that his pinned tweet is about oil prices should probably tell you where his priorities lie and that he's not telling the truth. The truth is, he wants you to die so oil prices will go up. That's it.

And he will. Gates will self fund WHO. US funding them was just a gravy train.

>Jews left out of COG
Congress not allowed bye bye dual citizens
>ZOG defeated by COG
ALL your missiles we sold you have BACKDOORS, thanks intel
>Zionist left outside to die while we survive inside
Enjoy your shit tier fallout shelters MOSSAD, WE OWN THE MOUNTAINS

Continuity of Government
COG is in charge now. The presidential seal has been removed.
>we are at war
Invisible enemy, chinese sleeper cells, many subversive shills...
>but COG is in charge now
>compete cold war history of COG
From mystery bunkers like Mount Pony where the FED keeps 400 Billion in cash like breaking bad or the plans we had to evacuate the president on dummy planes is in this doc!!!
Part 2 coming soon about FUTURE COG with AI controlled continuity

The shill, Shareblue, Brock, Obama, and all you tranny kikes are going to be rounded up and sent to GITMO or Tribunaled....

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Punished Ted, what a guy

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>Bill Gates entire worth is in transferable funds

Stupid rat man

shill harder

Kek please let it be true

Even better, he can personally fund the U.S. share IN PERPETUITY using just the returns on his assets.

ted lose can fund deez nuts for 257 years.

he's getting ready for his new job starting 2021

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The zodiac strikes Again the absolute savage

That's it! I am now, unironically, a #Cruzmissile.

kill yourself commie faggot

Bill Gates couldn't keep my computer safe So why the fuck would I trust him with vaccines?

That's exactly what I'm trying to avoid doing. Meanwhile you want to kill yourself and others so you can buy lawn seeds.

Ted Cruz makes me proud to be living in Texas

Can't wait for the monthly vaccine patches and updates.

That's happening in Michigan not Texas. Our garden sections are still open

Yea, and bill gates has no ulterior motives right? He's a boy scout with no monetary interests at all?

Commies are idiots


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BSOD will take on a completely different meaning.

Still preferable to him saying some bullshit like "we need to listen to people like bill gates, who are trailblazers in paving the way to getting the population vaccinated from this horrible virus! By the way i love all of these nurses twerking videos on tiktok! Keep it up!"

They are in Michigan apparently, don't know what that guy was talking about.

Bill Gates' sole motive is to make more money, probably by patenting the vaccine or something. But this is one time his greed might actually do some fucking good.

Too be honest, I don't really fucking want Bill Gates to develop the vaccine. This shit should be being done by professionals employed by the state, not maverick billionaires.

>sole motive is to make more money
>This shit should be being done by professionals employed by the state, not maverick billionaires.
ID2020 isnt happening, stop trying to make it happen. people are actually in the know now and are rejecting the soothsayers

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"People in the know" being cranks like Trump, a complete fucking moron who only a vague grasp on what nuclear weapons are, that conniving fucking android and his bimbo wife Kushner, and oil lobbyists and bankers.

>mexican reading comprehension

Shouldn't you be busy getting your head chopped off in a ditch somewhere?

Based. Wish he was this based in 2016.

Go eat a bat chang

usa is the number 1 producer in the world, we have more freedom gas, yes the name of "natural gas" had no official name yet, than other countries have of coal and oil combined. the price isnt going above $30 USD for the next five years at least, no matter what OPEC or gazprom tries to do to. the population is rejecting being tagged like cattle. EU is in shambles and everything you stand for is being rejected at a local level all over the world.good luck

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