Michigan boomer brought to tears over having to support small business


You know you're on the right side of history when the opposing side is science, healthcare workers, and public health officials. Anti-intellectualism has never been a red flag that you're one of the baddies.

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What is so bad with staying at home? You get time to do repairs to your house and get other shit done. People have had to deal with this kind of stuff before and they did it just fine

this is what happens when everything is based on liquid monetary policies and debt, the moment even a single business quarter is disrupted it collapses

That's exactly why they're protesting, you can't buy any of the shit to do house work anymore cause it's been deemed "non-essential"

>starts crying cause he cant be a consumer.
What a pussy.

Watch the actual clip retard. It was sarcastic.

I replaced the gutters and downspouts on my house yesterday. Everything is wide the fuck open. There's just people wearing masks everywhere. Social distancing CDC horseshit, and plastic dividers hung from ceilings all over the place.

That chubby Trump supporter is cute

>People have had to deal with this kind of stuff before and they did it just fine
Yeah, when the family unit was still healthy and people didn't rely on pills and media to deal with their empty, spiritually unfulfilled personal lives. At least having a job to go to provided the illusion that they were necessary for at least something

hahahahah kekistan flag what a bunch of dummies.

This was a manufactured collapse.

>i can't do housework without taking a weekly shopping trip to Big Box Store

i mean that's just sad.

Kekestani flag. Why won't you fags just die already?

>Never cut a lawn

Yeah, a random nigger is in charge of the WHO, so much science. Lmao.

Jesus Christ, conservatives are beyond retarded. It's really incomprehensible. Absolute Subhumans.

>You get time to do repairs to your house
>your house
imagine being this out of touch with reality

Give me (((liberty))) or give me death.

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I could choke out too for this wrong side of history social studies garbage...

The goyim are coming! The goyim are coming!

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syria almost won the civil war and israel was about to be fucked by iran, makes sense

Why do women get into politics? Their view on politics is so opaque and one sided, it actually hurts my brain to hear her try to convince her audience that they (dem audience) are smart and brave for sitting at home while republicans are dumb for going to protest against the draconian measures (some which are absurd).
I never got why there are female presenters? Is it because they raise the amount of testosterone in their viewers and gain their attention span using their sexuality? I guess only simps watch shit like this.
Closed it when she started speaking the usual script of dis bad.

>do repairs to your house
You can't by home repair supplies.

NO, Michigan literally BANNED buying anything

Based and blackpilled

>Anti-intellectualism has never been a red flag that you're one of the baddies.
Anti-intellectuals deserve an ass spanking just like you would do to a disobedient kid.

Our debt based economy has been propped up so long that the collapse is now well into starvation and mass riots and death territory these people want to work because they know that all these government funny money programs and stopgaps to that collapse. If no one works no one will be able to eat.
They know that the only solution is to keep their business afloat or go down with Whitmer's orders and when it comes time to lift the lockdowns nothing will go back to operating correctly.

Reality is a pyramid scheme and we can't bear it to collapse. These people are out there protesting, not to keep their cars, not to keep their homes, but so they can have food on the table in a few months.

t. zoomer.

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Also the ones most affected by this is people who work, the actual Republican not a 30 year old college graduate in benis studies that lives its depraved life trough the endless roll of going outside to party and waging for subsistance.
Most of the Republicans are happy to stay at home because they cherish the traditional family, meanwhile these cunts of MUH PARTY AND MUH CIS-GENDERED NON BINARY BINARY HELICOPTER venues, sy ingesting rats are the ones crying because they're not selling fat free lattes.

reminder that mexico is the murder capital of the world. reminder that pedro is a pedo

What’s Michigan like?

how could you tell ?

Usually very nice as long as you stay out of Detroit, Pontiac, and Flint. Right now its not so great.

awesome but hard to find work depending on your line of work/industry

stay out of detroit and youll be fine

He talks in that voice for like 10 seconds then changes his tone completely.

This is exactly what I’m trying to say, a clown world. Instead of people coming together on the streets of America to chant and pray to the Glory of God , they pick and chose to do something else with their liberties.



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