This is Britain 75 years after they defeated the Nazis

This is Britain 75 years after they defeated the Nazis.

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Thats what happens when you mix capitalism with a population that won't breed. We did this to ourselves.

wonder who voted for this

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And here’s Germany today.

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and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland. bongs will defend this

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>a population that won't breed

But they do breed.

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I want to go back

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atleast germans arent inbred and ugly like you bongoid

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so at least they pay respec

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I've never seen a non-white british cop. Try that for starters.

Yeah they're not filthy germs. lmfao

Remember the world language is English and not Fascist.

>We did this to ourselves.
sure friend... sure

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Fuck me in the aas

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show flag


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Wow no wonder 95% of British people are disgusting, they look like they all grew up in the exclusion zone near Chernobyl

It's a buttblasted greek

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Kind of this

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no uwu

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id shag em

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Just because you breed less, doesn't mean you need to invite people to replace you. The world is overpopulated and needs a population decrease anyway. People would breed less and thus have more resources per person leading to a comfier life where you don't need to work as much.

>It's a buttblasted greek
>give me one reason why greece shouldnt rule the world

Love these.

the two slags in the middle can get the dick desu

Every single person in that image is unironically white in America, except the clapping girl who looks like a spic at worst. Sorry, you guys are way worse off.

luv me kebaabs
luv me virus
luv me brexit

simple as

>I want to go back
Me too user I often daydream about being sent to the past because the world has been ruined so much by (((them)))

>But they do breed.
Not fast enough. Capitalism need workers to fill the places and taxpayers.

>a population that won't breed
The people you criticize (gen x) spent their entire lives being told the world was drastically overpopulated, so they individually and collectively made the decision to have less kids.
This was years before diversity, mass immigration of patronising ingrates, or political correctness.
About the only forewarning we got that it was a commie con was the fact that, at the same time, they were feeding starving africans for "humanitarian" reasons.
You blame us for this, but we were literally the only ones trying to be globally responsible.
Saying this is our fault is like blaming the British for the whole slave trade even though it was us that abolished it.

what's it got to do with ww2 ? nothing

Imagine what the kid of your pic rel and this webm would look like

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>world has been ruined so much by (((them)))

I wonder who could be behind the-


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So what? Why do you care? We are one HUMAN RACE. Get the fuck back to the 1930's with that bigoted shit senpai.

>what's it got to do with ww2 ? nothing

Attached: ForestMerchant.jpg (1024x614, 145.25K)

The only world that mattered ended in 1918 and we are just living among the ruins.

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Ann Richards was pretty based. Definitely not an immigration fan.

The Nazis were right!

What's the problem. It's part and parcel of our new inclusive modern society. Bigots need to understand, they lost in 45' and they'll lose again.

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Such a vibrant community.
I hope they have a great Ramadan and spread it far and wide.

Hambeast trannies ewwwww.

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and germany....

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That’s the least of bongland’s problems

I see no nazis so they really did it :D

That's a weak claim. They probably only like her because of Planned Parenthood, likely don't realize the millions of coloreds abortions take care of.

Germany 75 years after destroying Europe

Attached: 1B88A241-BB01-46B6-A69A-58B791474854.jpg (1242x2088, 345.75K)

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Germany Yes.

nothing wrong wiv em m8. def would give a good shag

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and bongland

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LMFAO Churchill not only doomed the empire, but the British state itslf! And your education system still praises him for fighting an UNNECESSARY WAR!

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the world of western aristocracy?

this is what happens when you allow shitskins to breed and have long life expectancies

Think again, Germans are some of the ugliest people on this planet

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thank god they won, or they would be speaking english

>Remember the world language is English and not Fascist.

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Go welcome some more refugees, Fritz

>Wunder ist unterwegs
the only thing thats unterwegs for that whore is even more BBC

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the americanisation of our nation is in full swing. soon we will have to retrofit five foot wide doors incase we upset people.

Actually they are English, in Germany for a meeting.

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