Do you consider white spaniards to be it's own race? Do you consider them white? I think they are very unique compared to other white people.
Do you consider white spaniards to be it's own race? Do you consider them white...
Obviously white.
This is a D n' C thread, move along.
That is racist,we are not niggers
yes we are
God damn it Spain. Thanks for the millions of Goblins created.
hebrews really want anons not to care for the spanish, don't they.
Any time, bro.
Doesn't look like anything to me
They're an off-brand white like Italians
They are white.
Maybe not you Wilbur, but we actual mexicans are, time to go back.
still whiter than mexicans
>white spaniards to be it's own race?
I know this a bait thread but I don't want to pass up the opportunity to call you a retard, kek
are you a jew? stop trying to divide and conquer
Spaniards are White. Why would they be their own race?
Brazil Argentina Columbia Chile are the whitest South American nations. They’re majority Spanish Portuguese Italian and even arab in genetics. The rest are way more native mix. Saying Mexicans are the same as Spaniards is like saying Indians are the same as Arabs because they were conquered by the same religion
do spanish women look like this after the age of 24?
pic related typical mexican women
They are pretty cool dudes
Actually Uruguay is the only white South American country. It is mostly whites and castizos with a small population of blacks and mestizos. Argentina is castizo with a small number of whites and blacks and increasing number of mestizos. Southern Brazil is probably slightly whiter than Argentina, they also have more Northern and Central Europeans, but also more mestizos and blacks than Uruguay. Chile is mostly castizo and mestizo with a small number of whites.
Basques are white.
All other Spaniards are niggers.
hes asking a question and so far there hasnt been an inherent bias in the thread from all anons.
In Spain, there is no word for other Spaniards who have light skin and light hair. I found this pretty odd because they have a name for every other type of skin color/race/ethnicity (morena, chino, ect)
Yes there is. Güero/rubio
Thank god I came out white, cant say the same for the rest of my siblings
Guero means blonde but not sure if they say that in Spain or just Latin America
They say that shit in Mexico, in Spain, they don't have a word for light-skinned Spaniards and when I asked, most of them said they never even thought about it before.
I guess in their minds, a Spaniard is a Spaniard, they differentiate mainly by which part of Spain they're from, like if you're from Madrid, you're a Madrileno, for example.
You have to be pretty autistic not to consider them white
They're as white as the Arabian blood in their veins
Based and basquepilled.
>no polish dot
The retarded Amerimutt means he has light features while his siblings have dark features.
There is a slang for red haired spanish, zanahorio or zanahoria. Carrot.