Thinking of returning to college to pursue an electrical engineering degree, are the STEM fields safe or will my brain become melted into SJW mush??

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You will hate Asians and Poos more, that's about it

We have conquered it. You can be a janitor when I'm the CEO
We are smart we don't cheat
People of European descent (much r1b) are dumb

so i should be safe

just wait until the h1b visa program ends poo boy

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Don't fall for the memes, pure STEM is still a refuge for the logicians.

You'd be better off spending 2 years to get the registered nurse certificate. You'd make more money, have the ability to work anywhere, and have a strong union that will make sure they don't import a million Philippino nurses next year.

The opposite is happening.

Gettin my master's in EE in a month. I should have gone into computer science.
You'll be a minority in EE or CS, but at least there's practically no women in EE and few in CS. If you're just starting now, that could change in a few years. I've seen professors pushing women through their classes or recommending them for internships solely because they're women. Literally discouraged another male classmate that inquired because "Well... They're hiring.... women" with that side look of pity.

If you go into EE, almost all my classmates ended up in utilities. I should have too since every city around the world needs power. I went into hardware and have a fraction of the relocation potential. My best shot is to get into military hardware. Besides taking a risk on some potential startup, government work is the best chance for security/money. Meanwhile, the classmates in utilities only have a bachelor's and EIT, but they're making 100k after 4 years. For what they do, they're not going to find that outside California, though. It would take them a few more years to hit 6 figures in other states or countries. Once they have their PE license, they're at like $150k in California, though.

all things come to an end

The actual classes are alright but it's the demographics that are cucked. They're filling STEM with dumb women, chinks, and poos

and yet you still smell like shit

starting completely fresh at 26, looking into community college. Just tired of retail and foodservice industry. I have some computer science background. Attended a web development bootcamp and it was a quick fix and non of the information I learned was enough to land me a job. Always regretted not hunkering down and learning a discipline in depth

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Yes they do. But it will be when engineers and programmers are making minimum wage.


ur a retard if you think engineers will be on minimum wage ever

Do it online and make your own business. Fuck studying.

Rich coming from the definiton of shithole.

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It is said to be the less pozzed of fields. Poos and asians are naturally beta and fit well in a nerd culture

>will my brain become melted into SJW mush
only if you are weak
real redpill time. college was always the source of the cancer that is killing the West. having STEM in college was always
(1) an excuse for college to exist
(2) an attempt to coopt STEM
The cancer that is killing the West is the leisure classes stealing from the peasants. College is a place for unaccountable leisure class intellectuals to gather and plan how best to steal.
A monarch doesn't want to steal from his peasants because he is responsible for what happens. Therefore, they had to get rid of monarchs, replacing them with democratic parliaments, where they could blame peasants for government policies.
A husband will protect his wife and daughters until he gives the daughters to their husbands. Therefore, to unleash hypergamy they had to destroy marriage, with feminism, which they could blame on the women they were ruining.

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>will my brain become melted
Probably already is, being a dumbfuck murican n all

It’s less pozzed but certain fields are better than others.

pic related

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I got a BS in ME. I didn’t become an engineer. I got a job at a power company making 6 figures. I think a STEM degree will just put you above other candidates, but don’t expect to actually work in the field that you studied.

Get nationalistic and remove whitey from the country poos. You've got the industry sorted yeah? Time to send the non-poos home right? Get all your poo brethren back into India, and make it glorious yeah!

Completely compromised and wage-suppressed by flooding the field via "STEM" marketing with more people than there are jobs.

There’s next to no SJW ideology in terms of raw STEM material. You may have to take certain electives that might approach it but just take more quantitative and analytical stuff as you can. Bio has more women than any of the other STEM disciplines. The people themselves may be pozzed regardless of where you go at uni, just avoid them and focus on getting good and networking with like minded people that will help you. You have to fight for your education and do what you can. Just don’t compromise yourerlf.

Hi user
Have you heard of School 42 ? It's basically a self teaching programming bootcamp. I'm also 26 and I also regretted dropping out so here I am.
It's a good school if you're poor. They won't jew you out of one year of salary or anything. The cons is that you're on your own, you have to learn everything by yourself. But it's better than students loans.

Learn Hindi, so you can communicate with your coworkers

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very based, french user I will research

I remember having to take a multicultural class as a requirement. All the classes that satisfied that requirement were about feminism and black history. I took a jazz appreciation class that satisfied, and damn did I appreciate not having to take the other classes.

Its not pozzed yet but it's under attack. It is increasingly difficult for white males to get in. It is being filled with women who cheat off the males, incel changs and pajeets, and muslims. If you enter into this, know you are on your own and surrounded by enemies, and employers arent going to consider you unless you're 3.7+ gpa because they'd get more money out of diversity hire funds otherwise.

Your requried core courses will be SJWfests. Some of your required science courses at the lower levels like Introduction to Chemistry will be taught by professors that lean left. Your EE courses will be taught mostly by conservatives and lolbertarians. The professors from Asian countries will have some weird bits of ideology from their homeland but overall have a conservative core. The old white male professors in EE will be closet Nazis and will drip out bits of red pill here and there. Regardless of the class, be it a required Music Appreciation class or your senior level capstone project, keep your red pills to yourself. SJWs love nothing more than to get a STEM scalp to parade around.

My biggest regret is taking 8 years to get a bachelor's. I wasted time going toward an art degree and working part-time. I should have just gone into debt and taken as many classes as I could. Just don't pick a useless degree and the debt will be paid off quick.
I went to a state school for ~$7/yr tuition. $30k debt later, I was hired at $65k starting. The best programmer in the class was hired elsewhere at $100k. Grad program was another $10k and I should be making 6 figures next year sometime.

Point is, had I graduated on time, that's 4 more years salary I could have had. Easily $100k in the bank. That's a down payment on a house or my dream car I'll never get back. If you're thinking about an engineering degree, start now. Suffer through it for four years and live in smug content forever.

Also, I just turned 30. You'll be fine.

Considering we had “mandatory” electives where we had to go to the epidermis and genital studies buildings it is compromised.

STEM fields are being invaded. STEM in general is starting to lower the bar to let in women and minorities.

t. engineer

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Do it in a different country.
We dont do elective subjects here (unless they are course specific, Atomic Physics, Laser Cooling etc).
We have electives between like 8 subjects to choose speciality in final year.

typical neoconservative response to pointing out leisure class theft. how does it feel to know that no matter how many boots you lick you will never join the inner party?

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