How are NEETs coping with the fact that most people are ready to riot and would rather risk a deadly virus than live...

How are NEETs coping with the fact that most people are ready to riot and would rather risk a deadly virus than live like them for more than a month?

Do you still think people envy your lifestyle and that you're not just broken?

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I think we are the next step to human evolution, people like the ones here are those that will survive the crushing dehumanization and isolation of the technological future that awaits humanity
Yas Forums is only for MODEL citizens, you normalfag dissidents are stirring things up

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I don't care what normies do, I get to watch it on the internet

Did niggers really start to loot in Muttland? People don’t do that here

>most people are ready to riot

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Still amazed at how easy it was

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>mfw I spent all last year trying to leave NEETdom and become a normie who goes out
>almost succeeded and went out nearly daily

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Just wait till they bring one of these up and the so called protesters run back to their homes to tweet about sexism in vidya again
Something tells me the Soviet Union won, and that the old scrapped plan named OGAS is going to be the new global paradigm whether we like it or not

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It'd be cool if all the stupid normies and boomers just contracted COVID and died

>be NEET for 6 years
>plan on traveling and eating in restaurants and cooming as an experiment
>suddenly it's ILLEGAL
>I don't want to be a NEET anymore
I hate it even though my life hasn't actually changed at all

Honestly same, I got my tefl for nothing and it makes me sad

the neet has a superior psyche than the normie if he has survived that long without commiting an hero. hardened by the struggle. able to cope with infinite isolation.
the only thing the normie has over the neet is possibly more money.
once you combine neet + money = rich neet. you have the ultimate being in human form.

It always amazes me that the ones that speak highly of themselves are acually the lowest. What i am trying to say is that no one believes your bs dreams. "normalfags" this word alone is a huge cope for the misery you live in, that you have to label yourself.

Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips.

NEETS only praise themselves.

>It always amazes me that the ones that speak highly of themselves are acually the lowest.
Well user, just like your bible says, the MEEK shall inherit the earth, this is no dream of mine, this new world order has been in the making for many decades, and we are just the pioneers.
Your beloved normalfags need their therapists and their drugs to cope, we don't need shit. This is the future user

>Doing nothing all day and being rich is the peak of man
you have to be 18 to post here.

Neets really don't have any other option.
Most of them are men with no social skills or contacts. That means... being unemployable. No quotas, no compassion, not a helping hand...

Being a neet doesnt means you have to stay all day long playing video games and watching porn... i really enjoy being outside in the nature.

>How are NEETs coping with the fact that most people are ready to riot and would rather risk a deadly virus than live like them for more than a month?

t. NEET that still doesn't give a shit

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normies are pretty fucking pathetic tbqh famamilia

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Yes but Man still has his natrual duty to fulfill. A man that provides not for his own is worse than an infadel. Yes the NWO is coming but hiding away is not gonna do anything. Meek does not mean to be lazy. Its rather you being calm and collected or more submissive in nature. Not that you sit on your ass all day labeling others and yourself.

No i think of them as mentally weak. Imagine if this was an actual apocalypse type scenario and they cant go a few weeks without human interaction without killing themselves, neets will repopulate the earth. Being comfortable with yourself and your mind is a step towards self sufficiency and mot being reliant on anyone, its an important developmental step in becomeing truly independent.

I'm not a NEET, but I'm finding spending all my time alone incredibly comfy.

I unironically think the people who are losing their minds after only a few weeks of staying indoors are genetic weaklings.

No, he’s not talking about looting, his talking about people rioting to end the lockdown scam.

normies cant break from their programming

NEETS have seen the light and will gladly take over once the normies finish killing each other for the (((privilege))) of going to their wagecuck jobs

People want to root because they cant get their neetbux. Everyone knows the average American lives paycheck to paycheck and a lot of people in unskilled labor ie service jobs have been off for almost 2 months. Imagine not having money to buy food for 2 months, that would turn anyone into Ted Kaczynski

Name the last riot that successfully overturned government policy

The more normies that suffer the better. The quarantine should be longer.

NEETs aren't neccesarily lazy, they can be doing other things to fill their time, some might even go outside and enjoy the nature.
>Yes but Man still has his natrual duty to fulfill.
Indeed, and that is why the plan is to change man fundamentally so he doesn't need drugs and supplements to survive the new environment, social outcasts are just the start of the new paradigm that won't need humans at the helm, and will disincentivize non-proffesional relationships for more efficient living
>Its rather you being calm and collected or more submissive in nature. Not that you sit on your ass all day labeling others and yourself.
Now you're just projecting, 'infidel'. Are you a muslim?
>A man that provides not for his own is worse than an infadel.
>swedish flag

I think it's funny they would say indoorsy people are so mentally ill and unfortified that they could never survive an emergency event, and the minute they're locked in they loose their minds.
I mean bad storms, bad floods, if there were an actually bad virus, or if some foreign power was occupying us, they couldn't go out and get all those things they're so used to, remember those "studies" Nasa did about wamens and such living better in isolation with each other when we knew then and know now that's false, and they still claimed we were the ones that would lose our minds.
Well its only reasonable that we're not, and I think it's really funny.

>Imagine if this was an actual apocalypse
Its not, and that's why people are pissed off they're being gaslight

then who's going to pay taxes to feed your worthless ass? If all the normies died you'd have to feed yourself

Now please tell me how you're such a rugged outdoor survivalist in your spare time

Maybe you are just weak

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>I think it's funny they would say indoorsy people are so mentally ill and unfortified that they could never survive an emergency event, and the minute they're locked in they loose their minds

Anyone could survive being locked in moron, the real survival test is actually having to go outside when you run out of food and the plumbing and electricity stops dumbass NEET

Shut up and pay your taxes so i can get my neetbux wagie

Going outside is just as easy, except maybe in winter, shitting outside isn't fun, but you bury it, you stock up on gas tanks, big deal. No I'm not a neet, at all but for my whole life I've rarely gotten human contact and it is just so similar to before

I am perfectly adapted and more intelligent than normalfags

You're right living in a place with electricity still running its comfy, but you don't seem to see, all these people are losing it even when they have all that.

Well, at that point you would have to consider dodging the ATVs on the street gunning down everybody (but mostly niggers and militiamen) once society completely breaks down. I mean seriously user? Do you really think that you can defend yourself with a shitty $300 plastic pistol from Wal-Mart against military servicemen and hordes of normalfag zombies?

This. I'm a NEET now, but I wasn't always one and I know full well no one is jealous of me. It's basically like living like a perpetual teenager, not "muh next step in human evolution." Can I handle isolation and loneliness better than almost everyone I know? Sure. But I also can't relate to normal humans like they can.

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give me 90's L.A before even mentioning riots.

if you suggest that it's not good enough government has models for when to lockdown but no models for when to ease restriction it's basically heresy. People have got a serious fucking erection for telling others to stay at home

no where did I state to "do nothing"
at that point you are free to do anything

I already know i'm broken...what's the big deal?

Lol, the DV rate is way up because a lot of people don't know what love really is.

This might draw some empathy for the isolated, too. So society quits wasting human potential with hateslavery. Technological progress will better enable working from a distance after this, and society will be better equipped to give social lives to people who are far from each other.

>Anyone could survive being locked in
not normies apparently, it's treated as this nerve-wracking thing while the quarantine is just another sunday for NEETs
I love it how you were a psycho telling people to stock up at February, yet at March you're just another of the milliions. It's not even about NEETdom, the demographic that is attracted to places like this are just ahead of the curve. Call it edgy but /cvg/ saved money and lives in all its months of work