Yas Forums, this is disturbing shit. I just found this on Twitter. All pedophiles MUST die.
Go READ this NOW
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty based
thats not how the white kids are transported tho you want special transportation on those to reduce mortality rate
Fuck off.
We need this bear back on this board ffs.
I worked at an airport. Kids wouldn't be sent overseas like this. If they do then there would be a 90% mortality rate. With all the tossing of bags and boxes. They'll definitely end up dying in the bag room(basement) or when put onto the plane
There is still room for you schlomo.
All pedophiles should be hanged.
A revenant from a better time.
yes but goyim arent considered human you can do whatever you want with goyim of any age
I don't eat bugs.
can you order her off amazon?
Trump did this! Ban ICE now!!!
Worked at an airport too. Can confirm.
Sadly child trafficking over airplanes happens often but in a much more casual way.
Sometimes it's the parents themselves trafficking their own kids and flying with them, sometimes the kids just get put on the airplane with some unknown """"""uncle"""""" accompanying them and dont get told anything. Being kids they are just confused and dont know whats going on nor realise they should seek help from the staff or anyone.
I wanna gouge your eyes and murder you in the most painful way possible while your mother watches, then do the same to her.
Bring back the ovens.
97% of problems disappear.
Thats why I only rape jewish girls lmao
I assume because Im not cut, its sacrilege.
Zoomers dont care about these things
>911 controlled demolition
Zoomers are now considered OPTICSBOIS
They care more about their image and popularity then true redpills
Their leader is another zoomer who lives in mommy's basement.
Beware of these anons, they are blackpilled beyond belief and spread misery around them because their power levels are too low, too weak
>redpills cannot save them
Because they care too much for OPTICS..
They will use buzzwords that dont mean anything anymore like
>zion don
They dont have KEK anymore only BLACKPILLS, only despair
So my question is how do we save them or do we cut them off to be hardened by the world?
I feel these new OpticsBois are irreparable and non fixable as they are in a POPULARITY CONTEST with eachother and other retards
>Thank God we have people looking out for us!!
I want to thank the anons who are warning us NOT to be cringe bro and believe Q user.
I'm sure you dont want me looking like a conspiracyTARD, I'm sure you want me to be a normal member of society,
Not some HOPIUM consuming boomer, god forbid.
I'm sure you dont want us to look crazy right!
I'm sure you're trying to prevent us from wearing tinfoil and in sure you help us KEEP THE GOALPOST from moving.
And God forbid we might ruin our OPTICS ohhh noooo.
Man thanks again for preventing my folly and following Q!
Thank you you have our backs! I'm sure it's not to prevent research and digging. I'm sure you dont want to stop discussion.
It cant be that you want to squash Q info cause it shows elderly.normies, grandma and aunts and uncles PIZZAGATE... ohhh nooo another CRINGE topic!!
I'm so sorry Shareblu-e I mean friendly BRO!! THANKS AGAIN for being so LOGICAL and reasonable... WOULDN'T WANNA BE HOPE FILLED BOOMER CRINGE TIER FOIL LARP!!! Ohhh noooo
>did you order chinese takeout?
nice sauce op, it really completes schizoid article when author not only don't know how human infant heart look like but also don't know the diffrence between sandwich and a pie
why would someone go on a killing streak with a 10-22? i dont get it.
Could be a 9mm too no?
I think one of the worst school massages in my country was actually with a .22 pistol, which is why handguns are really hard to get these days.
AR-15 or other semi rifles have no legal requirements other than you're not insane, but a pistol requires couple years of shooting history
Notice how lately it's always been Poland making these types of posts. Poland has a lot of Jews.
>god forbid someone would point out that article linked by op is retarded
nottice how it's always mutt or memeflag make schizo slide-threads
that's old news
real shit now are underground human cloning labs
Kill yourself, hooknose.
why would i ? schizos are ones that go full hero all the time. so why won't you ?
Fucking pedos rot in hell
That's a Ruger 10/22
So you'll be very understanding when we gas all of you for real.
>school massage
yes i also get my news from thelizardpeopleuncovered.com/truth-about-pedophile-aliens
Where can I get my chinese loli delivered in a box
Anyone knows some good JB sites?
This is probably better than the wooden train wagons at auschwitz
You make we jews ashamed, fuck you.